POLL: MSM USERS - Did MSM soften or loosen your texture?

Did MSM loosen or soften your texture?

  • MSM softened my texture.

    Votes: 7 10.4%
  • MSM loosened my texture.

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • MSM loosened and softened my texture.

    Votes: 14 20.9%
  • MSM did not have either of these effects.

    Votes: 42 62.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
So I've read some great threads about people whose hair has softened after taking MSM internally. Some people have also said that MSM has "loosened" their hair texture, meaning that their use of MSM actually loosened the curl pattern (taking them from a 3c to a 3a for example).

For those of you who've taken MSM long enough for it to have some effect, did it soften your hair (maintaining your current patten) or did it actually uncurl your hair (even if it was very slightly)? If you want, you can respond using the poll and also say what type of MSM you take.

I ask because I am considering taking MSM because I would love softer hair, but I don't want my texture to loosen. :nono: If there are brands that are more prone to loosening texture, maybe this thread will help us figure that out.:brainy:
Thanks for your help with my research!:bookworm:
it did neither, supplements don't change anyone's hair texture things like hormonal levels and how we treat it inside and out do. if we are deficient or lacking in a nutrient its likely thats what their natural texture was to begin with. since i've become natural my hair is very soft and easy to manage due to products and my reggie. your hair and nails gets the last of any nutrients after the rest of your body had taken what it needs.
For me, it softened my new growth when I had a relaxer. As a natural, it seemed to speed up my hair growth (meaning facial hair as well) but didn't really have an effect on my texture. I stopped taking it a while ago.
No it did not. As I shared in a previous thread on this topic, MSM will make a difference to your hair's texture if your hair was lacking in sulfur/sulphur. But it's odd that people say they notice a looser texture when apparently the more sulfur/sulphur one has ie the closer the sulfur/sulphur atoms along a strand the kinkier the hair is supposed to be... :scratchch Sometimes I wonder if it isn't a combo of things and that MSM just happens to be in the picture when this happens. (I do remember some product either Diva Smooth or something made someone see coils when she never thought she had any pattern in her hair and the secret was that her hair finally had INTERNAL moisture that it never had before.)

Understanding Hair Texture

Hair is made up of proteins created by long chains of amino acids containing hydrogen, sulfur, carbon and oxygen ions. These ions form chemical bonds that hold the hair strand together and determine the texture and curl pattern. Sulfur ions are attracted to each other and, as the sulfur ions draw together, this causes the hair shaft to bend creating a wave or curl pattern. A hair shaft with more sulfur ions, placed closer together, will have a tighter curl pattern. A hair shaft with fewer ions, spaced farther apart, will have a more relaxed pattern.

There are three types of bonds in hair: hydrogen bonds, salt bonds and disulfide bonds. Salt and hydrogen bonds are the most prevalent and also the most flexible. Both salt and hydrogen bonds are easily affected by heat and moisture. Disulfide bonds are much stronger and can only be broken with a chemical agent.

Read more: How Does a Flat Iron Straighten Hair? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how-does_4928087_flat-iron-straighten-hair.html#ixzz1fVxBwi6m
I have been using MSM powder for a few years now. I started out taking it internally, and it has done wonders for my overall health, especially my skin. I started using it externally about a year ago, and have had no adverse effects to date. I can't say that it has loosened my curl pattern, however. Externally I mix it with my conditioner, and also mix it in a spray bottle with cool water and tea tree oil, which I use to moisturize my hair and scalp. I don't have scalp issues (bacterial, dandruff, etc.) but I know the water mixture can help someone that may have those issues.
MSM has loosened my curl pattern and softened my texture on some parts of my hair. My coarsest hair isn't as course, my curls are looser and my nape, which is fine, is not quite as fine any more. It's still finer than the rest of my hair, but just not as fine as it was. I take Source Naturals powder 5000 mg. (Started with 1000mg in Feb and gradually increased to this point.

I actually posted about this a little while ago.
So I think for sure MSM is loosening my texture (and it seems to be softening it in some areas.) I'm not sure how I feel about this. I L-O-V-E my curls, but I also love the outstanding benefits of MSM for my whole body and face.

I guess a looser texture wouldn't be so bad, but it also seems I'm losing some of my clumping curls. I love how the curls clump together. But in the areas where the curl pattern is loosening, the clumping is also going away. :sad: Now in those areas, it's more like a wave effect with smallish ripples. I guess that's the best way to describe it.

Ugh, I don't know if I should stop taking the MSM. I really don't want to because of all the other benefits of it. But then again, I know your body uses MSM where it's needed, so maybe my texture was "supposed" to be a little looser anyway???? :perplexed This is very perplexing and more than a little upsetting, especially if ya'll ever seen any of my other posts where I describe my curls and how much I love them. Even my "perfect o's" are going away.:nono:
Nope and I've been taking it for going on ten years. I'd like to have a viral video where I showed that I went from 4b+++ to the low 3s but supplements don't work that way. And as Nonie points out sulphur would tend to add additional kink to your hair, not the other way around.
Thanks for all of the responses so far. FYI, there are a ton of different posts where people state that using MSM caused their texture or their new growth to loosen or soften.


I'm just trying to clarify exactly what people mean by those terms. It makes sense that MSM is filling a hole in users' diets and that by making those diets more complete their hair is growing in its healthiest state. What I am wondering though is if for most people that new state is softer hair, looser hair, or both.

ETA: This thread has a poll and shows 103 affirmative responses for the poll option "MSM changed my hair texture."
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Thanks for all of the responses so far. FYI, there are a ton of different posts where people state that using MSM caused their texture or their new growth to loosen or soften.


I'm just trying to clarify exactly what people mean by those terms. It makes sense that MSM is filling a hole in users' diets and that by making those diets more complete their hair is growing in its healthiest state. What I am wondering though is if for most people that new state is softer hair, looser hair, or both.

naturalnewb The first post has 119 replies and when I did a search for the word "looser" only 2 people had said that it did that for them. Then I did a search for the word "loosen" and only 6-8 people said MSM loosened their curl. Now the word "soften" is used more often, but soft hair = moisturized hair so perhaps improved sulphide bonds in hair help it retain moisture better and that indeed it would make hair soft. But I'd not take the observation of a smaller percentage who say it does determine that MSM loosens curls when it doesn't do it for the majority.

This would be sort of like how some people can eat peanuts and stop breathing while many eat peanuts and are fine. So we can't label peanuts as asphyxia causing nuts just coz some people's makeup doesn't causes it to bring out that reaction.

In short, perhaps what people are calling a "looser curl" is just hair that retains internal moisture better and feels softer and they associate soft hair with looser curls. I can't tell you how many times I've seen on this forum kinky hair assumed to be hard and rough when it can be even softer than type 3 hair. Also some people say that their hair stretches when wet from the weight of moisture, so couldn't internal moisture have the same effect of making strands heavier...and wouldn't that weight give a looser appearance? Not saying this is fact but just asking why would it be so hard for this to be possible--an increase in internal moisture causing some strands to be heavier and therefore stretch more while some that don't have that much weight or that were already moisturized or had enough sulfur just don't react coz they were already there.

Water has no effect on my hair...nor does length. My shrinkage is still the same whether hair is drenching wet or fully dry; whether hair is SL or APL. So maybe that's also why MSM has no effect on my hair. Perhaps it also matters whether one has fine strands or coarse strands.
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In short, perhaps what people are calling a "looser curl" is just hair that retains internal moisture better and feels softer and they associate soft hair with looser curls.

^^This is one important aspect of this thread. This is why I am asking the question and trying to distinguish between hair that is becoming softer and hair that is becoming less curly. I think you and I are on the same page.

If people's hair became less curly, they can pick that option. If their hair became softer, they can pick that option. I don't think these changes are mutually exclusive, which is why they can pick the third option. I'm asking people to speak from their own experience and observations after using MSM.

ETA: Never mind. We're making the same point.
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Nonie the first thread I posted has more than two people saying MSM caused their hair to loosen. I just did CTRL+F and searched for "loose." Sometimes they say "loosen," and other times they say "looser."

^^This is the point of this thread. This is why I am asking the question and trying to distinguish between hair that is becoming softer and hair that is becoming less curly. I think you and I are on the same page.

If people's hair became less curly, they can pick that option. If their hair became softer, they can pick that option. I don't think these changes are mutually exclusive, which is why they can pick the third option. I'm asking people to speak from their own experience and observations after using MSM.

naturalnewb, I don't know how you use the search feature on the forum but the way I do is I go to the thread. I don't use CTRL + F because if one person used the word about ten times, it's easy to think it was used by ten people. If you click on Search This Thread and then type the word looser only two people in the entire thread said it: Tyra and Seraphinelle in posts.
If you then type loosen, Charla, MochaEyeCandy, Jewell and Encore are the only ones who said that. If you look for loose, no one used that. So that's all I could find out of 119 replies.

And while you know that softer and looser are not mutually exclusive, you'll be surprised how many people on this forum associate the word nappy which means tightly curled or coiled, with hard, coarse, dry...and all the negative things you can think of. It wasn't too long ago when everyone wanted to be told they had loose curls. People would go to great lengths to make you see loose curls so you'd not call their hair Type 4. And yes, there have been people who believed that their hair was soft enough but had never seen a curl pattern on their own hair but after some treatment like the caramel treatment which IMO is just a moisture infusion treatment, they see their coils pop and swear their curls loosened...only because their hair felt softer than they are used to (To them softer meant looser curls because kinky means hard and dry). Curls will pop when hair is well moisturized on the inside and if hair is naturally coily and isn't damaged. But yes, many will refer to this new moisture retention due to improved health as a texture or pattern change. So I don't think you will get an accurate answer coz everything is relative. People call things how they see them, or believe them to be. So perhaps the moisture theory ie softness is the one to go by. If your hair appeared to have changed its curl pattern, perhaps do an experiment and see if you notice more of the same after a DC or the opposite after going without. Also pay attention to length and see if the weight of your hair as it grows makes it to appear to stretch more coz that might've thrown in its own curve ball.

Otherwise, it's like I said, there's a SMALL percentage that makes these claims which IMO would mean it's more the exception than the rule. Of course because this is a hair forum and any unusual change is bound to make news, you'll hear this shouted off the rooftops and you may think it's the rule because it comes out as "Breaking News". But clearly on further investigation, out of 119, less than ten or let's even say 20 made the claim that their curl pattern loosened, so that should answer your question.
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Nonie Well I'm glad this thread is generating some conversation! :grin:

When I first read your earlier post, I thought you said something different. I edited my response because I think you and I are saying the same thing: some not all people say MSM loosened their texture. (Thanks for explaining to me how to search within a thread (I'm still a newbie so that's helpful :yep:).)

I'm not sure if I made it clear in the original post, but I am trying to distinguish between "softer" hair and hair that is actually uncoiling. I'm asking because as Charla and others have mentioned, MSM has changed the feel of users' hair and also led to clearer skin. While I would like softer hair and clearer skin, I wouldn't want my hair to "loosen." If it is the case that people's hair is becoming softer and not looser, then maybe I (and others who would like softer but not looser hair) would consider taking it. If, on the other hand, MSM is making hair less curly (regardless of softness), taking MSM might not be worth it for me and others who don't want truly "looser" hair.
Ummm...my hair seemed to have loosened. My pattern opened. What was once tight 4a coils and perfect o's have become spiral s's. My hair is more resistant to relaxers now. And it is also softer. When you touch the parts that are natural (new growth) they are springy, with more round and actually softer/smoother strands as opposed to the older hair near the ends that is a bit more flat and coarse. Now not all of my hair has changed. Some shed hairs have an inch of new growth coiled into a tiny o at the root. And some do not. I took a picture. I should have taken a pic after cutting this strand as well. I tried to squish it and moisturize it with the hopes that it would shrink. It didn't.

I hope this is clear. The first three bumps are more open than my normal curl pattern. I usually have a straight up o, no gaps in between

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF :)
I began taking MSM daily about a year or so ago, and it has noticeably loosened my curl pattern and softened my hair. (That's not why I take it, but it is a side-effect.) My new growth behaves much differently than it did before. Taking MSM is the only change to which I can attribute the difference.
For me..It didnt loosen my new growth,it made my new-growth (roots) stronger & decrease shedding..

*I started taking it for joint/muscle health and this is the perfect side effect...Stronger hair/less shedding..

Happy Hair Growing!
yup. like what lita said. i started taking it when i read about its effect on joint pain. i have a shaky knee so learning that it helped with detoxing and cellular respiration was what really pushed me to take the plunge. i surely didnt expect a change in texture. it doesnt bother me since im relaxed. when i go natural i may continue to take it if its true that it doesnt actually loosen curl pattern so much as it reveals your true pattern. i wish i had paid more attention to my hair when i was natural
I began taking MSM in September. In part for my joint pain, but also as a growth aid. I bought the Vitamin Shoppe brand, and take 1000 mg daily. Sometimes I take 2000mg. I want to gradually increase my intake. I am also taking silica. I'm so happy you are making the distinction between softer hair and looser curl pattern. My hair does not feel softer, but the curl pattern is less defined. It is looser, but it's still coarse. It is less poufy and the new growth has a sheen to it, when previously it was dull. I have radically changed my vitamin intake since July when I discovered the LHCF, so this looser curl pattern could be attributed to many things in combination or separately. My hair was very dry before and perhaps it was missing MSM and silica, coconut oil, emu oil, henna and indigo. All of which I have added to my reggie over the last six months.
I took it a few times a week last year. I used a powdered form I got from vitaminshoppe. My roots felt smoother/silky.

I think moisture got into the 2nd jar I bought, for some reason I was able to taste it when I mixed it with juice or water. So that batch I was going to mix directly into dc's.

Think I'll try msm again. I like it internally & also externally mixed in dc's.
I have stronger nails and faster hair growth 'everywhere'.... That's the only side effects for me.
naturalnewb The first post has 119 replies and when I did a search for the word "looser" only 2 people had said that it did that for them. Then I did a search for the word "loosen" and only 6-8 people said MSM loosened their curl. Now the word "soften" is used more often, but soft hair = moisturized hair so perhaps improved sulphide bonds in hair help it retain moisture better and that indeed it would make hair soft. But I'd not take the observation of a smaller percentage who say it does determine that MSM loosens curls when it doesn't do it for the majority.

This would be sort of like how some people can eat peanuts and stop breathing while many eat peanuts and are fine. So we can't label peanuts as asphyxia causing nuts just coz some people's makeup doesn't causes it to bring out that reaction.

In short, perhaps what people are calling a "looser curl" is just hair that retains internal moisture better and feels softer and they associate soft hair with looser curls. I can't tell you how many times I've seen on this forum kinky hair assumed to be hard and rough when it can be even softer than type 3 hair. Also some people say that their hair stretches when wet from the weight of moisture, so couldn't internal moisture have the same effect of making strands heavier...and wouldn't that weight give a looser appearance? Not saying this is fact but just asking why would it be so hard for this to be possible--an increase in internal moisture causing some strands to be heavier and therefore stretch more while some that don't have that much weight or that were already moisturized or had enough sulfur just don't react coz they were already there.

Water has no effect on my hair...nor does length. My shrinkage is still the same whether hair is drenching wet or fully dry; whether hair is SL or APL. So maybe that's also why MSM has no effect on my hair. Perhaps it also matters whether one has fine strands or coarse strands.

thanks for the detailed explanation, Nonie. i found this to be very helpful :yep:
I've been taking MSM in pill form for about 1 year now. Each pill is 700mg & I take 1-3/day (whatever I remember to take). I haven't noticed any changes in my hair, but it has helped my lower back & knee pain.