POLL for relaxed ladies about twist-outs

i get the best twist out results on

  • wet hair - when i twist immediately after i wash

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • air dried hair - when i allow my hair to airdry completely and twist

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • partially air dried hair - when i allow my hair to airdry partially and twist

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • dry hair - when i blowdry (or another method) and twist

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
i just did my first twist out last week on dry hair and loved it. i think i will doing more of them so that i don't manipulate my hair during the week. yesterday, i did a protein treatment, washed and dced and twisted on wet hair to avoid the blowdryer. i just took them down today and i liked them better on dry hair.
poll question: do twist-outs on wet, airdried or dryed hair give you the best result?

also, if you can post any tips on doing twist-outs on relaxed hair that would be great too. i did a board search and couldn't really find what i was looking for - hoping this can be a resource for others in the future.

thanks for your response.
I twist on wet hair, I find that my curls come out more defined. Also, I do my twists like cornrows, going towards the back of of my head. I think some people refer to them as flat twists.
I am texlaxed but I do my twists on wet hair. I get better definition IMO. I do individual twists only because I don't know how to do flat twists. I will be trying those next weekend though.
i do flat twists on partially air dried hair. i jus find it easier that way and they are defined yet have alot of body. ( i like my hair big )
Thank you for this thread. I am currently unable to do a decent set of twists to get definition.:rolleyes: Do any of you use product to get the twists to hold?
Thank you for this thread. I am currently unable to do a decent set of twists to get definition.:rolleyes: Do any of you use product to get the twists to hold?

when i twisted on dry hair, i just used water. yesterday when i did it wet, i used mop leave-in conditioner and jane carter nourish and shine.

hope that others will chime in. there doesn't seem to be alot of info about twists and relaxed hair, at least not in detail.
I might try this - can someone please give more detail on HOW they twist out?

How many twists in your hair? Leave-in, etc? DETAILS please! Thanks!
I might try this - can someone please give more detail on HOW they twist out?

How many twists in your hair? Leave-in, etc? DETAILS please! Thanks!

I used this tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYKugFF04jI I just did about 7 two-strand twist going back like cornrows (I put a satin covered sponge roller at the end of each row to hold), sat under the dryer for an hour and slept in twist overnight and unraveled in the morning. Make sure your hair is completely dry or your hair will frizz.
I twist on wet (towel blotted) hair as well that has been detangled and use a creamy leave in. I use long term relationship for my leave in.

I dont do anything special, I basically just do about 14 braids all over my head. On each braid once I am done braiding I will go down the braid with a little more ltr and then I put a curl rod on the end to hold.

Sometimes I will do this at this beginning of a day so that the next day the hair will be dry. If I am doing it late or have somewhere to go I will get under the hair dryer. But I prefer to air dry as much as possible.
I used to do my twist out on wet hair. But now I do them on hair that'a about 80-85% air dried. I actually prefer the definition this technique gives. I've also found in more humid weather I like the results of using PM The Conditioner Leave-In, the creamier leave ins cause my hair to frizz more. I do about 8 flat twists I use either green magnetic rollers or flexi rods on the ends. HTHs.
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I flat twist my hair while it's 80% dry. If I'm re-twisting I use setting lotion as I twist. I only do about 5 because I like my waves big. I secure it with bobbys and sleep with a silk cap. I put ORS Olive Oil in the jar on it in the morning after I take it down, give it a good shake, and go. I re-twist my hair every night cause it takes less than 10 min and so they look fresh everyday.
I did my first set of wet twists and they finally stayed in!:yep: I think I may need a little holding gel to make them last all day. I will make daily flat twists my transition style from now on.:up::love3:
I did my first set of wet twists and they finally stayed in!:yep: I think I may need a little holding gel to make them last all day. I will make daily flat twists my transition style from now on.:up::love3:
yay! i know you mentioned in a previous thread you wanted to do that. glad they came out well:grin:
I do my braid-outs on hair that is 90% dry. I apply the Mizani H20 Night-Time Intense to my hair. I then apply my moisturizing leave in only on the ends. I then place some satin curlers on the ends of my hair.

The results are pretty nice. I got the idea from ChinaBlk on You Tube. She has beautiful hair!
I do mine on damp hair or partially airdried (80-85%) hair (like the one in my siggy) - I definitely get better definition then. I have done a set of flat twists on dry hair and my hair did turn out REALLY good but I prefer on damp hair.

I've done my cornrows for braidout on dry hair and it turned out good but not the same definition as when done on almost dry hair.
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I do mine on wet hair using Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Repair Cream. I love this stuff for twist/braid outs...it defines and holds.
I do my braidout on 85% air dryed hair. After shampoo I DC, then rince, apply afro detangler and seal with coconut oil. I then comb and let air dry. Then I do 4 cornrows, tie a silk scarf and in the morning I take the cornrows down and separate the hair with my fingers.
Sorry for the huge pic, photobucket is not letting me resize!

This was my first attempt at a twist out. I did it on damp/dry hair and I used Hawaiian Silky with castor oil on the ends. I think it would have looked better if I sat under the dryer for a while.
