Poll for BSL's and longer: Professional or At-Home?


Well-Known Member
Re: Your hair care. I'm just curious because I've noticed that until recently, I was never able to grow my hair out when regularly going to a professional stylist. Whenever I would avoid salons like the plague, my hair would grow and grow and grow. Then I would go to a stylist to even it up and maintain. I never had any issues with maintaining length with a stylist, but I've never really seen it grow with a stylist until now--and after lambasting my stylist about cutting off too much and decreasing the frequency of my visits. I just wondered if those who have obtained considerable length have done so largely at home or under the care of a professional?
Hey, where's the poll?

I'm almost WL and haven't been to a salon since BEFORE the Reagan Administration. I'm a total DIYer.
At home. My mother applies my relaxer, I do everything else. Oh she trims my hair for me too.
At home. I have found a stylist that will trim my hair, so I see her every 6 months. Everything else I do myself.
Im not even long yet (just cbl) but my hair hasnt been this long since I was about 7 years old. YIKES!

and im a complete DIYer!
I didn't start to retain growth until I turned into a DIY'er... I haven't been to a salon in almost 2 years.
I only go for a trim once a year, twice max. I won't get a style, wash, deep conditioner...nothing. I go in with it already washed and straightened.
I'm not quite sure, even though my hair grows great when I take care of it i'm not sure if it would have done the same with the constant care of my stylist. I found my stylist when I started my hair journey and she does a great job but was rather expensive. When she trimmed my hair it always looked longer than before she cut it. The only reason I dont go that often is because it's expensive and I usually wait if there is a special occasion. So I can honestly say i'm on the fence with that one.
I don't know of anyone on the site that goes to a professional on a regular basis that has long hair, except for the stylists who do their own hair who just happen to be professionals. It is possible though.

I believe most of the long haired ladies are DIYers.
I am BSL (closely approaching MBL).
I have not been in the salon since May 2007.
I do my hair 100%.
That includes weaves, relaxers, trims, cuts, and basic hair care.
I'm not quite sure, even though my hair grows great when I take care of it i'm not sure if it would have done the same with the constant care of my stylist. I found my stylist when I started my hair journey and she does a great job but was rather expensive. When she trimmed my hair it always looked longer than before she cut it. The only reason I dont go that often is because it's expensive and I usually wait if there is a special occasion. So I can honestly say i'm on the fence with that one.

Thats the beauty of a great stylist. I have had experiences where a trim made my hair look longer and so much healthier. Keep her!
My hair began to grow when I started stretching my relaxers, which in return amounted to less salon visits. Now that I do everything myself, this is definitely the longest my hair has ever been. So at home would be my answer.
This is a good thread b/c I was thinking about this for the longest....I don't know whether I should continue to do my hair myself or go to the salon. Thanks!
My mother relaxes my hair and do everything else. The only time in my life I have ever been to a salon was for a few years in college. I didn't have any problems with my hair growing with him in fact I think I gained more length with him than before since I never really took care of my hair until I found this site in April of 2009 and the only reason why I decided that I should was b/c I was pregnant and wondered how was I going to take care of my daughter's hair if I didn't take care of my own.
I'm a Salon goer. LOL. I guess the only one.

I didn't start retaining length until I went to the salon every week. It's rare that I miss a week.
But before each visit i make sure to pre-treat with Coconut oil overnight.

I do my own protein treatments and DC every month.
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DIYer here... I mean everything... braids, weaves, relaxers, rollersets, etc :) No hairdressers for me...Actually I dont know about their skills, but they are too expensive for my pocket ;)
I'm a Salon goer. LOL. I guess the only one.

I didn't start retaining length until I went to the salon every week. It's rare that I miss a week.
But before each visit i make sure to pre-treat with Coconut oil overnight.

I do my own protein treatments and DC every month.

I think you might be right! I mean, I go, but only for chemical services--and I regret letting him do color now. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has noticed this phenomenon. And if you found a hairdresser under whose care your hair has grown???? That's a keeper! That's like finding a unicorn, apparently! :lachen:
I think you might be right! I mean, I go, but only for chemical services--and I regret letting him do color now. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has noticed this phenomenon. And if you found a hairdresser under whose care your hair has grown???? That's a keeper! That's like finding a unicorn, apparently! :lachen:

For us that would be like winning the lottery! :)

Finding a stylist who knows your hair and products, visiting regularly and getting hair growth. Trifecta!!!! A Perfect 10! PRICELESS!!!!!!:yep:
Both. As a teen, I had a hair dresser who kept my hair long, thick and healthy. When I went off to college, I became a DIYer, but only went to stylists for chemical services. Now I do my own cellophanes and have only seen a stylist for relaxers over the past 2 years. Am considering transitioning, so might forgo stylists all together. Maybe for the occasional cut and or wash n' set...
I go to the salon for relaxer retouches only...and i don't let her blow dry my hair or put any of her products in it. I bring my own moisturizer and oil to apply and comb my hair out and let it hair dry. Everything else i do at home (DC and protein treatments).