POLL: Does everyone have baby hairs?

Do you have baby hairs?

  • Yes

    Votes: 81 62.3%
  • No

    Votes: 49 37.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Are we all equating "baby hairs" with edges? That is my understanding. I can't imagine a healthy hairline with out edges. On my head and everyone I know...we have a hair line formed by shorter hairs that on some (me) are thinner in density than my entire head, they aren't there because of breakage but its just the terminal length of those hair around our entire hair line.
I have them. They won't slick back unless I wet them. Then when I do they just frizz up along my hairline. I just let them be now......

I have them in the front and in the back but a very very minimal amount......then I also have a cowlick right along my hairline on the left front side, so that hair comes to the from anyways......the right side doesnt do that though.
I never thought I did but I do and they grow their own way seemingly the opposite of the way the rest of my hair grows. At my temples. I also have cowlicks. Can't tell unless my hair is short/shaved ala Halle Berry cut and very straight. I've never had much of a "kitchen" but when I was trying to rock the shaved "v", that's when I discovered that I had an inverted "v" and that I just couldn't get the shape that I wanted. Cow licked me up the middle of the back of my head...LOL!
No, I have all adult hairs. When I see someone w/baby hairs, I immediately know their hair is a different texture than mine.
I don't think so. I don't have baby hairs. Haven't had them since I was in elementary school. I do have short fine hairs at my hairline, but they are a result of breakage from bad hair practices.

My thoughts on baby hair on adults is that if you have to do something extra to show them, you probably don't actually have them.

I have these as well as a ton of real baby hairs so my hairline is just crazy right now. I look like I have some long skinny bangs.
Those broken hairs just destroy me. Seems to have worsened since I went relaxed :(. I think I'm going back to natural again, I'm not even going to touch this up.
I think most people have baby hairs. Mine grew back in along with my edges after I stopped relaxing my hair. They are a pain to tame and give a halo effect in the back and the front of my hair.
I do. I have a lot now that I am almost natural. I've been relaxer free for almost 2 years.

My sister's hair is 3b and she only has baby hair on her neck. She has very long baby hair on the sides of her neck. I have 4a hair and I have a small amount on the back of my neck and lots along my front hairline. It looks like newborn hair. The relaxer ate away at it during my "perm faze". When I look at pictures of my as a kid I had a lot of baby hair. My mom never brushed extra hairs down to give me more. I'm so happy my baby hair grew back after all those years of relaxing.

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It's funny I was just talking about this today. My hairline and my eyebrows dang near touch now that I've stop relaxing :lachen:
Never have … but I do remember trying to fake it when I was approximately around seven I took my time and cut the hair around my hairline and slicked it down with black gel, I was spanked for my creative efforts.
Since becoming natural they are so noticeable, it seems as though they grow in more and more as the years go by. I never thought I had them when I was relaxed, I guess I was burning them out.
hanna_light said:
Never have … but I do remember trying to fake it when I was approximately around seven I took my time and cut the hair around my hairline and slicked it down with black gel, I was spanked for my creative efforts.

Lol. Reminds me of the time when my mom styled my hair so it would lay over one of my eyes. I cut that piece off in school one day ( I was in the 1st grade). She had a heart attack.
i voted no. ive never had baby hair not even when i was a baby. all of my hair has been the same grade.
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Yes, I do, soft type 1A around the entire perimeter of my head, I also have a crazy widow's peak that make me look like I'm wearing an evil helmet when I wear my hair slicked down and pulled back -_-

You've got that Vegeta hair line?

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CurlsOnFire23 said:
You've got that Vegeta hair line?

Damn. I'm conflicted:
I lub that you used DBZ

But am reminded of my strong widows peak :lachen:

I have 4z baby hair in the front and 3b/c baby hair in the back.
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:ohwell: ok so baby hair≠edges...I promise yall open my eyes to something new everyday! That doesn't change my belief that edges=baby hairs :lachen:
I voted no - I do not have baby hairs. Let me be more specific. I don't have them around the front of my hairline but I have them on the sides of my napes - real useful back there huh?!
This thread is really interesting, you're all so funny!!!

I never even thought about baby hairs in the back - that must look awesome with a bun! I don't have those.

Just checked my DD who is 3a - her front hairline is clean as a whistle, but she has some round the back; I tried to take a picture just now but it's getting dark so I'll take one in the morning.

Looking like there's no hard and fast rules in the hair game!
It's funny because I 'm a 4b so the hair in front is broke off from wearing weave and braids. If I was a 3 something it would be baby hair, but since I'm a 4b it's not.
And can I just say that in 80's, a lot of people had baby hair even if they gelled it down to get it. No, I wasn't one of them, lol. I think that baby hair belongs on babies. Chili, girl, it's time to let it go!