Poet Janette: I Will Wait... For You

My friend shared this with me a week ago! It touched my soul. I felt she was really talking about me because that's the stage I'm in right now. I don't have time for people who are just there to occupy my time. I am more focused on me and bettering myself for who God has for me.
Wow! Beautiful. I had to share it on my fb page. Thanks for posting OP.
ETA: OT there are some fiiiiine people in attendance. So many fine people in one place. Halleluyah!
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OH MY GOD!!!!! OH MY GOD!!! This is sooo.....no words!! That was amazing. I said I was going to hop on a plane and go to this last Lyricist Lounge when I first heard about it. We have cheap flights to LA. I may have to keep that promise nxt time they do one.
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I can't believe I missed this!!!! I love how she is switching from talking to God and then making promises to her FH. (At least that's my interruption).