Plenty of Fish


Live, Laugh, Love
Any of you had success meeting new friends or SO's on that site? I joined about a month ago and went out with a guy that I met on there. We're still friends but the chemistry isn't there for us to be more than friends. So I was just wondering if anyone else is a member there and how it's going for you?

I am a member :-)
Joined about a month ago. I went on a date last Friday with a really nice guy. He is really cute too but his work schedule isnt the best. We still talk on the phone but I am making other aquaintances too. So far no fireworks though.
Does that site have a lot of folks on it? I am getting tired of :nono:

It has a lot of folks from my city (Houston) you can look to see who's there in your city. I like it cause it's free and so far ok. I mean you will get the creeps that send explicit messages, but that can happen anywhere. Like the previous poster I'm still making other aquaintances too.
I'm in Houston too, and my mailbox is always full from guys on that site. However, I find myself automatically deleting A LOT of the messages. I did an advance filter too, so I can cut out a lot of riff raff...hasn't helped. I've met more quality men on Match.
my friend met her husband off of POF

and two of my friends found their husbands from other dating sites as well
I've used pof.
I know a girl who met her last couple of relationships on pof... all long term.

Over here, though, there are a lot more clear men than black men on pof, and i'm attracted to black men. lolol, yeah, no stones, that's just my preference,

so i end up deleting about 90% of my msgs...
I decided to try this site...Im new to this whole internet dating thing...but decided to try it bcuz I never meet any new this rate I'm gonna b the old cat lady...
I'm a member of POF. I started dating a man I met on the site a couple of months ago. He's a great guy, unfortunately there aren't really any sparks so it's fizzling out. I also met two men who are now very good friends of mine on that site. It's a mixed bag but there are definitely possibilities there.
On-line dating sounds fun. I think I would like to get into it. I just moved to this city and I haven't met very many people yet outside of my class.
Plenty of Fish sucks. I get emails from way toooooooo many losers on that site. I've set my filter, but it doesn't seem to help. I'm meeting more quality guys on
Plenty of Fish is full of losers. I dont think It worth weeding through all the crappy emails I got. Ive been a member about 3 times over the span of 4 years.
Plenty of Fish sucks. I get emails from way toooooooo many losers on that site. I've set my filter, but it doesn't seem to help. I'm meeting more quality guys on

Can you be as successful meeting guys on match without having a paid subscription?
Can you be as successful meeting guys on match without having a paid subscription?

I think you would need to eventually pay because you won't be allowed to read emails without a subscription. They do offer a 3 day trial though, so you might get lucky, meet someone within 3 days, and cancel it before the trial ends. That's happened to me before. I've met a lot of great quality guys on match, and had 4 long term relationships.
I've used pof.
I know a girl who met her last couple of relationships on pof... all long term.

Over here, though, there are a lot more clear men than black men on pof, and i'm attracted to black men. lolol, yeah, no stones, that's just my preference,

so i end up deleting about 90% of my msgs...

LOL..You're right about that, but it's great for me because I love me an Italian man:yep:, thats actually all I date now.. so this is the perfect site. I've been on a few dates from the site, and currently dating someone that I met from POF.
POF is great. There is a lot of BS on there, but i've been there since september and have met three good quality men.
The one im talking to now is black and in med school. Its not serious as of yet but as long as I know there are good men on there, that's all I need :)