Please respond!! I am so upset right now!!


New Member
For those that don't know, I recently broke up with my BF of 2 years because I wanted to become celibate. Well when we broke up I completely understood why this could be hard on him so I had no hard feelings toward him, afterall he was a great guy and their was a possibility that we could get back together. WELL today I was browsing through one of the forums he frequents and found out that this jerk has been cheating on me the last year of our relationship. :mad: I tried to clam down because afterall we were not together but when we were he swear up and down that he NEVER THOUGHT OF CHEATING ON ME and now I find out that he has. All these emotions are running through my head because this guy parades on this board like he's a self made player when I am the one he practically supported him we he was broke, I paid for his Grill (yes a Grill) that he likes to show off in his pictures, I gave him his downpayment money for his Cadillac, I have done so much for this guy and it just hurts to know that he disrespected me like this. This situation is really frustrating and depressing for me, because this was a guy he brought me closer to GOD, he picked me up after my Child Father basically abused and used me. I was a nervous wreck before I met him if it wasn't for my son and him I believe I would have took my own life and now it seems like I am back to where I started :cry:

You guys please pray for me. A week ago they just anounced at my job that they are laying everyone off at the end of July and now I have to deal with this and School. I know God will not give me anything I can't handle so I know I will overcome this but right now it just seems like I am so alone.

I'll keep you in prayer. You are at a turning point in your life and I feel God is going to use to to make you stronger. So hold on, and keep on steppin'. Know that in life there are trials, and that this soon will pass.

I'm reminded of Yolanda Adams song "through The Storm". It is so fitting in this case. You may want to listen to it as well as read the scriptures.
melodee said:

I'll keep you in prayer. You are at a turning point in your life and I feel God is going to use to to make you stronger. So hold on, and keep on steppin'. Know that in life there are trials, and that this soon will pass.

I'm reminded of Yolanda Adams song "through The Storm". It is so fitting in this case. You may want to listen to it as well as read the scriptures.
Preach Black woman(melodee)!!

Mahogany, Take what your learned about God and put it into action. God loves to move in situations like this just keep the faith. :)
Psalms 3:3

But thou, O LORD, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.

Be encouraged dear heart...I will pray for God to strengthen you in this testing time in your life.

I totally understand how you feel. My ex-bf of 5 years did the same thing to me, but my biggest mistake was choosing him over God. God called you to a life of celibacy because He knew the truth about your relationship. Sometimes He allows to find out the truth so there is no doubt in our mind that we made the right decision by choosing Him. I will pray for you to have strength and wisdom during these trials. Hold on to your faith and He will get you through this, He heals broken hearts, restores souls and gives us strength to endure every trial. God loves you and is with you even now!
Now aren't you glad you decided to remain celibate?

God bless you and I'll definitely keep you in my prayers.
Stormy said:
Now aren't you glad you decided to remain celibate?

God bless you and I'll definitely keep you in my prayers.

My thoughts exactly. If you want to heal, keep praying and read the Bible daily. It helped me in my times of hardship and God provided a better man for me for being patient. Sometimes we have to learn to be patient and wait for our prayers to be answered. Stay strong. That guy is not worth your tears. :mad:
You guys are absolutely right! Thank you so much for your advice. This guy is not even worth my tears and I really feel sorry for him right now because he will NEVER find a woman who loved him like me. :D I am so glad I am saving myself for someone who is worth it. GOD has delivered me from trials before so I will continue to put my FAITH in him and pray for his guidance in my life.
mahogany said:
You guys are absolutely right! Thank you so much for your advice. This guy is not even worth my tears and I really feel sorry for him right now because he will NEVER find a woman who loved him like me. :D I am so glad I am saving myself for someone who is worth it. GOD has delivered me from trials before so I will continue to put my FAITH in him and pray for his guidance in my life.

Amen! This too shall pass. I will say a prayer for you. Stay strong!
Chichi :bdance:
Be glad you know what you know now, and remember it so you don't repeat it. Just focus on moving forward. I know! Easier said than done, but you will feel better in the end. And, don't forget to pray and thank God for showing you the truth of the matter before you continued any further.
I'm adding you to my prayer list. Continue to be strong and faithful. God is going to show up and show out on your behalf because you are honoring Him. God bless you!
That totally sucks, but it's great that you've finally broken up with him. I don't really have any advice, but I'll pray for you.
I'm thanking God you got out before you found out. It would have been devastating. Keep praying, reading and doing the word and you'll see how faithful your Heavenly Father is.

Praying for you and your son.
It's all good girl! Wait on him (God), it's worth it. You're worth it. God's thoughts toward you are good and not evil. He will give you an expected end. And know that God's preservation of you will not be in vain. I have been celeibate for some years now (can't remember how many- but trust, it's been some years). I am an attractive 28 year old, single female and do not have children. I used to fret about my singlehood but since have learned that it is truly a gift from God. Not that I don't desire to have a spouse, but I understand that as God is prepping me he has yet chose and is establishing someone who He can love me through (Inspiration for that is Juanita Bynum-Weeke's "No More Sheets"). I keep checking back mean while girl,keep you head up! Ain't no man worth a rose fading.
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Have courage and hold on.

I was with a guy that brought me closer to God and when we broke up I was so hurt; that I was angry with God and turned my back to him for too long a time. I ended up just doing more damage to myself, but in the end I came back.

This guy may have helped you to be closer to God, but believe me it was REALLY GOD who brought you closer to him. Sometimes we are tested in our faith because it's easy to believe when things are going swell, but harder when we feel like everything is going down the tubes.

I will pray for you!
I am sorry, and I don't mean to sound harsh, but I honestly DO NOT believe this cat brought you closer to God.

GOD brought you closer to Himself; God knew what this dudes motives were, but instead He used the harm that was done to you at the hands of this man to turn it around and use it for HIS glory.;)

He may have TOLD you about God, but he definitely didn't bring you closer to Him.

I say this because, if you were fornicating with him, then all he was doing was separating you from God because that is what sin does.

Alot of doggish men like to straddle the fence and play the role of the "Godly Man" so they can manipulate women the way you have been manipulated. And manipulation is a trick of the devil!

Please believe that you are not the first and won't be the last that something like this happens to.
mahogany said:
I paid for his Grill (yes a Grill) that he likes to show off in his pictures, I gave him his downpayment money for his Cadillac

Lawd have mercy.
(grill + Cadillac) x woman paying for it = trash
The Lord is trying to tell you something.
Girl, I am just happy that you found out before you ended up marrying this dude, and find out all of these things later on down the road. Don't beat yourself up. Most, if not all of us, have been suckered by a guy at least once, so just focus on the positive outcome. You found out he was playing you, and you left him for the ultimate man (Jesus), and now the Lord has allowed you to see what you truly gave up and how good He really is. So just keep working on your rlp with Christ, and he will bring you the man He has for you in due season.
Natrlchallenge said:
My thoughts exactly. If you want to heal, keep praying and read the Bible daily. It helped me in my times of hardship and God provided a better man for me for being patient. Sometimes we have to learn to be patient and wait for our prayers to be answered. Stay strong. That guy is not worth your tears. :mad:

So very tru.
I went throught some hardships. While I was reading the Bible everyday my situation was turning around Gad was transforming me and my situation. I have a wonderful man.
How did he bring you closer to God?

See this breakup situation as a way to bring you closer to God. Just praise God that you can now give God the glory, not your boyfriend and you can respect your body.

Take care! :)
Koffie said:
I am sorry, and I don't mean to sound harsh, but I honestly DO NOT believe this cat brought you closer to God.

GOD brought you closer to Himself; God knew what this dudes motives were, but instead He used the harm that was done to you at the hands of this man to turn it around and use it for HIS glory.;)

He may have TOLD you about God, but he definitely didn't bring you closer to Him.

I say this because, if you were fornicating with him, then all he was doing was separating you from God because that is what sin does.

Alot of doggish men like to straddle the fence and play the role of the "Godly Man" so they can manipulate women the way you have been manipulated. And manipulation is a trick of the devil!

Please believe that you are not the first and won't be the last that something like this happens to.

That "Godly Man" you are talking about. I know that kind well. I call them the "Church Pew Pimp" cause they know the Word back and forth but aren't living it and they only date women in the church because they feel as though they are most vunerable. Until they meet the right one who will put them in their place. Sho'nuff