PLEASE pray for my baby.

A prayer for baby Emma:

Dear Lord, I'm asking that you continue to bless and keep Emma. Lord, I'm asking that you give Emma the strength to carry on. Lord, I'm asking that you continue to bless her family and keep them, and give them the strength and faith to believe that through you, all things are possible. In Jesus name, Amen.


If Finally Free does not mind - we will be in agreement in HIS name!!! By HIS stripes Emma is healed...I have a differently-abled little one that the doctors were not optimistic about her healing - we must not rely on the word of man

Sister, I been where you are - believe me when I tell you I know how you feel...there are so many feelings and emotions as they can be hard to interpret not too mention just trying to maintain stability...that sweet baby needs you now more than ever.

Don't just tell GOD how extreme your situation is ...let this situation know how extreme your GOD is!!

Be Encouraged!
I sent up one of my most powerful mommy prayers for you guys. Know that the Lord comes to heal the broken first. He is carrying you through this time and I pray that you and your family can find peace knowing that he will NEVER leave your side.:kiss:May God continue to bless you during this difficult time.
If Finally Free does not mind - we will be in agreement in HIS name!!! By HIS stripes Emma is healed...I have a differently-abled little one that the doctors were not optimistic about her healing - we must not rely on the word of man

Sister, I been where you are - believe me when I tell you I know how you feel...there are so many feelings and emotions as they can be hard to interpret not too mention just trying to maintain stability...that sweet baby needs you now more than ever.

Don't just tell GOD how extreme your situation is ...let this situation know how extreme your GOD is!!

Be Encouraged!

I am also coming in agreement with you guys!

Praying for you and Baby Emma

May GOD give you the strength to soldier on and may your little one be a wonderful healthy blessing to your family.
Praying for you and baby Emma and'll keep praying about this. Please don't worry too much, just trust God. He knows. You used protection and still got preggy ... Emma is no mistake but a gift from God. I believe God has a purpose for that little girl and I pray that she fulfills that purpose. God is still in the healing business ... by His stripes we ARE healed. To encourage you: my little sis was born with a hole in the heart, things weren't looking good ... they said she would need surgery as a baby and probably wouldn't have a normal life. We prayed and God heared us ... she's 14 now, hole miraculously closed up, she's as healthy and normal as can be, just has to have her heart checked every 6 years to make sure all's well. God IS. He never changes. I pray that He infuses your precious little one with strength to pull through and give her good health in Jesus's name. I pray that He gives you and your family strength as well, and peace in your spirit in the knowledge that He IS, loves you so much more than you can ever imagine, and has your best interest at heart.

It is well Christelyn :kiss:

Lord, I ask in your name that Christelyn's child be healed. Please Lord help Christelyn to accept what has happened without explanation. Help her to understand that this is not her fault and that she was given a special task to complete here on Earth. God give Emma the strength to make it through another second, minute, hour and day as each moment is a blessing and a triumph from heaven. God, may You give the strength and compassion to the caregivers and nurses that take care of Emma
May you keep Emma protected and free from all injury and pain.

Please take away the guilt , worry and burden from Christelyn's heart dear Lord. Take it away dear Lord. Sweet Jesus allow Christelyn the strength and understanding she needs to communicate with the Doctors and Nurses.


Lord, I ask in your name that Christelyn's child be healed. Please Lord help Christelyn to accept what has happened without explanation. Help her to understand that this is not her fault and that she was given a special task to complete here on Earth. God give Emma the strength to make it through another second, minute, hour and day as each moment is a blessing and a triumph from heaven. God, may You give the strength and compassion to the caregivers and nurses that take care of Emma
May you keep Emma protected and free from all injury and pain.

Please take away the guilt , worry and burden from Christelyn's heart dear Lord. Take it away dear Lord. Sweet Jesus allow Christelyn the strength and understanding she needs to communicate with the Doctors and Nurses.


This whole thing (and the situation and love from all the other LHCF) made me tear up.
I'm praying for your daughter Emma that she will be able to go through this situation with strength and full health. :Rose:
I said a prayer for Emma, just continue to claim her health in Jesus name... keep your faith lady, with God all things are possible... she'll be okay.
I pray for your strength to let that resentment go and know that God's ways are higher than our ways...I pray you are able to forgive yourself and your husband and move forward because what is done is done.

resentment will eat away at you and eventually destroy you.

What the "DEVIL" meant for bad God can turn into good.
Be happy and grateful for a healthy child in the name of Jesus.

Lord I thank you for turning this situation around and blessing Emma with a healthy, strong life.

I don't usually post; I am mostly a lurker.
However, you have brought me out of lurk mode.....

See, I can remember not too long ago when it was me pouring my heart out on these very boards and asking for prayer...and of course these prayer warriors came out of the wood work and covered me in my hour of need.

Now I wil do the same for you.....

I was very touched and very moved when I read your post. I have sent up a prayer for you, your family, and baby Emma.

Continue to keep the faith, as we stand with you and for you, knowing that all will be well......correction, knowing that all is well.

And we count it as done, in Jesus' name. Amen.

Yours in Christ,
Hi Christelyn,

I can only imagine what a tough time this is for you but please stay strong & positive. Every time you touch your child think about the future and your happy, healthy child. I've been a NICU/SCN nurse for 12 years now and the power of prayer never ceases to amaze me. If you have any questions about general neonatal care & things you can PM me.

I will keep Emma & you & your family in my prayers:yep:
The Lord decided that it was time for you to enter this world on June 28, 2009 and your family couldn't be more blessed to finally have you here. Your mother couldn't be more elated that her beautiful baby girl is now here :yep:. Despite, you coming earlier than planned, you are going to be a fighter and grow into a beautiful young woman. You have already overcome one hurdle, you WILL overcome the rest. You don't know me and will probably never meet me but you will always be in my prayers. I'm on your team sweet little angel and so are others.

You stay strong for your baby and the rest of your family. Remember all of us here are supporting you through this difficult period and your not alone. Emma is in the best care and the Lord will be right beside her as she starts her life's journey all the way from the NICU to her HS graduation :yep:. I will pray for you, your family, and your health. You are never alone and when you look up at the stars at night, we will be looking at the same stars praying your baby is getting stronger everyday.

God Bless Emma, You, and Your Family

PS: hope I didn't make you cry but smiled instead; I'm over here :cry3:
Baby Emma is going to be just fine! And even though she wasn't planned she is going to always have a special place in your heart. May God be with you and your family during this difficult time.

I wish you and your growing family the best of luck in this situation. You will overcome this. God never gives us more than she can handle. You will make it through. Try speaking with other parents who also have sick babies in the hospital for support. I know that helped my parents alot when they went through it with me. You can also speak with nurses there for info on support groups available to you. Make sure you and your husband take care of yourselves.

As for financial issues, don't even stress about that as yet. In my experience hospitals and medical providers/professionals are willing to work with you when it comes to payment. You will be able to find an insurance company to cover all of this. All you need to do is have a strong argument and do your research. So you just think positive and make sure your baby comes home with you soon.

Although it is a tough time and your little Emma is struggling sometimes a smile from her loving parents and feeling the softness of your skin in your hands is all a child needs push through this and feel at home.

You will be in my prayers. Good luck with everything! Before you know it you will have a beautiful baby by yourside at home, gorgeous locks of APL hair, and great article printed in a fabolous magazine. Just have faith!
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I am so humbled by the outpouring of all of you. Even through the computer I can feel your love and concern coming through. Your words of encouragement, prayers, personal stories and well wishes comfort me so much. God bless all of you!