Please pray for my 6 month old


Well-Known Member
My 6 month is suffering from a bad virus and she has had fever for 4 days that wont break. We had one pediatrician and two hospital trips lots of tests and her symtoms aren't improving. She is lethargic and not wanting to eat a rash all over her torso. Can you all pray for her healing the doctors say that it just has to run its course and that this could go on for a week . I don't want her little body to have to go through this for that long. Thank you so much
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AAAWW look at sweet pea!!! She's precious, and I pray the angels are encamped around her as her body fights this virus off. I've been in your shoes twice and I know you feel helpless, but her body is fighting and I believe she will be fine, mommy :yep:
praying as I type this.........

Stay strong, mom, your baby is gonna be just fine, in Jesus' name.


I pray that God's healing power will touch your precious little one and may you see His manifestation suddenly...((((HUGS))))).
lord touch her from the crown of her head to the soul of her feet, lord i know thats there is nothing that you cant and wont do, please heal your precious child in jesus name amen:pray:
Hi BIrdie,

I will pray fo ryour child. Also, go to Whole Foods and get some
organic coconut water. This should start breaking the fever and
it is good for babies and adults! The reason why she is lethargic
sounds like she lost a lot of electrolytes and coconut water
has almost the same electrolyte makeup as human plasma. It is
sweet to the taste as well. I hope you will consider this.:yep:
praying for your precious baby.....
standing in agreement with every healing prayer uttered over your child..

and Jesus said where two or more are gathered in my name..there I AM


HE laid his hands on them and HE blessed them

xoxox to that sweetie
By the stripes of Jesus she's healed. I claim it in the name of Jesus. God bless you and your beautiful cherub.
My 6 month is suffering from a bad virus and she has had fever for 4 days that wont break. We had one pediatrician and two hospital trips lots of tests and her symtoms aren't improving. She is lethargic and not wanting to eat a rash all over her torso. Can you all pray for her healing the doctors say that it just has to run its course and that this could go on for a week . I don't want her little body to have to go through this for that long. Thank you so much

Dear God, please bless this precious, precious, innocent bundle of joy. Lord please watch over her and heal her as well as her Mommy. We know Father that there is nothing that you can't do and we thank you, thank you ahead of time.

Please keep the faith and know that God's favor is upon you. God Bless you and your family.
Dear God, please bless this precious, precious, innocent bundle of joy. Lord please watch over her and heal her as well as her Mommy. We know Father that there is nothing that you can't do and we thank you, thank you ahead of time.

Please keep the faith and know that God's favor is upon you. God Bless you and your family.

tanji i just recited your prayer in my head for birdie if thats okay...ah my hear goes out to her and her child.

ita: mingming3 Also, go to Whole Foods and get some
organic coconut water. This should start breaking the fever and
it is good for babies and adults! The reason why she is lethargic
sounds like she lost a lot of electrolytes and coconut water
has almost the same electrolyte makeup as human plasma. It is
sweet to the taste as well. I hope you will consider this.:yep:

i would also add the original aquaphor, this has been a great deal of help for rashes, diaper rashes, etc..i love this stuff and when i was back home I had to buy the big jar to bring back w/ me...not the baby version tho.
Thank you all for your prayers. She has made a full recovery. No fever for 48 hours and her rash has healed. She is no longer lethargic and has gotten back to recking things and leaving drool puddles everywhere:). This morning I discovered what looks like two teeth peeking through. Thank you all so much!
Soooo happy to hear this! It can be so scary when they get sick like that. I always anoint my children with oil and lay hands on them