Please Pray For Me and My Family


Well-Known Member
I know I dont post in this section alot but I just want to ask for my prayers for my family and I right now. My great grandfather died today and Im just out of it. Ive been crying almost all day on and off since I seen him last night. They had set up at Hospice because the doctors said they had done all they could do for him. He was 90 years old but that still didnt make the pain of losing him easier but Im grateful for having him around for 23 years because some people never know even their grandparents let alone their great grandparents. I know crying wont bring him back and I keep telling myself that he's been accepted that death being that it is inenvitable but I just didnt expect it this time of year and he always goes in the hospital and comes back out with the exclusion of this time. He was the last of 13 children and served as Head Deacon in our church for over 20 years. I believed he lived a great life but I miss him... :(
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]To live is Christ, and to die is gain.

I just said a prayer that you and your family will be comforted.
I know how you feel. I am feeling the same way as I type this response.

My Grandmother called this morning as said that the nurse in the nursing home was calling in the family for my Great Aunt. She too IS 90 years old but had no kids. My mother and I are like her kids. For the last 6 years prior to her getting sick she visited my husband and me from Thanksgiving until the day before New Years. We stayed up all night doing puzzles and watching the Golden Girls. I normally was tired getting up for work in the morning because I stayed up with her. But I loved that time of the year.

I would have never imagined her in a nursing home but she had to go after they amputated her leg 2 years ago because of circulation problems and as a Jehovah Witness she wouldn't receive blood.

I know that people say that they are in a better place but it still hurts. But I know from my brother dying that time does heal the pain...the memory is always there but after a while you will be able to smile and reminisce about your grandfather.

Take Care.......
Grandparents are so, so precious your family is in our thoughts and prayers.

God, we pray that you will give your daughther strength in a time her heart is breaking. Please God comfort and keep the entire family in Your bossom during this time of loss. I pray that while you and your family are in God's bossom you will feel His heartbeat and know that He loves you and your family so, so much. This is your humble servant's pray God. In Jesus Name AMen.
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Thank you everyone...His funeral is scheduled for Xmas eve so needless to say this holiday wont be as joyful as previous but everyone is definitely doing better from when I originally posted. Thanx again
My sympathy goes out to you and your family. I'm sorry you are going through this, I will pray in Jesus name that you will all get through this difficult time together. God bless you and may you be comforted and strengthened by the Holy Spirit. Amen
sky_blu said:
I know I dont post in this section alot but I just want to ask for my prayers for my family and I right now. My great grandfather died today and Im just out of it. Ive been crying almost all day on and off since I seen him last night. They had set up at Hospice because the doctors said they had done all they could do for him. He was 90 years old but that still didnt make the pain of losing him easier but Im grateful for having him around for 23 years because some people never know even their grandparents let alone their great grandparents. I know crying wont bring him back and I keep telling myself that he's been accepted that death being that it is inenvitable but I just didnt expect it this time of year and he always goes in the hospital and comes back out with the exclusion of this time. He was the last of 13 children and served as Head Deacon in our church for over 20 years. I believed he lived a great life but I miss him... :(

I will pray for you and your family. I know how you feel. I just lost my great aunt last week and her funeral was Friday. It's really hard, especially during the holidays. :(
Thanks again everyone. Sorry for your loss SoniT it is definitely hard being that it is the holidays but we're making it. My grandma is taking it the hardest being that she mainly took care of him (dr. appts, food, driving him places, etc.) but she getting better. The service was excellent just as he would have wanted it.