please pray for a my friend


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please pray for my friend

Before i even put my request in I would just like to say thank you in advance because I know that God is loyal and He is faithful even when we are not. It is written
James 5:16

New King James Version (NKJV)

16 Confess your trespasses[a] to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

I have a friend of mine who is suffering in every area. when i say in every area i mean every area. she has a special needs baby and at times it is unbearable for her because he suffers much and he is not able to do anything for himself. he's 3 years old. i love him to pieces.

she is separated from her husband. he was physically abusive towards her and she receives no financial assistance from him what so ever. she is trying to get the government to receive child support but she has some hurdles she needs to get over first before they will assist her.

she also has diabetes,high blood pressure,etc. her weight is spiraling out of control.

her job is extremely stressful. lots and lots and lots of pressure. i cant even begin to tell you

she had to take her sister and her niece in because her sister is not able to keep a place of her own. her sister contributes but barely.

when her husband was living with her he was on drugs and he ran up all her credit cards and stole from her and he forced her to refinance the house which made her mortgage go from 650 something to over 800 a month she almost lost her house because for a while when she was under another bank she was paying over 1200 a month but thank God she was able to get some help. now all the creditors have threatened to take her to court so now she is paying over 500 a month on credit card bills her husband left her with

she does receive help from the government but because of those credit card bills she pays all of her bills late except for the mortgage

she is very lonely. she had/has a boyfriend but that's on and off he only uses her for one thing. she doesn't want to let him go because she doesn't like being by herself but even though she is with him basically she is by herself.

she is in dire straights she really needs all the prayers she can get. im reaching out to you guys because i know there is strength in numbers

thank you again
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I will keep your friend in my prayers. Our God is an awesome God and I know that he has already made a way for her. My heart truly goes out to her.
Praying for her and also that she will turn her life over to Jesus. He is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that she can ask or think.
blqlady ...

Your heart is the heart of God our filled with love for someone other than yourself. How can God not bless and heal your dear friend? it's your love that God is responding to, for God is Love and when He sees it flowing from our hearts towards someone else, He's right there with every prayer.

I'm praying for your friend and I am also praying for you. For I see God embracing everything there is about your friend and that He is seeing her through this until the very end.

God bless you, 'Friend of God'... you truly are. You fell upon your face and prayed for someone who cannot yet pray for themselves.

Blqlady, you are Love... :love3:

her name is *******e

You might wish to erase her name and some of the intricate details of her distress...this is the internet....just say she's in need of help with her family or so? We can pray for her in general...G-d knows the specifics. In the interest of protecting her dignity, can you edit these details? I ask this in kindness so please don't think I'm's just a bit much. Hope you understand. I'll pray for her, definitely. :bighug:
Praying for her as well.

Earlier this year I found comfort in the verse below: Isaiah 41:10.

"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."

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thanks shimmie and prudent1 i really appreciate. i will keep you guys informed of any good news regarding her situation. spoke to her earlier today and still drama. the thing is i believe she gets all of her pain and anger from her mom because her mom is super vindictive and does not believe in forgiveness and to top it all her mom practices witchcraft

You might wish to erase her name and some of the intricate details of her distress...this is the internet....just say she's in need of help with her family or so? We can pray for her in general...G-d knows the specifics. In the interest of protecting her dignity, can you edit these details? I ask this in kindness so please don't think I'm's just a bit much. Hope you understand. I'll pray for her, definitely. :bighug:

ok its done. i removed her name