Please Post Your SURGE Results

Lovelylocs said:
Okay, I just did a search on Mucopolysaccharides and it turns out that it can be found in many anti-baldness topical creams and such. SO my question is... has anyone ever tried using Nioxin or Rogaine or anything like that to try to make their hair grow faster?

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Hummmm. I was going to have my SO buy us Viviscal b/c he's been having this alopecia problem (a few spots) in his beard. I wonder if Surge would work for him. I never even thought of that. It's way cheaper than Viviscal. I'll squirt him tonight!
I've happily been using Surge for 1 year as I was completing my transition. I started off spraying once every other day, then increased to once a day. I slacked off for a while because I got tired of my hair being wet. I've been Surging faithfully twice a day lately and the increase in thickness in fantastic. It has always given me an excellent increase in growth(extra 1/2 inch monthly)even when I was spraying every other day but the real increase in thickness came when I started spaying twice daily. I also use the Power Wash and it makes my hair extremely strong with very little breakage and that is certainly a plus for my natural hair.
I have been using surge for two months. I use it mostly as a detangler. Currently I have 3 1/2 inches of new growth ( I measure my hair with a ruler) but, that could be b/c I haven't relaxed my hair since February.
Poohbear said:
candibaby said:
I started using Surge on May 2nd. I used it every day for 14 days and by the end I had an inch of new growth. I only use it every now and then now, but i'm at 1 1/4" right now

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Do u use all the Surge products or just the Surge Plus 14??? That's amazing growth!!!

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I only use the Surge Plus 14. I don't think it's so much the Surge that helps, but that combined with vitamins and the fact that i'm 7 weeks post relaxer definetly has something to do with it. Ever since I started taking better care of my hair, it's been growing faster.
zealot said:
I have been using surge for two months. I use it mostly as a detangler. Currently I have 3 1/2 inches of new growth ( I measure my hair with a ruler) but, that could be b/c I haven't relaxed my hair since February.

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That is still excellent growth rate. I calculate that you got about an 1 inch per month since your last relaxer. Personally I normally get 1/2 inch, but if Surge gives me an extra 1/2 inch, I'll will use it forever and deal with the wet roots.
Rabia (about your comment on wet roots)
You might find Surge easier to deal with if you use it right before you wrap your hair at night. That made it easier for me and kept my hair from being super-puffy in the morning.
candibaby said:
Rabia (about your comment on wet roots)
You might find Surge easier to deal with if you use it right before you wrap your hair at night. That made it easier for me and kept my hair from being super-puffy in the morning.

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Good idea!! I will try that this evening. I just wrap it right away.

Keep Posting your results Surgers!!!
Ah candibaby, I stopped Surging because it made my hair/roots super puffy next day. You might be on to something. Although I don't wrap my hair every nite. hmmmmm
I gained an extra 0.5 inches wehn I used Surge.I got a growth rate of 0.75 inches per month in my slow growing sides.And 1 inch per month in my normal areas.
I used the Nioxin follice booster before surge and grew back in my 3 bald spot and thinned hairline.
I have been using Surge since October of last year and I get about 1 inch a month.
I get 1 1/2 inch when I Surge,exercise diet and drink protein drink.
The combo of Nioxin and Surge grew my hair back faster then using them alone. I no longer use Nioxin the hair in that area is a different texture the rest of my hair.
A friend of mine worked at Trade Secrets while in college, so she had lots of discounts on beauty supplies. Anyway for a while she used Ninoxin shampoo and conditioner, and she said that her began growing in really thick.

I'm going to just use Surge for right now and see how it goes.

BTW, I met a fellow LHCFer in the beauty supply today after work. She was picking up a bottle of Surge and I struck up a convo with her. She said that she's been using the product for about 2 months and has 2-3 inches of new growth. Her hair was just touching her shoulders before now it is a couple of inches past. I can't wait to see how much hair I gain in a month or so.

Keep posting results.
I just found some surge on sunday at a BSS. I was going to get it but was a bit skeptical. I may have to go get some now
I have been using Surge since Jan 2004 and it is one of my staple products. For the first month I did spray twice daily, just my scalp, then follwed with moisture. I wore braid outs and buns.

I did get 2 inches of new growth in the first two months. When I was almost ready to get my touch up in March I stopped using Surge for one week prior and one week after my touch up. At that point I had gained a total of 3 inches.

In April I got braids and have been spraying twice daily, still following up with moisture and I have a ton of new growth!I can't tell in inches because I have not taken them out but I will in a week or so.

I have been using Surge and supplements so I don't think its correct to say that my increased growth is entirely due to Surge but I will say that I never got an inch every month before. I do find that with Surge a little goes a long way. You really don't have to saturate tha scalp.

Oh, one more thing, I have not had any bad reactions to Surge since I started.
I am on day two and I am frustrated. I am not a big fan of washing my hair everyday, it's too time consuming when you have a 7 year old little girl to get ready in the morning. I have been parting the hair and spraying my scalp in the morning and the night and putting Breakfree on the hair and Mango butter and slicking it back in a ponytail. I don't think I can do this everyday. Is this the only way that this stuff can be used.
I don't think you need to wash your hair everyday. Just spray, moisturize and tie your hair back. I have a weave in currently but I have hair left out at the top to cover the crown. I've been parting and spraying, then moisturizing, then starting yesterday, I immediately tie it down. This helps the moisture to seep into my hair without making the hair poofy after it dries. I got that tip from someone else on this thread.

Surge is not the best if you are wearing a wrap, which I currently am with my weave, but tying it down does seem to do the trick. I will probably have to to try ponytails though when I take this weave out.

Also I forgot to mention this too, I do not seem to be having any allergic reaction to Surge either.

I hope this helps.
I've been using Surge for about 2&1/2 months now and I have noticed a great increase in growth. I only use mine once a day because I'm in braids, and instead of washing my hair 1 a week, I wash it 2x a week now with great results. I had my braids on done on the 4th of this month and already have about 3/4in. of new growth!!!
I am trying to figure out how to get around this too. I think the only way to use Surge effectivley is in a protective style like a bun or a braid out. You can't wear your hair blown out or a roller set. That is a probelm for me.
It will be a problem for me also when I take this weave out. I guess it will be good, cause it will force me to protective style which I never do on my own. I guess I will have to now, which is better for my hair since the back of it grazes my shoulder (therefore my shirts, drying the ends).
You have ben wearing your hair blow dried & rollerset while using Surge? How do you do that? Do you only put the Surge in right after washing and before the rollerset? I thought you have to use it 2 times a day.
Okay, so you saying that you use it on dry hair, spray your scalp and then you wrap your hair and put your scarf on and your off to bed. You mean to tell me that in the morning, you cpmb down your wrap and it's not wet? Please help me to understand. I am on day 2 and I am ready to stip because of the wet hair thing and the washing everyday. This is too much work.
Thanks so much. I just took out a weave two weeks ago. My hair grew (I wasn't using anythng special) but it thinned out so much. I finally go the Surge on Sunday hoping that it would bring my hair back to life. I am going to try and wash on the 3rd or 4th day. I want to try and find the shampoo if I can. I should have been using it while I had in the weave. I was using Wild Grow, that was a mistake. It smelled horrible.
Well I have so many issues going on with my hair. It was shedding before I put it in. I had two surgeries recently and I was told the anasthesia tends to do that. I haven't been able to stop the shedding. I am trying to change my eating and water intake. I take the GNC woman's ultra mega beauty and vitality pack (has MSM and a bunch of other stuff for skin, hair and nails). I got a perm rigth before getting the weave put in which was a bad idea. My hair was weak to start out with and that made it weaker. I normally don't have that problem. I have worn braids in the past years and my hair alwasy got longer and thicker. Don't go by my experience, I didn't prepare my hair for the weave the way I should have.
Oh no!!

I didn't prepare my hair either. I relaxed and put it right in. I hope I don't have any issues. This is my second set, I had it redone and relaxed at the end of April. I really hope I don't have any thinning issues