Please post your opinion on Cathy Howse 's book


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Please post your opinion on Cathy Howse \'s book

If you have read the Cathy Howse book, do you think it is worth the $15.00? Basically, is there anything in it that I couldn't learn on this board. <font color="pink"> </font color>
Re: Please post your opinion on Cathy Howse \'s book

Hi Prettygrl,

In truth, no. I think that everything Cathy Howes advocates is practiced by many women on this forum.

For me, it was worth the $15.00 because at the time, I was not a member of any hair board and really didn't have a clue as to how to take care of my hair. After reading her book, a lot of her advice made sense and I started to put it into practice. When I finally found this board, I discovered that a lot of what she suggests is also recommended widely on this board. Examples:

-Washing hair every 3 days or at least once a week
-Doing deep conditioners at least once a week with appropriate product
-Eliminating the use of hair brushes (except to smooth a style into place)
-Doing a protein treatment after a relaxer application
-Eliminating the blowdryer

That's what I can remember for now. I'll look through my book when I get home tonight to see if I've forgotten anything. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: Please post your opinion on Cathy Howse \'s book

I had the book and loaned it to a friend. Unfortunately, I have yet to get it back and I do miss the book.

A lot of women on this board offer really sound information, however, the book is still good to have, IMO. I think it was worth the money. Cathy gives some good advise but it is important to remember that she's talking from her perspective and what has worked for her. I would suggest the book, and you can always tweak what she says to fit your own hair and see what's best for you.

Re: Please post your opinion on Cathy Howse \'s book

Personally, I did not like the book and thought it was yet another waste of my hard earned $$'s. There was nothing in the book which lead me to believe that I couldn't find the information from any hair board starting with this one and others.

Secondly, In chapter 2, "The Professionals" I felt any other hair care specialist she did not agree with, she was wwaayy too critical of them i.e., Barry Fletcher, Jon Atchison etc.

MHO /images/graemlins/frown.gif

If you really want to purchase it, check E-Bay sometimes it's there from $.99 - $4.00.

Re: Please post your opinion on Cathy Howse \'s book

Thank you all for responding--and so quick!<font color="pink"> </font color>
Re: Please post your opinion on Cathy Howse \'s book

It's a good book with a lot of helpful info. But in all honesty, you can get the same info from this board and the Q&amp;A on Howse's site. If you have to have the book, get a used copy. I got mine from a search at for $7. It was brand new.

I didn't like the bashing of competitors, either...
Re: Please post your opinion on Cathy Howse \'s book

I read the book after my friend ordered it on amazon. Frankly, there's nothing in it that you won't have heard before. I was not impressed by the lack of actual pictures of success stories. I actually did write to her to say this and she ( or one of her reps) replied telling me that the people wished for anonimity. I thought that was bs because with computer imaging you can sensor a picture.

I was also not impressed by her criticism of wanakee and other competitors. Going off topic........Beverly Johnson has now taken over wanakee products she not a wig wearer?
Re: Please post your opinion on Cathy Howse \'s book

I loved CH's book when I first read it, however I wasn't a member of the board.Most of the info is definitly stated by the ladies here. In short. IMO it has goodal info but nothing that you will not discover from the ladies here. P.S I bought mine from for 3.50
Re: Please post your opinion on Cathy Howse \'s book

I also purchased the book but at the time was not a member of any hairboard but I think it is a good book to use as a reference if you are beginning to take care of your own hair. I have found that I am getting the same information from this board too. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: Please post your opinion on Cathy Howse \'s book

<font color="blue"> Hi prettygrl !
I thought cathy's book was great. Its an easy read. A lot of the info you can find here. Its nice to have as a reference </font color>
Re: Please post your opinion on Cathy Howse \'s book

I didn't like Cathy Howse's book. Her book is basically her regimen and I don't like the idea of selling your regimen. You would think her hair would be longer and healthier with such a fool proof plan. I don't see that she gets six inches a year. It doesn't make me want to follow her regimen. Besides she is very vicious when it comes to "rating" her competitors. I don't think that was necessary or professional of her and it really turned me away from her book. I have it and I probably won't read it again but hell if I know what I did with it. Otherwise I would give it away to someone in an instant.
Re: Please post your opinion on Cathy Howse \'s book

The book is not worth $15 dollars. If you write the book in normal font (not Times New Roman 14) then the book only comes out to about 25-30 pages. Her books ideas are practiced on this board everyday, even better than what she touches upon. You have a good resource right here on I would sell you my books, but I gave one to my mother 4 years ago, and I gave the second book I had to a friend 2 years ago.

Trust me the only thing she talks about is:
her competitors
to wash it every 3 days, a week at the longest
use her hairdew
don't blowdry or brush
limit curling iron use
use a deep conditioner for 20 minutes on your hair every time you wash it
to straighten your newgrowth to stretch a relaxer out use your curling iron.

And that's basically about it, no kidding.
Re: Please post your opinion on Cathy Howse \'s book

Everything the ladies have said here is correct. Cathy's book was a nice reference for me because I knew NOTHING about the messageboards and it was the only book I could find at the time. My hair truly did benefit from her methods.(However, I am a firm believer in trimming every 3-4 months /images/graemlins/wink.gif) I think I got mine used from for about $9.00 + shipping. It was easy to read, can be read in one day(about 1 hour to tell the truth /images/graemlins/wink.gif) and she has some good advice. The ladies have summed it up...
1. She washes every 3-4 days.
2. No blow dryers, no instant conditioners.
3. She recommends deep conditioning often.
4. Low curling iron usage, no blow dryers or hairbrushes.
5. No trimming(that's her biggie) or only if you want your hair "even".
6. Equating Wanakee's products to thickeners and vaseline.
7. Moisturizing(another biggie of hers)
8. Nutrition
9. Chemicals

As I stated before, there is NOTHING in Cathy's book that you have not seen on LONG HAIRCARE FORUM DOT COM. Borrow a friend's copy or as the ladies stated, get it from or used. Don't pay over $5.00 for it.
Re: Please post your opinion on Cathy Howse \'s book

I live her book, she is very good and I noticed the difference after a couple of weeks, it was much softner, I don't however agree with her about the proteins, which it has not put weight on me at all.
Re: Please post your opinion on Cathy Howse \'s book

When I was relaxed, Cathy's book was one of the first that I purchased. It was very informative for me because I was just doing my own thing and wanted the help I could get. I didn't agree with everything but like with all the hair books I have, I use what works and discard the rest. Sure you can get more than enough information from this board but if someone doesn't know the boards exist it's great for them. I personally thought that Carolyn Gray's book was a whole lot bashing of competitors and she offered products and a step-by-step routine that works.
Re: Please post your opinion on Cathy Howse \'s book

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Dandy112 said:
I also purchased the book but at the time was not a member of any hairboard but I think it is a good book to use as a reference if you are beginning to take care of your own hair. I have found that I am getting the same information from this board too. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

I have to agree with you Dandy

I first bought that book when I was new to hair boards and didn't have a drop of hair knowledge like I do now. It was a good reference for me then but compared to what I know now I'm glad I never followed it to her precise detail.

I did however like the explanation about trimming not stimulating hair growth.
Re: Please post your opinion on Cathy Howse \'s book

her book is ok but not worth the price! i love her products but i think the book should have been a free pamphlet with her products for first time buyers (esp. since the conditioner bottle states it should NOT be used without reading the book first). the most useful bits of the book for me was the moisturizing and conditioning instructions, exactly how, why, when and what.

badly edited but not cathys fault. also some of her arguments are somehow 'weird'. one example, she critizes people who say cotton pillow cases will cause breakage. but ok, they dont CAUSE breakage as such, but if the material sucks out moisture from the hair, wont the dryness lead to breakage??? /images/graemlins/confused.gif and the dryness-breakage thing IS the running theme in her book!