Please Keep my Husband in your Prayers

Nice & Wavy

Well-Known Member
My husband has been going hoarse for the last year or so. We finally made an appt for the ENT doctors and he has a nodule on his left vocal chord and his vocal chord is strained. He has to now go to a speech therapist to try to help him learn to relax his vocal chords, so that means he can't preach right now...ugghhh!

Thanks in advance for your prayers.

Loving you with the love of the Lord!

You know I'm on it big sis.:yep:

Satan can't keep a godly man down nor keep him from preaching the word.
NW, Delay is not defeat. He'll be back on his feet in no time. Said a prayer for him. In my mother's words "All is well." I'll keep you guys in my prayers.
I didn't know this. I will pray for you and your hubby, N&W! You are always so kind and thoughtful of others in need-thanks for sharing this with us so we can stand with you.
My husband has been going hoarse for the last year or so. We finally made an appt for the ENT doctors and he has a nodule on his left vocal chord and his vocal chord is strained. He has to now go to a speech therapist to try to help him learn to relax his vocal chords, so that means he can't preach right now...ugghhh!

Thanks in advance for your prayers.

Loving you with the love of the Lord!


I'm sure he will find a way to continue God's work. Will keep him in prayer...
I didn't know this. I will pray for you and your hubby, N&W! You are always so kind and thoughtful of others in need-thanks for sharing this with us so we can stand with you.

Thank you so much, sis for your prayers and for your kind words. I do appreciate you so much for standing with me in agreement!

Love ya!
Precious Wavy and my precious brother...I love you, both so much. I'm just logging on and seeing this message. Indeed I will pray.

In Jesus's Name, I come into full agreement that you and your husband are the healed of God. I praise God that He will not allow this thing to go any further, it shall not expand it's boundaries, nor will it hinder your progess any further.

I praise God not only for complete healing, but for constant protection. That God coats every lining of his vocal area; that the Balm of Gilead is poured upon you both in Jesus's name.

I praise God for the ease and the release of peace and a full and fresh annointing upon the two of you like never before. For God has prepared an open door that no man can shut, neither can any other enter in to steal that which God have prepared for the two of you as one.

In Jesus's name, we don't have to 'claim' it, :nono:, for God has so named it, 'yours' and what God hath given no man or devil can take away. It's Covenant protected, sealed in the Blood of Jesus as so are the two of you...always one in Him. In Jesus's name. Amen and Amen. :heart2:

:bat: Now I've had with the devil and his mess. he's going down, oh indeed the enemy in going down...:bat: :hardslap:

Mess with my sister and her hubby....Nah-Uh :nono: :hardslap:

Love you Precious Wavy.... :bighug: :pray: :love3: :circle: You are surrounded in continuous love and prayers.....
Precious Wavy and my precious brother...I love you, both so much. I'm just logging on and seeing this message. Indeed I will pray.

In Jesus's Name, I come into full agreement that you and your husband are the healed of God. I praise God that He will not allow this thing to go any further, it shall not expand it's boundaries, nor will it hinder your progess any further.

I praise God not only for complete healing, but for constant protection. That God coats every lining of his vocal area; that the Balm of Gilead is poured upon you both in Jesus's name.

I praise God for the ease and the release of peace and a full and fresh annointing upon the two of you like never before. For God has prepared an open door that no man can shut, neither can any other enter in to steal that which God have prepared for the two of you as one.

In Jesus's name, we don't have to 'claim' it, :nono:, for God has so named it, 'yours' and what God hath given no man or devil can take away. It's Covenant protected, sealed in the Blood of Jesus as so are the two of you...always one in Him. In Jesus's name. Amen and Amen. :heart2:

:bat: Now I've had with the devil and his mess. he's going down, oh indeed the enemy in going down...:bat: :hardslap:

Mess with my sister and her hubby....Nah-Uh :nono: :hardslap:

Love you Precious Wavy.... :bighug: :pray: :love3: :circle: You are surrounded in continuous love and prayers.....

I'm in total agreement with this prayer, in Jesus precious and Holy Name! AMEN!

Thank you, sis...for your love and prayers!
healing and complete recovery to your DH's body. May the Sun of righteousness rise with healing in His wings.:yep:
Your husband is one of God's "soldiers"...he will continue on, and for now, his actions can always speak louder than words.

I pray for his healing, and complete recovery.
I will keep him in my prayers and I will be praying for complete healing and restoration of his voice! *HUGS*