Please keep my family in your prayers


Well-Known Member
Please say for a prayer of protection for my family in general but in particular my brothers. They need to Lord's protection at this time and always.

God has been working some great deeds for us but the enemy is near and trying to hurt us.

Thank you all!
Whenever we are about to get something great, the enemy tries to destroy the transaction. Continue to praise the Lord during your time of struggle, when praises goes up, blessings comes down.
Please say for a prayer of protection for my family in general but in particular my brothers. They need to Lord's protection at this time and always.

God has been working some great deeds for us but the enemy is near and trying to hurt us.

Thank you all!
I will indeed pray for your loved ones.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you that you have a hedge of protection surrounding the lives of Madamdot's loved ones.

We acknowledge that you are the Lord of all protection, you are Jehovah Nissi, the God who fights our battles, the Lord who wins them all, you are the Lord our banner and your banner over us is love.

Gather them under your wings of protection and shield them the snare of the fowler and from the noisome pestilence, from all threats of the arrows that fly by day and from the blades of danger which fly by night. Father give these dear brothers of hers, wisdom! Wisdom to walk away from trouble. Free them from the enemy's path of danger and subjection to dicord and retaliation; shield them from all strife and vengence.

Let them not be at the wrong place at anytime but that their footsteps are ordered of you to be at the right place at the right time, never early, never late, never a U-turn.

Father, set their hearts afire for you; let their hunger be for your Word, let their hearts do yearn to be in your presence and to love, to serve, to honor you from this moment forward, let the seeds of love planted by their loving sister Madamdot, not be in vain, for these seeds of love and righteousness have been implanted within their hearts and can no longer be ignored, and indeed shall not be aborted.

Father you've given us authority over all devils, all diseases, and over all of the power of the enemy, therefore we take this full authority and command the devil to 'back off'! Back off of these precious lives that are now dedicated as yours. For is it now declared that they shall become totally yours and nothing and no one can take them from your hands nor your plans for their Destiny.

We love you, Lord and praise you for their eternal safe keeping, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :love2:

Blessings Precious Madamdot :kiss: Sweet one, it is well, in Jesus' Name.
i WILL PRAY.... it seems as of late the advesary has been trying to destroy the men of YHWH by trying to destroy the women of YHWH and the women that they love.... it's time we fight back.