Please help with jumbo perm rods


New Member
I'm trying to put them in and I found a video of how to do it, but whenever I put them in it feels loose like they are going to fall out. I'm not sure which way the elastic goes and maybe I'm twisting it wrong? I found a video on it and I just tried it again, but I really can't figure out how to make the rods tight. Do you think because I'm 7+ months post my hair can't take it? I'm not really sure about that because my NG is soft.

Please help :sad:

Okay that makes sense but when I try to roll it to my scalp it feels loose, I'll try to add more hair and see what happens. I wonder if there is a certain way that you roll it. :ohwell:

I don't know I'll hopefully get more responses
Thanks, none of the pics are showing up, does anyone know about the perm rods though? They are harder than the flexi rod set. Maybe I don't have enough moisture in my hair because it felt dry.
Okay, after I roll my hair like normal do I wrap the elastic around the hair? I'm not sure. I was just rolling it up and then snapping it inside because otherwise it feels like the elastic is going to pop.:perplexed
I have the orange rods and what I do is,i have the rod downward ( the part stuck in the crease) and roll forward and then bring the rod sting around toward the scalp (opposite of how you rolled it) to clip it in the hole and roll the head part back toward the scalp if it isnt close already. i saw an example on youtube where she used the pink rods and just practiced on dry hair until i got it- the key to me is which ever way you are rolling, bring the string around the hair backwards so it clips onto the hair- HTH all in all i roll my hair going toward the front on each sides and it worked for me- i had those rollers for a year and just watched the video metioned earlier watched very closely and practiced on dry hair- just till you get the hand of it- if i can do it, i know you can, believe me!