Please Help! My hair started falling out this morning!!


New Member
Good morning!

I've been a lurker here for several months, just trying out some new products and hairstyles while I'm transitioning. Just last week I started using MNT products. I cowashed last night with MNT Original Conditioner and while my hair was soaking wet, I sprayed a little MNT Herbal Therapy Spray. I used a shower comb to detangle and I had no shedding. I then added Shea Butter for moisture and KCCC for hold. I rolled my hair with satin rollers and airdried with the intention of wearing it pinned up with a few loose curly tendrils. Well as I was seperating the curls this morning, I noticed chunks of hair just falling out. I wasn't pulling hard at all and I was only using my fingers. I don't understand!

Maybe I'm using the wrong combination of products? Do any of those products cause excessive shedding?

A little more background:

I have 4a/b hair (at least that's what I think)
Relaxer-free since April 2009 (give or take a month)

Thanks for any input!
Excuse the ignorance, but what is MNT? Also are you sure it's shedding/falling out and not breakage? Is the hair all the same texture which could mean it's breaking at the demarcation point? Are you seeing bulbs, which could mean falling out/shedding?
Is this the first time that you have airdried?

was your hair soft or brittle when you touched it?

Is Mane and tail a protein product?
Usually I would airdry 100% then flat iron every week. But this week I've decided that I will not use heat unless it's ABSOLUTELY necessary. I thought my hair would start to get healthier so that's why I'm shocked that so much started breaking off! I mean I was pullling out at least 5-10 strands from each curl. It was soft when I touched it. I've never noticed that much breakage. I think MNT is protein bad?
No protein isn't bad, but some people (like me) are very sensitive to protein products, and can't use them two weeks in a row.

I'm not familiar with Mane n tail so I don't know if it's a light-medium-heavy protein..or even if this is what is causing the problem.

Also, *I* have not had any luck with air drying. If I do airdry, I leave my hair alone (until i re-wash and rollerset), because I get a lot of breakage with this method.

Just throwing out some ideas for you to ponder, until the experts get in here to help you :grin:
Usually I would airdry 100% then flat iron every week. But this week I've decided that I will not use heat unless it's ABSOLUTELY necessary. I thought my hair would start to get healthier so that's why I'm shocked that so much started breaking off! I mean I was pullling out at least 5-10 strands from each curl. It was soft when I touched it. I've never noticed that much breakage. I think MNT is protein bad?

Protein is not bad, but does absolutely require moisture as a follow-up other wise it can make the hair mre brittle than usual which could result in breakage.
Usually I would airdry 100% then flat iron every week. But this week I've decided that I will not use heat unless it's ABSOLUTELY necessary. I thought my hair would start to get healthier so that's why I'm shocked that so much started breaking off! I mean I was pullling out at least 5-10 strands from each curl. It was soft when I touched it. I've never noticed that much breakage. I think MNT is protein bad?

anytime you use a protein of any sort, you must follow up with a good MOISTURIZING conditioner and let it penetrate. Try doing this, and you should see a difference. You can't do a protein, then proceed on with styling. For me, that would be like taking a shower and NOT using any lotion on my legs...just walk out da house a hot mess n ashy...not a good look.
Sounds like you might have protein overload....which means the protein in the MnT products probably made your hair so strong that its now breaking.....

If this is the case try to do a deep conditioning treatment with a moisturizing deep favorite right now is Lustrasilks Shea Butter Cholesterol Plus...and just let that sit for about 30-an hour....i know on the jar it says 3-5 minutes...but i like to let it sit longer.

Agreed that it may be protein overload. IMO it's not necessary to do a full moisture deep condition because MnT is only light-medium protein but at least follow up with a quick condition with a moisturizing conditioner.

So for the next time you decide to wash your hair you should either co-wash with a mositurizing conditioner OR deep condition with a moisturizing deep conditioner. This should stop your breakage. HTH!
You said when you detangled you didnt see any hair shedding, maybe you didn't detangle well enough and the hair you saw this morning was just shedding hair. I know when I don't detangle well, when my hair is finally dries I see all of the hair shed.
I'll say this:

I am EXTREMELY protein sensitive and I use MNT Original Conditioner without any problems. However, I don't do frequent co-washing. Hydrolyzed Protein is the 6th ingredient from the bottom so that could be why it's never caused me any problems.

As far as detangling, though shower combs are nice, I've found it prudent to go back over the same sections with a smaller-toothed comb to get the tangles that a wide-toothed comb may have missed.

Are you 100% natural or transitioning?
I was about to say, this sounds like more than just protein overload going on. If you have been transitioning for a year, it sounds like those relaxed ends are extremely weakened and are breaking off.

It's been 7 years since my transition to natural so I don't quite remember all the details but I remember my hair was literally "raining" broken strands. You should research the forum about ways to care for your weakened relaxed strands while you're transitioning. I just cut mine off cuz I thought they would damage my natural hair but that was long before there were forums like this available. HTH and good luck.