**Please help me think outside the box**


New Member
Have you gals ever seen a mixed girl .... (daddy **supposedly** full white....mama black) with 4Z hair???? :perplexed and edges like - :drowning:

I know this chick he swears up n down that she is half white half black for the simple fact that she is light *skinded* :lol:

My mom knows her WHOLE fam and has never seen a white man in the picture.....or in *A* picture for that matter....:perplexed

i personally think she's lying....oh and she looks EXACTLY like her mama.....i wanna know who her real daddy is-- :hide:

anyway....have you EVER seen this??? is this possible??? to be mixed and have 4z hair????

enlighten me and pardon my ignorance. :blush:
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I've never seen it but it can be possible. You cannot tell genes how to act.

I know African and Indian mixed with 4b hair.
Yes, it's possible. :yep:

I PERSONALLY know a young girl who has a White father and AA mother. She's light-skinned and looks like her father, but has her mother's 4bish hair.
Why does it matter to you? I knew a girl who swore her uncle was Johnny Appleseed and her great+++++grandfather was George washington because her parents told her it was true. She fell out when we said it wasn't true. After that we left her alone. We were 11 years old. When parents tell lies to their children leave it be.

Sometimes hair looks like one texture when it is dry and not cared for. So is it possible I think so. I have seen some biracial children with 5z hair because they were only using shampoo and nothing else and no combs. Just dry, crispy drawn up, balled up hair.
I've known "verifiable" :lol: biracial people with 4b+ hair. Its not that unusual. People who question that are the same people who ask me if I'm SURE I'm not biracial simply because my curl pattern is slightly looser. :look:
thanks ladies! very true! you never know how genes will act....i personally have NEVER seen it....

thank you for enlightening me! :yep:
not sure how to articulate this, but if she doesn't know her father, there is more to be concerned about than her hair texture
Yeah its very possible.
I know a mixed girl with 4a/4b hair. They don't always get the stereotypical "mixed child loose curls".
Its reasons like this ppl think everyone with 3c hair is mixed. -__-
Why does it matter to you? I knew a girl who swore her uncle was Johnny Appleseed and her great+++++grandfather was George washington because her parents told her it was true. She fell out when we said it wasn't true. After that we left her alone. We were 11 years old. When parents tell lies to their children leave it be.

Sometimes hair looks like one texture when it is dry and not cared for. So is it possible I think so. I have seen some biracial children with 5z hair because they were only using shampoo and nothing else and no combs. Just dry, crispy drawn up, balled up hair.

I know mixed people with highly textured hair. They know how to use conditioner - it's just that they don't have curly hair. Why do people assume no one knows about conditioner or had to learn about it on the internet? Conditioner's not a specialty product. They have walls of it at every discount mart and dollar store - for no more than three dollars/bottle and some is less than a dollar a bottle.
Tiye said:
I know mixed people with highly textured hair. They know how to use conditioner - it's just that they don't have curly hair. Why do people assume no one knows about conditioner or had to learn about it on the internet? Conditioner's not a specialty product. They have walls of it at every discount mart and dollar store - for no more than three dollars/bottle and some is less than a dollar a bottle.

I was talking about some people I personally knew who had hair like that. I know this because I saw this was what they did. I am not saying all do this. I know biracial families that know how to take care of hair. The op asked if this was possible and I gave an example.
There are many mixed people with highly textured hair..some have kinkier hair than me.

I know two sisters where one was light skin and kinky hair and the other has dark skin and straight hair..

And yeah I don't see why it is your place to question so much especially when both the girl and her mother say this is true...
Yes, I had a friend who was bi-racial; white mom/black dad - they had three kids, two boys and her. She had kinky, tightly coiled hair and her brothers had the preverbial mixed type of hair ... people would assume she wasn't mixed because of her hair texture, that is until they met her blue eyed, blonde hair momma.

On the flip, I have a bi-racial friend; black dad/white mom who looks straight up white ... green eyes, very light skin, and type 1 hair. It just be like that sometimes ....
This is actually common. Esperanza Spalding is a light skinned biracial woman with type 4 hair. I have seen this many times in person as well. You can have a biracial person who is dark but has a looser hair texture(Rachel True, Kellis, stacy dash, Chilli, Tatiana Ali). Some who are light with tighter curls(Esperanza, Cree Summer, and etc). Some who look straight up white...some who look straight up black. And some who just look like a more "equal" mix of the two. Personally, I think black people are already very diverse on their own and you never know how we will come out. There are so many possibilities without even mixing with another race. So when we mix with other rces you realllly never know what the outcome will be. Black is beautiful...no matter if you add the whole bottle or just throw in a dash. Now I feel like a chef lol!