Please help me decide between Mizani BB mild relaxer and Linange relaxer


Active Member
So I'm currently into week #19 of my stretch but I only seem to have 1.5 inches of new growth. I'll be self relaxing for the first time in 5 years. I like my hair to be processed to 70% or so leaving just a mild texture. I started my HHJ 2 months ago and I'd like to know if the new Mizani BB formula in mild will give me the results I'm after or if should try mizani normal strength or even Linange relaxer. For reference I think I'm between 3c/4a. I'll try to attatch a pic of my new growth. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I want to buy my relaxer this week and end my stretch shortly after.


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I personally prefer Linange, will be doing a touch up this evening with it. I found it kept my hair much more moisturized. I went for the straighter texture so I left it in a little longer than the required time. My hair was smooth, moisturized while being strong and full. I never got that flat relaxer hair look that usually happens with fine hair.

Now Mizani, I didn't use the updated version but I tried the lye and no lye for about a year. Every time was all good for the first two or three applications after that my hair became drier and drier no matter what I did. That stuff was created in back of hell as far as I am concern, I still have about three inches of parched ends which I am cutting off slowly from this perm. Clearly I am not a fan of Mizani perms at all, it was the cause for the biggest setback I have ever experienced with my hair.
I personally prefer Linange, will be doing a touch up this evening with it. I found it kept my hair much more moisturized. I went for the straighter texture so I left it in a little longer than the required time. My hair was smooth, moisturized while being strong and full. I never got that flat relaxer hair look that usually happens with fine hair.

Now Mizani, I didn't use the updated version but I tried the lye and no lye for about a year. Every time was all good for the first two or three applications after that my hair became drier and drier no matter what I did. That stuff was created in back of hell as far as I am concern, I still have about three inches of parched ends which I am cutting off slowly from this perm. Clearly I am not a fan of Mizani perms at all, it was the cause for the biggest setback I have ever experienced with my hair.

Did you use the relaxer or the texturizer? Also, do you add a chelatinh shampoo or their neutralizing conditioner is enough?
I used the relaxers only with both brands and I use ORS Creamy Aloe shampoo as well. I have Linanage neturalizing conditioner but I am not a big fan of it.
My sister uses Linange because she doesn't like flat hair. I'm thinking about switching to them. I've been using Silk Element mild and it burned the last time. I'll use it one more time. If I get burn again, I will make the switch.
My sister uses Linange because she doesn't like flat hair. I'm thinking about switching to them. I've been using Silk Element mild and it burned the last time. I'll use it one more time. If I get burn again, I will make the switch.

Is your sister's hair texlaxed then but more towards the straighter side?
Mizani Butter Blends was the worst relaxer experience of my life! I used that when I started my HHJ too. That sh!t is from Satan himself. Please don't use it. It gave me the worst burns and still left my hair underprocessed and brittle.
I have tried both... right now in Senegalese twists, when I take them down it will be 30+ weeks, got twists because debating if will stretch to natural, but will be going back to my ole faithful Lineage...
Mizani Butter Blends was the worst relaxer experience of my life! I used that when I started my HHJ too. That sh!t is from Satan himself. Please don't use it. It gave me the worst burns and still left my hair underprocessed and brittle.

Doesn't it just make you want to curse all over again when you think about what it did to your hair.
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My sister uses Linange because she doesn't like flat hair. I'm thinking about switching to them. I've been using Silk Element mild and it burned the last time. I'll use it one more time. If I get burn again, I will make the switch.

Im switching from silk mild myself. Has left me underprocessed more than once. Im sure being having low porosity hair has something to do with it but this didnt help matters
I used Linange on my cousin and it was good, but I use Mizani BB regular and texlax my hair and it works pretty well. When I used the no lye it was a hot mess, but the lye works pretty good. When you process too much with Mizani its horrible I will admit. But I never had a problem using it.

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together
Mizani Butter Blends was the worst relaxer experience of my life! I used that when I started my HHJ too. That sh!t is from Satan himself. Please don't use it. It gave me the worst burns and still left my hair underprocessed and brittle.

May I ask what relaxer or texturizer are you using. I would love to have my hair like the picture you have in your post! It's so full of body!
I haven't used Mizani, so I can't offer an opinion on that. I used Linange relaxer for my last touch up and I loved it! It got my hair very straight and I hardly had any burning w/o basing my scalp. I am very slow at self relaxing and I was able to apply and smooth my whole head before I had any tingling. Linange also has a texturizer since you want to leave some texture in your hair.
I also used their neutralizing conditioner. I liked it because it neutralizes and has protein, so it combines two steps for me.
aww thanks. That hair is Affirm lye regular. However, this thread is right on time because I just put in an order for Linage on Monday! I hope I like it. There's nothing wrong with the Affirm but I've been reading on here about how good the Linage relaxer is and just had to try it.
Go with Lineage. My old stylist used Mizani BB lye and my hair was porous and wouldn't hold moisture. I recently switched a stylist that uses Lineage Lye relaxer and the difference in my newly relaxed hair and the old hair is obvious. The Lineage relaxed hair is sooo smooth and soft. I didn't know my hair could feel like this.
Thanks all for the replies. I'm sold on the Linange but for those of you that use it, can you get a nice texlaxed result with the relaxer ( leaving it for a shorter amount if time) or should I consider the texturizer? I'm afraid that the texturizer might leave way too much texture.
Mizani Butter Blends was the worst relaxer experience of my life! I used that when I started my HHJ too. That sh!t is from Satan himself. Please don't use it. It gave me the worst burns and still left my hair underprocessed and brittle.

OMG I had the same experience with Mizani Butter Blends. I was rinsing after a touch up and noticed my hair was coming out in clumps. Now i have relaxed my hair for 30 years so i know what i'm doing. I was panicked so as soon as i got out shower i used as little manipulation as possible and slathered on Its a 10 Conditioner and left it on over night. Thank god all my hair didn't come out. I started using Linage right after that (over a year ago) and never looked back. Lineage is the best relaxer i ever used.
aww thanks. That hair is Affirm lye regular. However, this thread is right on time because I just put in an order for Linage on Monday! I hope I like it. There's nothing wrong with the Affirm but I've been reading on here about how good the Linage relaxer is and just had to try it.

You're welcome. Are you relaxing soon? Also, are you texlaxed? I'd love to hear how you like once you use it.
I'm mostly bone straight and I have 2 texlaxed patches on both sides of my hair that I under processed with the butter blends and didn't want to put more relaxer on and risk over processing. I'm 6 months post now because I was trying to transition but changed my mind. So as soon as it comes I plan on using it and I'll update here to tell you how I like it.

Hopefully it comes tomorrow
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Hey OP!

It came and I relaxed on Friday. First thoughts were it looked and felt more like a conditioner than a relaxer. The consistency is runnier than a traditional relaxer and I was actually able to pour it into my bowl versus scooping it like a regular relaxer. Also I should note the color is different as well. It's like a pink tint to it.

That said, I like it. my hair looks a little more thin than I expected it to be after reading all the reviews that say it leaves more texture than other relaxers, but I won't make any judgement on tht till after I wash my hair tomorrow because it could be because I flat ironed so I could trim.

I'm still on the fence about the neutralizing condish though. It felt like a shampoo to me cause it suds up but I actually found it stripping. So next time I may just pull out my normal neutralizing shampoo.

I think you should try it!
I have never tried Linange but I have tried Mizani. It was not the butter blends though. The Mizani made my hair so life less.. It stuck to my head. I looked bald head for the first week after the relaxer. It was ok but it seemed to take too well. I don't know what it was...
Hey OP!

It came and I relaxed on Friday. First thoughts were it looked and felt more like a conditioner than a relaxer. The consistency is runnier than a traditional relaxer and I was actually able to pour it into my bowl versus scooping it like a regular relaxer. Also I should note the color is different as well. It's like a pink tint to it.

That said, I like it. my hair looks a little more thin than I expected it to be after reading all the reviews that say it leaves more texture than other relaxers, but I won't make any judgement on tht till after I wash my hair tomorrow because it could be because I flat ironed so I could trim.

I'm still on the fence about the neutralizing condish though. It felt like a shampoo to me cause it suds up but I actually found it stripping. So next time I may just pull out my normal neutralizing shampoo.

I think you should try it![/QUOTE

Thanks for getting back with an update. I'm glad it worked out for you. I am thinking about using a neutralizing g shampoo too even though I ordered their neutralizing conditioner. I am waiting for my order to arrive, I got the texturizer one along with the conditioner and the mask. I might extend my stretch a little longer but I definitely want to give my take on it. The first week post tends to be the week that my hair looks the thinnest too.