Please help!! Is it ok to mix oils or conditioner into Vitale Relaxer?


Well-Known Member
Hi my gorgeous growers in locks, I read a thread that was started last year about adding oils to relaxers to get extra softness along with other benefits. So I am wondering, does this apply to every single relaxer? I am self relaxing for the first time and I am trying to do everything right: Protect with silk protein, base my scalp, section hair into fours, I'm practicing with conditioner first, neutralize neutralize neutralize, etc. And I would like to add oil to the Vital Body and Life relaxer, I just dont want it to mess up the process or anything. What do you ladies think? I have 4a/b hair by the way if that means much...
I kinda asked a similar question in the original post that i was talking about ans Sistaslick answered it!!! Thank you miss!!! Your hair is gooorrrgggeeeoooouusss!!!!! She suggests 1/4 a cup of oil to how much relaxer i will use, but if I dont know since i've never relaxed, how much could i use then? Is it not ok just to put 1/4 in the whole 16 oz tub and use the rest the next touch up or will that weaken the perm over some amount of time?
Kristal said:
I kinda asked a similar question in the original post that i was talking about ans Sistaslick answered it!!! Thank you miss!!! Your hair is gooorrrgggeeeoooouusss!!!!! She suggests 1/4 a cup of oil to how much relaxer i will use, but if I dont know since i've never relaxed, how much could i use then? Is it not ok just to put 1/4 in the whole 16 oz tub and use the rest the next touch up or will that weaken the perm over some amount of time?


Are you going for a texlaxed look, or something straighter? I add 1/4 cup to about 7-9oz of relaxer and this texlaxes me. (I think 7-9oz that is how big my mini-tub is anyway.) You can always experiment with the amount of oil you add. Just know that the more you add, the harder it'll be for your relaxer to break through the oil barriers to straighten. If you want a textured result, you can increase the oil as needed.

eta: Devin asked something like that in the other thread. I don't think it will hurt the relaxer to add oil to the entire tub, but I'd start off trying it with a smaller pre-measured amount of relaxer to see how I like it first. I'd hate you to add oil to the entire thing and hate the turnout. So test it out on one application first-- that way you can make adjustments. I add it to the entire tub because its small, and I end up using the entire tub in one go. :lol:
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Kristal said:
Thank you so much!!! And I was going for fully relaxed with body, if that makes sense.

I'd start off adding not more than either 2 or 3 tblsp to the amount you plan to use then.

Do you use the mid-relaxer protein conditioner with the Vitale? The positive conditioner, I believe its called? This will also help give your straightened hair lots of body. :yep: