please help I'm a newbie!!


New Member
Today I went and relaxed my hair after a long stretch and my beautician switched from Mizani to Essations. She put it in my hair and it looks okay, BUT............... I just researched it and it's NO LYE:perplexed I read on here that you should not put No lye relaxers on top of Lye relaxers. I just wanted to know if my hair is damaged now? I don't plan on relaxing again until January. Is there anything I can do to make sure my hair doesn't start breaking off or shedding. I'm sticking with Mizani Mild after this I SWEAR!! I want to post a picture on here because it doesn't look bad, and I'm suprised by my porgress so far. I'm scared that all my progress is going to go down the drain (literally). Any suggetions would be greatly appreciated!!
Hi Nakish66 and welcome to the board. Just relax. If you aren't having a problem with shedding and breakage then don't worry about it. Continue till do what you usually do after having your hair relaxed and if you can please post pictures.
I've put a no lye relaxer over lye before and had no problems at all. Maybe you could just pay close attention to your hair from this point and see if anything changes with it. if so then address your problems as they come IF you ever have any problems.
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Welcome :wave: Take a deeeeeeep breadth *hold* and let it out *release*.
If your hair is not shedding/ breaking/ strawlike or acting in any other strange and un-yourhairlike (great new word huh?;) ) manner then don't panic. Observe it in the next few days and add some light proteins into you reggie and it should be all good:cool: If not, the LHCF squad are here 24/7 to assist iin the meantime do a search on newly relaxed hair to see what others do after getting a fresh one HHG!
I switched from Mizani, to ORS no lye, with no probleums at all, as previous ladies have said, pay attention to your hair, and come here often, your progress will continue, :)
I switched from a no-lye (Optimum) to lye relaxers Bantu, now Silk Elements w/o any problems. I agree with all the ladies that responded. I hope this makes you feel better :)
Thank you ladies! I'll keep a close eye on it. Me in my hair have been through enough in the last 3 years, I don't need anymore set backs. I'm very blessed to have found this site this year!! I posted two pictures. Thanks again for the quick response!

hair 2.JPG

hair 017.JPG
NAKISH66 said:
Thank you ladies! I'll keep a close eye on it. Me in my hair have been through enough in the last 3 years, I don't need anymore set backs. I'm very blessed to have found this site this year!! I posted two pictures. Thanks again for the quick response!

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:eek: Your hair is gawgeous...I definitely agree with what the ladies on here have already I'm you didn't get you hair to that length without using/or knowing what a reconstrutor is so, other than that, I would say keep doing what your doin. :grin:
Welcome to LHCF!

Just give it time and you'll see if your hair is damaged or not. No-Lye make my hair hard, dry and brittle, however that may not be the case for you..

NAKISH66 your hair is beautiful...
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Thank you ladies! I had major setbacks, so it feels good to hear positive comments. I had to have my hair cut into a bob right below my ears 3 years ago because a stylist didn't rinse the relaxer out of the back of my hair properly. It was okay at first and then I just shed, and shed, and shed, until one day I kid you not I had long hair on both sides and no middle:eek: I'm in the Airforce and I've been overseas for years now, and it's HARD to keep a good stylist. Anyway I got the cut. It's been growing pretty good, but last year I was pregnant and I did not get a relaxer for the 9 months I was pregnant, plus 2 after the baby so that my hormones could calm down (made a mistake with my first child and learned from it) To keep my hair looking BONE straight during this long stretch I went to a stylist in germany and she did this with the blow dryer every one or two weeks. She put her arms and back into blowing out my hair :grin: and it was STRAIGHT, and I paid for it BIG time. My hair was sooooo broken in the crown area, I had little pieces of hair sticking up everywhere. It looks so much better now, but I still have some short broken pieces I'm trying to nurse back to health. I'm the no heat queen now:) !! I do use a soft bonnet dryer sometimes for my deep conditioner. I have learned so much from you ladies and I'm so happy to have found this forum!! HAPPY GROWING LADIES!!
NAKISH66 said:
Thank you ladies! I'll keep a close eye on it. Me in my hair have been through enough in the last 3 years, I don't need anymore set backs. I'm very blessed to have found this site this year!! I posted two pictures. Thanks again for the quick response!

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You and your hair have had a great relationship over the last 3 years, as evidenced by the fact that you have a head full of healthy lookin MBL hair! Great job, girl.