PLEASE HELP! I don't know what to do with my hair w/o braids or weaves


Well-Known Member
I am so used to being a sexy glamour girl with my long weaves and braids.

I have stopped getting them, which is nice because I have been enjoying taking care of my hair. But, I spend so much time just trying to look nice everyday.

I don't feel pretty or as attractive as I have in the past! I am in serious need of encouragment. :(

I have to say though, that this morning my BF asked me how did I have my hair up last night when I got to his house. I was like :confused: because he never seems to care about what I do with my hair. Anyway, he said he liked how I had it up. I was happy about that, but I spent an hour trying to get it like that. :ohwell:

What do you guys do for styling? I don't like phony-ponies. What other things can I do at home w/o going to the salon.
A French Twist (or Roll) always looks good and can be worn for casual or dressy occasions. I like doing them because it's quick (after one learns how), easy and it doesn't have to be perfect to look good. As a plus, it makes one look like they have more hair, no matter how much or how little one has.
BTW, you look very pretty and I'm sure there are many styles which will look great on you!:)
Im doing flexi-rods and trying my best to stay away from the salon:naughty: but Im interested in other styles as well I know of braids-outs-twists-outs maybe u should try those oh and i see u gained some length in such a short time what is your current reginmin?
Your going through weave and braid withdrawal. Been there, done that. It just takes time getting use to looking like yourself without all the extra help. You look wonderful to me from the side view. Just playing up your features more to take away from the shorter lenght of hair.
Temp101 said:
Im doing flexi-rods and trying my best to stay away from the salon:naughty: but Im interested in other styles as well I know of braids-outs-twists-outs maybe u should try those oh and i see u gained some length in such a short time what is your current reginmin?

Well I am not doing much at all. I noticed the growth spurt after adding extra protein. I started drinking an extra protein shake in the eveing to prevent latenight snacking and help with PMS cravings. (I count calories so it won't make me gain weight). That is the only thing I am doing other than washing and deep conditioning every 3 days or so. I oil my scalp with Emu oil or hemp seed oil every day except on wash days. Very simple.

I have been thinking about the flexirods. I did do a braid out once and really liked it, but I can't seem to get my ends from looking "pointy".

Now, I realize how much of a slave I have been to my braids and weaves. I feel like I cannot get along w/o them :look:

I am looking for a new job right now. Can you believe I am more worried about hair styling options for interviews than the actual interviews themselves. :(
HoneyDew said:
I have been thinking about the flexirods. I did do a braid out once and really liked it, but I can't seem to get my ends from looking "pointy".
Can you believe I am more worried about hair styling options for interviews than the actual interviews themselves. :(

I've learned that rolling the ends with small rollers or perm rods takes care of the pointy ends of the braidout.
Also, you may like using Caruso steam rollers to quickly and healthfully style your hair.

About being more worried about hair styling options, yes, I believe how we feel during an interview or any event is very important and gives us more confidence. Having a hair style that makes us look good gives us a great boost inside which will be revealed on the outside.
Your hair looks so nice and full. You are at a great length to do many little things. One suggestion I have is wearing your hair in a flip style, You could always do the curly style with the flexirods mentioned and pin curl it to maintain the curl. If you are in a rush I do agree with the other ladies about a French roll/bun, it's quick and easy and has that classy edge. Before you know it, you will find many, many things to do with those lovely locs of yours...just be encouraged and have fun with your hair until you get to your desired length.
Thanks guys. I stopped wearing weaves just 3 months ago. That is after about 10 years of weaves, braids and bad haircare. I guess it is still early.

I am looking forward to things getting easier for me and getting used to the "real" me. :)

I think I am going to 1st try the braid-out with the rollers on the ends and then the flexi-rods. I am also going to try to master putting my hair up in minimum amounts of time. I spend too much time doing it and I fear that even that can lead to breakage as a result of the constant manipulation.

Caruso steam rollers sound interesting but I can't help but thinking "steam = frizz" :eek: I hear all the good things about the Carusos, but I have been afraid to try them.
indefinite said:
I like the style you have in your picture. It shows your pretty face:)

I agree. Before I came in here I saw the title of the thread and thought What does she mean? Her hair is cute in her siggy pics.
I just had to bump this. I found it and it brought back memories. :(

I now LOVE MY HAIR and I actually can't stand braids and weaves now, thanks to LHCF. :D :D

I love this board and all the help and support that you ladies have given me. Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Edited to add:

I actually still like the way braids look when I see Sareca's pics. :) I DO want a set of those.
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