PLEASE HELP! Having trouble at home (long read). I am begging for input.


Well-Known Member
Hi, so I have a dilemma and need feedback on it. I am 20 and go to a university near home. I stay at home so that my parents can cut down of tuition cost with my other two siblings ending a 5 year stint in college and my younger brother just starting. So here is the deal. Since I was a child for as long as I can remember my family has had a half hour to a hour of devotion time set aside every morning. we gather there and it is law in this household that it is non-negotiable. We all have rearranged our schedule so we can be seated at the table at 6:00 to study together every morning.

With my schedule I am up and busy from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm between classes and studying and preparing for the next day. The only time I have to devote to my personal needs ( I'll be honest- it's hair and extra things like that but mostly hair) is after 11:00 believe me when I say that I have tried to rearrange my schedule so it is not like that but to no avail.

My mother runs her own religious based private school co-op and is an extremely busy woman. I am just going to be honest with ya'll - she has worked so hard over the past few years that she completely neglected herself. She put the needs of her business and her worship above anything thing else. My family has always been very devout. During that time her time was so monopolized by her other endeavors that her hair suffered. She got two strand twist put in that she never found the time to take down so they interlocked and locked her hair to the point were it was hopeless and she just cut it mostly all off. Since then she has kept it very short and never takes the time to do anything to it at all. When I asked her she said that getting her work and spirit in order were most important and she does not have time for now for the extras.

My sister spent 6 months in the hospital after getting into a car accident ( it was a head injury so her head stayed wrapped up during that time and during that time she let her hair matt up and tangle to the point were it was locked and nothing could save it. She wound up cutting it short and mostly wear decorative scarves all the time. She also stays in except for when she is in college and outside of the basics she never spends time on her hair ever.

Besides that it is just my father and my brother who keep their hair short so no problem.

Here is the problem. I went on a hair journey about 4.5 years ago and through all my struggling and what not have fallen in love with my hair. Outside of my daily grind it is what I spend time on. My work has paid off and I have a lot of healthy thick hair that I take pride in. I do not do many protective styles that I can keep in for longer than a few days because my hair is very fine the styles need upkeep and many do not complement me at all, also my hair has a habit of tangling VERY easily. Taking care of it is my hobby in a way as well. Well with my schedule the only time I have to work on my hair is at night. I am not doing anything extravagant just the basic detangle / pre-poo - 3 hours Wash - 30 deep condition - overnight sometime protein treatment / or henna 2hrs. -overnight and style -30 minutes and along with whatever time I take for weekly maintenance. My schedule is busy Mon - fri. I am in bible study mostly all day sat. and a half day on sunday before I go to work. My problem is that I wind up doing most of these things at night and waking up late in the morning and missing morning devotion time before I have to get to class. This has been happening for about 4 months now.

I have been getting in trouble time and time again with my parents. I stay up at night wake up late rush through my morning, get to devotion time late or not at all before running to class. I have tried to say well maybe we can change it to the evening so that I can be there and that is a very adamant NO! from them. I do study but it is at church or in between classes when I am late in the mornings. This does not happen everyday maybe 3-4 times throughout the week. My brother and sister are always on time so it looks really bad when I am not. The thing is, I really like doing my hair. It almost borders on love - lol. I feel like I have put so much devotion into maintaining and growing my hair that I feel unwilling to sacrifice the time I do spend on it knowing it will suffer. I also feel Like I should be able to take a few hours for myself without getting hassled for it ( on weekends when a I maybe get some time my mother always says there are better ways I can spend studying, helping around the house, extra devotion time etc and gives me major hassle for it.) So I always wind up doing it at night when everyone is asleep and no one will bother me for it.

This issue has recently come to a head and I got into a lot of trouble. I feel like my mother nor sister does not understand the time or the effort that goes into maintaining mid length thick natural hair because they keep theirs super short and never do anything but cut it. I am the only one in my family who takes time on myself in this way. I honest to goodness between work and school and church CANNOT find other times to do anything for myself, hair included. I feel like my family labels me as the vain one for this. I have always been girly and paid more attention to myself more than my sister and mother. Also I kind of feel naked without my hair. I do not wear makeup- ever- and I do not have "fancy" or "fashionable" clothes most of my stuff is very bland and a little bit frumpy sometimes ( the price you pay to have your clothes adequately cover you in todays society) but honestly none of that bothers me at all. I do not clothes shop buy purses or anything I am very modest in everything else. My hair is my splurge. Over the years my hair has kind of become the thing I feel perks me up a little bit and keeps my from looking maybe a bit homely? Maybe the way some woman consider lipstick and mascara on a day when they dont feel their best. My hair, I have realized has become tied to my self esteem in some ways. In college I kind of feel very ordinary and could blend into the walls in comparison to my pears.

My mother told me during our discussion this morning that she had a dream after praying for me that she was shown me in comparison to a young woman she used to know ( long story) who was very vain , selfish , arrogant and very much lacking in humility. As if I was asking this woman for counsel in how to be more like her.My mother told me I was not putting emphasis on what was most important in life and letting myself slip. I feel very ashamed but also stubborn. I feel like it is unfair that I cannot spend time on myself the way I want to. I am feeling angry towards God because I feel this is unfair. I feel hard-hearted and unwilling to bend in this issue. If I only took the time that I had here and there and did not stay up during the night sometimes I would only have 3 hours between tues. sat. and sun. I can feel animosity building in my heart and don't feel like I can talk to my mother or sister about it so I turned to you ladies. Please advise me on what I should do and be thinking. I am sorry this is so long but this issue has been plaguing me for a while now. I know this may seem infantile to you all. I am sorry.
Just to let you know that I am reading your post and will be back to comment as soon as I can. :yep:
I personally am not going to give any advice I would recommend going to God in prayer.

I will say though that God is not telling you not to spend time on your hair your mom is. Have you ever just written out where your time is gojng? You're spending 15-17 hours a day at school? That seems like a whole lot and can lead to burnout quickly. There is no way you can continue to do works for the kingdom is you're burnt out and tired. I feel you definitely need time for yourself. Maybe one day a week after your work for the day is done you can make that you day. Like instead of doing the extra studying do a style with your hair that will last until the weekend?

Also did your family say you couldn't do devotional at night or they didn't want to? I was taught that devotional and prayer were mainly private affairs. Hoeever, of course sometimes you have family or group devotional. Can you ask if you can do your quiet time alone during the week and with the family on weekends?

Lastly you should not ever feel like your own clothing is frumpy :/ there are a lot of modest clothing that is nice looking and you can feel good in maybe you can look into that. I'm not sure of your specific faith but I don't think there is anything wrong with caring about your appearance no that shouldn't be the only thing you care about but it is something to pay attention to. Is your family telling you you can't buy nicer things or do you personally not want to buy pretty things? Every woman deserves to wear something pretty
I agree that you should go to God yourself, but do so with an open heart. It doesn't sound like you're neglecting your relationship with God for your hair which would be a problem... Pray about it.
First of all...


1. You do not sound infantile; not at all.
2. It's obvious that LHCF has gotten into your blood. :lol:
3. You have the LHCF hair language and hair care regime to a science. :yep:

Let's begin by forgiving your parents, forgiving yourself and forgiving God. Can we do that? Sure we can. :love2:

What you had was a family disagreement and this happens to every family and there is definitely no less love that you have for each other; if nothing else, you still love each other even more.

Whenever we live with our parents, their rules are what it is, their rules. The truth of the matter is that if we want to live on a different set of rules, we move out and live on our own. We cannot change them, therefore we make peace with them.

Your mom is obviously called to Ministry and it always means self sacrifice. As a one who has been in the Ministry for a long time, I can understand and I actually identify with your parents. I was the same with my children and as they grew and began to 'see the world' they wanted more of their freedom. Now, they're 'preaching' to me. :lol:

What I 'see' going on with you is not the hair time, so much as you wanting to be more in control of 'your' time and your life and not being tied down to what you see happening with your Mom and your sister.

The three hours that you are spending with your hair speaks volumes. It has become your 'vocal' message just as much as it is your way of escape. You simply want 'out'. This is not how you want to spend your life. In some ways it's like a Prodigal experience. But simply put, you have become an adult and your desire is to live as one who is free to make your own Christian adult decisions.

You're definitely not backsliding, you're not turning your back on Jesus, you're not turning away from the Godly life that your parents have taught you; you have not fallen out of love with God. You're still a Woman of God, full bodied, spirit and soul.

You've simply outgrown where you are; you are not living your mother's or your sister's life, you simply want to live your own.

So! Where do you go from here?

Prayer, Prayer, Prayer, Prayer, Prayer. :pray:

Seek God as to where He is leading you. Allow the Holy Spirit to schedule your time, even the time for your hair; and the time for you.

There are several areas that you posted where I can see some adjustments can be made. You can also pray for God to release your Mom from doing so much for others and to rest and place some focus on herself. You can also use some time to help Mom with her hair care. Give her a special conditioner treatment; a special time set aside for you and her to bond.

Always remember that God makes all of the high places low, all of the crooked places straight and He crushes into dust, the gates of (resistance), iron. :yep:

Go give Mom a big hug and whisper I love you. She'll make peace with you and you with her. :love2:
I personally am not going to give any advice I would recommend going to God in prayer.

I will say though that God is not telling you not to spend time on your hair your mom is. Have you ever just written out where your time is gojng? You're spending 15-17 hours a day at school? That seems like a whole lot and can lead to burnout quickly. There is no way you can continue to do works for the kingdom is you're burnt out and tired. I feel you definitely need time for yourself. Maybe one day a week after your work for the day is done you can make that you day. Like instead of doing the extra studying do a style with your hair that will last until the weekend?

Also did your family say you couldn't do devotional at night or they didn't want to? I was taught that devotional and prayer were mainly private affairs. Hoeever, of course sometimes you have family or group devotional. Can you ask if you can do your quiet time alone during the week and with the family on weekends?

Lastly you should not ever feel like your own clothing is frumpy :/ there are a lot of modest clothing that is nice looking and you can feel good in maybe you can look into that. I'm not sure of your specific faith but I don't think there is anything wrong with caring about your appearance no that shouldn't be the only thing you care about but it is something to pay attention to. Is your family telling you you can't buy nicer things or do you personally not want to buy pretty things? Every woman deserves to wear something pretty

First of all thank you for taking the time to respond to me. About the clothes thing- I mostly shop for myself when I need something but I have to make sure its not to tight if i'm wearing pants with it the shirt is long enough to cover my behind and nothing above the knee. So with those sort of criteria I find shopping to be a bit stressful. Maybe I go to the wrong places but as a young adult this has been my findings.

We do a family devotional every morning at 6:00. It has been that way since I was a child. We study talk and pray together to go through the day being blessed and able to blessed. It is a very sacred time for my family.

I get to school by 8:00 and I finish all my classes by 5:00 I got to work from 5:30-8:00 and then when I get home I am doing small things like laundry, breakfast prep, helping my mom grade papers etc. Just small things needed to keep the house moving in order. My siblings have the same responsibility as I do.

After contemplation I do not think that I am being told to not pay attention to myself and do my hair. I think the messages were about the way I was handling the situation. In all honesty, I got frustrated, irritated and pretty much ignored my parents. I felt like I wanted to do things my way and my way only and she would not understand and be judgemental of me. So I just nodded and tuned them out. That really sounds horrible to say. I think I need to learn how to handle situations were I am being told that I need to be more humble when told something needs to change with how I am doing things. I need to consider and pray about what is said so that I can move forward respectful of what is being asked of me. I think that it is to easy for me to let my studying suffer for my worldly endeavors or think of it as something less important because no "physical" teacher is standing over me and giving me a grade for "attendance and performance". I think that even sometime while I am in church I am not paying the best attention and listening the way I should be. I think I am being warned against falling into a spiritual pattern that might be harmful to me.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I deeply appreciate it
First of all...


1. You do not sound infantile; not at all.
2. It's obvious that LHCF has gotten into your blood. :lol:
3. You have the LHCF hair language and hair care regime to a science. :yep:

Let's begin by forgiving your parents, forgiving yourself and forgiving God. Can we do that? Sure we can. :love2:

What you had was a family disagreement and this happens to every family and there is definitely no less love that you have for each other; if nothing else, you still love each other even more.

Whenever we live with our parents, their rules are what it is, their rules. The truth of the matter is that if we want to live on a different set of rules, we move out and live on our own. We cannot change them, therefore we make peace with them.

Your mom is obviously called to Ministry and it always means self sacrifice. As a one who has been in the Ministry for a long time, I can understand and I actually identify with your parents. I was the same with my children and as they grew and began to 'see the world' they wanted more of their freedom. Now, they're 'preaching' to me. :lol:

What I 'see' going on with you is not the hair time, so much as you wanting to be more in control of 'your' time and your life and not being tied down to what you see happening with your Mom and your sister.

The three hours that you are spending with your hair speaks volumes. It has become your 'vocal' message just as much as it is your way of escape. You simply want 'out'. This is not how you want to spend your life. In some ways it's like a Prodigal experience. But simply put, you have become an adult and your desire is to live as one who is free to make your own Christian adult decisions.

You're definitely not backsliding, you're not turning your back on Jesus, you're not turning away from the Godly life that your parents have taught you; you have not fallen out of love with God. You're still a Woman of God, full bodied, spirit and soul.

You've simply outgrown where you are; you are not living your mother's or your sister's life, you simply want to live your own.

So! Where do you go from here?

Prayer, Prayer, Prayer, Prayer, Prayer. :pray:

Seek God as to where He is leading you. Allow the Holy Spirit to schedule your time, even the time for your hair; and the time for you.

There are several areas that you posted where I can see some adjustments can be made. You can also pray for God to release your Mom from doing so much for others and to rest and place some focus on herself. You can also use some time to help Mom with her hair care. Give her a special conditioner treatment; a special time set aside for you and her to bond.

Always remember that God makes all of the high places low, all of the crooked places straight and He crushes into dust, the gates of (resistance), iron. :yep:

Go give Mom a big hug and whisper I love you. She'll make peace with you and you with her. :love2:

The first line you started out with made me a little teary, in doing that and taking a deep breath I was able to let go of some anger and think a bit more clearly about the situation. I was thinking earlier that maybe the issue is not wanting to spend time on my hair but How I was going about it. When my parents were getting on me for not being at devotion time ( which is really sacred in our house) I felt like I was between a rock and a hard place. Doing my hair is cathartic to me. It my me time. I felt as though I could not find other times to do what I loved and they were asking me to give up the time I am hard pressed to find in the first place. When they were speaking to me I just nodded and ignored them I felt like they would not understand and kept doing things the way I wanted to ignoring what they were asking of me. I think I am being warned about developing dangerous spiritual patterns that could inhibit my growth and cause me to spiritual stray. More times than I would like to admit during study time my mind is straying to other things, I am not praying the way I should be and I am not as humble as I used to be. Something about me has changed and I am wondering if it is a good thing. I think what my parents are seeing is a lack of devotion to the things that make me spritual strong and more devotion put towards my more "worldly" pursuits. I feel guilty and shamed in front of my siblings but I think that is because I know in my heart that I am not right, I am not pushing as hard as I could be - as they are- and deep down I know it and have become dangerously comfortable with it. I cannot thank you all enough for lending me your shoulders. I felt like just talking this out in a way that I cannot do with the people in my family has helped me look at so much about myself and what I am doing. From the bottom of my heart thank you.

Also I think you're right about wanting space, I don't want to move out of be separate from them for now but I have been feeling a need for my own space. I am hoping this is a development of maybe getting older and wanting to feel more independence and not escaping the rules of the household and feeling like if I were on my own no one could "tell me what to do" which I do not think is right for me to feel in that way. Even though they are the rules of the house they are also rules that should be in my heart. There is nothing wrong with them and I feel if followed they will lead to a greater spiritual me. I think my main problem that has let other not so pure things slip in is my devotion is slipping in importance to me in comparison to how much time i spend in other pursuits. . I need to fix this. Thank you so much. This conversation has been very helpful to me.
First of all thank you for taking the time to respond to me. About the clothes thing- I mostly shop for myself when I need something but I have to make sure its not to tight if i'm wearing pants with it the shirt is long enough to cover my behind and nothing above the knee. So with those sort of criteria I find shopping to be a bit stressful. Maybe I go to the wrong places but as a young adult this has been my findings.

We do a family devotional every morning at 6:00. It has been that way since I was a child. We study talk and pray together to go through the day being blessed and able to blessed. It is a very sacred time for my family.

I get to school by 8:00 and I finish all my classes by 5:00 I got to work from 5:30-8:00 and then when I get home I am doing small things like laundry, breakfast prep, helping my mom grade papers etc. Just small things needed to keep the house moving in order. My siblings have the same responsibility as I do.

After contemplation I do not think that I am being told to not pay attention to myself and do my hair. I think the messages were about the way I was handling the situation. In all honesty, I got frustrated, irritated and pretty much ignored my parents. I felt like I wanted to do things my way and my way only and she would not understand and be judgemental of me. So I just nodded and tuned them out. That really sounds horrible to say. I think I need to learn how to handle situations were I am being told that I need to be more humble when told something needs to change with how I am doing things. I need to consider and pray about what is said so that I can move forward respectful of what is being asked of me. I think that it is to easy for me to let my studying suffer for my worldly endeavors or think of it as something less important because no "physical" teacher is standing over me and giving me a grade for "attendance and performance". I think that even sometime while I am in church I am not paying the best attention and listening the way I should be. I think I am being warned against falling into a spiritual pattern that might be harmful to me.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I deeply appreciate it

Yes pray pray pray for clarity and an open heart as shimkie said. The family devotional definitely seems like precious time with the family. And the clothes thing maybe in one of those rare spare seconds (lol) Google modest fashion. Can you wear maxi dresses? They always feel comfortably chic lol
Yes pray pray pray for clarity and an open heart as shimkie said. The family devotional definitely seems like precious time with the family. And the clothes thing maybe in one of those rare spare seconds (lol) Google modest fashion. Can you wear maxi dresses? They always feel comfortably chic lol

Yes ma'am I will. About the maxi dress thing, I can never seem to find one that wont have my breast hanging out. Lol, I try to find sometimes find shirts that could go underneath and not look odd but so far its a no go. Thanks for your advice!
Spend max 45 mins on your hair at night (detangle, moisturize, seal, style) and leave washing for Friday/Saturday night where you will take extra time. Use a timer and force yourself to stop at the 45 mins mark no matter where you reach. Eventually, you will become more proficient in it.

At the end of the day, you have to respect your parents rules and wishes and follow them once you live under their roof.

All the best :)

Your hair is beautiful in your avi btw :love:
When do you graduate? Time to graduate, get your job, get your apartment and live your own life. While you're home, follow the rules. Sooo.....hurry up and graduate. You can find an easy way to maintain your hair by reading up on the hair board. I don't think you are vain, you're just grown now. Oh, and you can wear a fitted tee under a maxi dress.
When do you graduate? Time to graduate, get your job, get your apartment and live your own life. While you're home, follow the rules. Sooo.....hurry up and graduate. You can find an easy way to maintain your hair by reading up on the hair board. I don't think you are vain, you're just grown now. Oh, and you can wear a fitted tee under a maxi dress.

Lol, I am pre med so I am on a 5.5 year plan before I go to medical school. I am currently in my 2nd year. I really don't want loans pre-med is expensive and I am asking my parents to pay for it instead so I don't have to deal with the financial baggage right now. Hence why I am at home. Thank you for your input!
The first line you started out with made me a little teary, in doing that and taking a deep breath I was able to let go of some anger and think a bit more clearly about the situation.

I was thinking earlier that maybe the issue is not wanting to spend time on my hair but How I was going about it. When my parents were getting on me for not being at devotion time ( which is really sacred in our house) I felt like I was between a rock and a hard place.

Doing my hair is cathartic to me. It my me time. I felt as though I could not find other times to do what I loved and they were asking me to give up the time I am hard pressed to find in the first place. When they were speaking to me I just nodded and ignored them I felt like they would not understand and kept doing things the way I wanted to ignoring what they were asking of me.

I think I am being warned about developing dangerous spiritual patterns that could inhibit my growth and cause me to spiritual stray. More times than I would like to admit during study time my mind is straying to other things, I am not praying the way I should be and I am not as humble as I used to be. Something about me has changed and I am wondering if it is a good thing.

I think what my parents are seeing is a lack of devotion to the things that make me spritual strong and more devotion put towards my more "worldly" pursuits. I feel guilty and shamed in front of my siblings but I think that is because I know in my heart that I am not right, I am not pushing as hard as I could be - as they are- and deep down I know it and have become dangerously comfortable with it.

I cannot thank you all enough for lending me your shoulders. I felt like just talking this out in a way that I cannot do with the people in my family has helped me look at so much about myself and what I am doing. From the bottom of my heart thank you.

Also I think you're right about wanting space, I don't want to move out of be separate from them for now but I have been feeling a need for my own space. I am hoping this is a development of maybe getting older and wanting to feel more independence and not escaping the rules of the household and feeling like if I were on my own no one could "tell me what to do" which I do not think is right for me to feel in that way.

Even though they are the rules of the house they are also rules that should be in my heart. There is nothing wrong with them and I feel if followed they will lead to a greater spiritual me. I think my main problem that has let other not so pure things slip in is my devotion is slipping in importance to me in comparison to how much time i spend in other pursuits. . I need to fix this.

Thank you so much. This conversation has been very helpful to me.


You are loved, Precious One, You are loved. You are not a failure in God nor as a daughter to your parents. You are loved.

You have a lot going on in your life and there is no way that you can do all that you are doing and not feel the stress of it and needing time out for yourself. Continue to seek God for His plans for your life. He will never mislead you nor forsake you. The Holy Spirit will always comfort and guide you and your heart will follow.

God bless you and thank you for being such a loving heart and light for Jesus. Don't ever forget just how much you mean and that there are some things that may have to wait on you, rather than you waiting on it.

God will explain that. :yep:

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OP, my friends and I had a saying back in the day, do as you're told and get what you want :lol:

We were very obedient and in return our parents were very willing to make our lives easier. With that said, you parents pay your tuition, feed, clothe you etc. and give you a pretty good life. I know that you're are thankful but you should try your hardest to please them and to follow their rules. Point blank, you need to get down to your morning devotion on time and cut down your hair time. You do not have to spend hours on your hair at night to keep it healthy and pretty.

Also, consider yourself lucky, our time for devotion was 6pm :lol:
I'm wondering if you are feeling the stress of school without dealing with it appropriately and bailing out for 3 hrs. daily for hair? You can burn out very quickly that way and with the added stress of family structure, it's not going to be good. I'm sorry, but your family dynamics are incredibly restrictive (nearly oppressive) and I think you're realizing that now, being around more adults your age without any. Are there still child siblings in the home? If not and everyone is 18 and above, I'd get everyone together for a family meeting. You were raised for military-style devotions since a young age but that your lifestyle is harrowing now that you're in school and that devotions should actually be an individual thing. The parents did their job. This is what I sense you wish to say to them. I hope and pray that they can realize that these restrictions are above and beyond necessary with the level of responsibility everyone has now. They have agreed to pay for college and should now realize that their kids have grown up. Try a family meeting and I wish you the best.
3 hours a day on your hair? Is that right?
Girrrlll... braid that stuff up (like one french braid in the back) every once in a while. Or a pony tail.

Something! :)
I'm wondering if you are feeling the stress of school without dealing with it appropriately and bailing out for 3 hrs. daily for hair? You can burn out very quickly that way and with the added stress of family structure, it's not going to be good. I'm sorry, but your family dynamics are incredibly restrictive (nearly oppressive) and I think you're realizing that now, being around more adults your age without any. Are there still child siblings in the home? If not and everyone is 18 and above, I'd get everyone together for a family meeting. You were raised for military-style devotions since a young age but that your lifestyle is harrowing now that you're in school and that devotions should actually be an individual thing. The parents did their job. This is what I sense you wish to say to them. I hope and pray that they can realize that these restrictions are above and beyond necessary with the level of responsibility everyone has now. They have agreed to pay for college and should now realize that their kids have grown up. Try a family meeting and I wish you the best.

I don't think I am very stressed out, no more than the average college student really. While I do at times crave more independence I am not ready at this point in time to move out. I honestly don't think what I am asked to do is hard or to much. I also do not think my parents are to harsh or are making me live a restrictive lifestyle at all. I have the freedom to do what I may as long as it fits within the what is acceptable in the household. I do not feel like I need to move out just so I can be an adult and experiance life by my own rules. Their rules are my rules and they are also what I choose to use to govern me and keep me stable in life, not to fall into sin. I do not grudge them anything I this respect. Thank you for your time! I appreciate it!
Is there anyway you can shorten your hair routine at night? And / or shorten something in your daily schedule to allow you home earlier than 11 to do your hair?

For instance I use coconut oil as my leave in and do so right before going to bed, not parting to get to the scalp, time consuming, but taking several gulps and rubbing throughout hair, finger combs some, then wraps it up, allowing the heat and wrap up to serve as a 'overnight conditioner". How long does that take, 5 mins?
I don't think I am very stressed out, no more than the average college student really. While I do at times crave more independence I am not ready at this point in time to move out. I honestly don't think what I am asked to do is hard or to much. I also do not think my parents are to harsh or are making me live a restrictive lifestyle at all. I have the freedom to do what I may as long as it fits within the what is acceptable in the household. I do not feel like I need to move out just so I can be an adult and experiance life by my own rules. Their rules are my rules and they are also what I choose to use to govern me and keep me stable in life, not to fall into sin. I do not grudge them anything I this respect. Thank you for your time! I appreciate it!

I had suggested to move earlier on...but not after your previous reply. By this response, I feel you are maybe conflicted. ETA: Don't mean to come across harshly, but I'm pretty much matter-of-fact. I won't say more about what you should do other than I hope you realize you are an individual with individual needs but that your parents are wonderful people. Your mom is very busy and stressed :yep: Take the two of you to a salon spa and get pampered. Ask daddy to step in a fill the gaps (grade papers and laundry :yep:. Wishing you the best to find your answers.:bighug:
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