Please give advice on hard, brittle hair


Well-Known Member
For some reason my hair has not been taking perms or colors lately. I use to perm my hair and blow dry it and it would be straight. Now it looks like an afro. I haven't put color in my hair in at least a year and I tried to add color and it just wouldn't take. I washed my hair yesterday and put some Infusium leave-in in my hair and sat under the dryer. When I got from under, my hair was so dry and hard. I could barely get a comb through it and when I tried to straighten it with a hot comb, it just would straighten. I started looking at my husbands shaver and almost shaved it all off. What can I do to make it soft and healthy looking again?
Alot of ladies complain about Infusium making their hair hard...but I've never used it. I would say try a deep condition with a moisturizing conditioner. Also what is your regime?
Maybe you should try to clarify your hair and deep condition well. I too think it might have something to do with the Infusium. Maybe see what your results are without using that.
What products do you currently use on your hair? I never had good results with Infusium. Made my hair very crunchy.
senimoni said:
Alot of ladies complain about Infusium making their hair hard...but I've never used it. I would say try a deep condition with a moisturizing conditioner. Also what is your regime?
i was about to say and ask the same thing! :blush:
If you already have hard, brittle hair, I wouldn't recommend Infusium. That stuff made my hair hard. I won't go NEAR it again. I agree with the recommendation to clarify and then do a deep conditioning treatment.
Isn't Infusium a protein treatment?
I would rewash, do some deep conditioning & moisturize the hair while wet & daily until it softens up again...

-Good Luck:wave:
I think Infusium was the culprit I hate it, just con-wash your hair again and it should be fine.
I agree with the ladies that it was probably the Infusium, especially since you added heat to it. Clarify and do a deep moisturizing conditioner ASAP. I'd also be careful not to use anything with even small amounts of protein until my hair was back to normal.
this was the same thing that happened to me and it drove me to the online hair boards. i was using pantene 3 min deep conditioner and .......infusium. so infusium is the culprit. You also need to clarify first before using another product on your hair. HTH
I had the same problem lately and I figured out it was due to laziness! I used to spend a lot of time and effort on my hair until I started nursing school and in the past 8 months or so my hair took a turn for the worse because I wasnt babying it anymore since I didnt have time or energy for it. I went from past shoulder length thick pretty nice hair to having to cut it to the top of my neck because it had broken so badly in the back.

So now Im back to square one and need to get back on top of things. I have even been to lazy to keep it moisturized and washed much less deep conditioning! Well thats about to stop!

Anyway a couple of days ago I was fed up with the brillo pad on my head that gave me a handful of hair anytime I manipulated it. So I washed my hair with a moisturizing shampoo twice(I used design essentials moisture retention). Next I used keracares reconstructor for strength and then humecto (from the tub). I used a creamy leave in and a little coconut oil on my wet hair. Next I blow dried it on low (usually I sit under the dryer but I didnt have time).

I must say it came out feeling 100% better than before. I was ready to shave my head but now I see with a little patience, time, and dedication I can get it back into shape and grow it out again. Now it feels nice and soft and I dont get hair in my hands/comb when I handle it.

So Im going to get back into taking care of my hair again before Im bald....moral of the story!
Sounds like a protein overload to me. And if there is too much protein then the hair can't bend and stretch as it has no elasticity. So to counter this MOISTURIZE. Look for deep conditioners that do not contain any keratin, wheat or soy proteins etc. I use Nexxus Humectress & Paul Mitchel's the conditioner. I buy the knock offs from Sally's beauty supply. I have learned that my hair needs a rotation of moisturization and protein. So, for me it's moisture 3 weeks then 1 week protein over a 4 week rotation (some just switch back and forth every week between the two).

I used to use Infusium religiously until I scanned these boards and read of so much breakage espescially on the ends. This has been the bane of my hair's existence, so I put away the Infusium. They make one for moisture, but I have not tried it nor read the ingredients. Strange, but the breakage has reduced to nearly nothing now that I think of it.
Thank you ladies for the warning about this product- I had been buying it at the warehouse by the huge liter size!