Please Explain : Judgement Day


Well-Known Member

"I'm muslim because I believe that there is no diety worthy of worship except Allaah, and Muhammed was his last and final messenger. I don't believe that Jesus ('Iesa alayhis salaam) was his son not God, I sure don't believe that Jesus died for my sins, if so why is there a day of judgement? If all my sins and the sins of the entire world is on this one man, why can't we just live it up? but that's another topic"

A member posted this in the Off topic discussion about Muslims.

I am Christian and plan on being Christian, however can anyone answer this question with scripture?
It is important to know that Jesus is who he says he is. -John 1:1, 14.
Have to believe that he died for your sins- Isaiah 53: 4, 12. and confess it Romans 10:9. As far as judgement day is concerned, we have to have it. In Revelation 21, it talks about God creating a new heaven and earth(check out verse 3). God can't do that until he judges all of the people in the earth. God is holy;he can't stand sin, and the new heaven and earth can't come until all of the mess is gone. .Hope that helps.
Shinka said:

"I'm muslim because I believe that there is no diety worthy of worship except Allaah, and Muhammed was his last and final messenger. I don't believe that Jesus ('Iesa alayhis salaam) was his son not God, I sure don't believe that Jesus died for my sins, if so why is there a day of judgement? If all my sins and the sins of the entire world is on this one man, why can't we just live it up? but that's another topic"

A member posted this in the Off topic discussion about Muslims.

I am Christian and plan on being Christian, however can anyone answer this question with scripture?

Jesus dying on the cross for the sins of the world is given in the gospels. The true question is have you accepted his sacrifice? John 3:17 states: For God so loved the world that he sent his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth upon him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. But if you don’t believe, you will be condemned according to v.18. Judgement day (referring to the Great White Throne Judgement in Rev 20) is when all of those who did not want Christ (angels, devil, man) are given their final judgement to be cast into the lake of fire and that is when the scrolls are opened. This doesn’t mean that you won’t be punished before judgement day. This just shows the unbeliever or unrepentant sinner why. Those who were faithful will be rewarded on this day.

Why you can't live it up? Well, you can live it up all you want to, but you will pay the price for that. As a believer, Jesus Christ dying on the cross doesn't negate me from living holy (1 Pet 1:16), but rather commands it. The scripture states that the wages of sin is death (Ro 6:23, James 1:15), and their are consequences for your actions naturally and spiritually. Naturally depending on what you do, certain things can come upon you. This is why when Jesus healed certain people (such as the man at the pool of Bethesda in John 5) or saved them from a devastating situation (i.e.woman caught in adultery in John 8), he told them to go away and sin no more, b/c what happened to them was a consequence of their sin. Spiritually, you make the sacrifice of Christ null and void over your life when you continue to sin if you have knowledge of the truth of Christ (Hebrews 10:26).
Thank You everyone. I am saved, but I wouldn't know how to answer that question if someone asked me with scripture. thanks for the verses.