Please Allow Me To Introduce Myself....My name Is, Long with Pics


New Member
I wanted to first take the time out to say THANK YOU.
My hair Journey:
I wanted a nice bright color for Spring 2006. You know, something where I could stand out in a crowd. My girlfriend who is a licensed beautician, colored my hair a nice Fiery Auburn. I didn't like :nono:. So I asked her to tone it down some. We tried for a Dusty Brown, Ummm Naah :nono:. So I asked for something just a little bit lighter. So she "stripped the color", bleached my hair and then poured a light ash brown dye over it :wallbash: (Note: this was my 3rd dye in 2 weeks.) Well, for the last color she also sat me under the dryer with a plastic cap :perplexed. Needless to say, I pretty much had no hair after that. My entire crown area was GONE!!! From the front all the way to the back, my hair looked like a bird's nest. After going to endless stylists to ask them what to do to get my hair back, I decided that I needed to Chop it all off and start all over. So in December 2006 I chopped it all off. I was fine until the Spring of 2007. I missed my hair so much. I was depressed and didn't want to go out. Then I started getting weaves, glued tracks:wallbash:. I felt like I was on top of the world. Nice long black hair. YES!!! Well things got bad, fast. One stylist said I didn't need glue remover and decided to shampoo the tracks out of my hair. YIKES!!!! Can we all just say BALD SPOTS. The weave wearing went on from the Spring of 2007 until December 2007. I had damage, damage, damage. Unfortunately, I had never taken care of my hair so I relied soley on stylists. I eventually found LHCF by googling, "How To Grow Long Hair" :yawn:. I then learned how to care for my hair, myself. I am going to continue to learn all I can about my hair. I love me and my hair and I will never ever mistreat it again. Sorry so long, I just wanted to share the start of my hair journey with you all. Thanks again.......

Damage, Damage, Damage: Jan 2008-April 2008

Started to Improve Greatly in May 2008 throughout the Summer:

Current Pic: A Year Later, Jan 2009
I'm so happy for you! Just goes to show how hard work will surely pay off. You're very inspirational! Congratz on transitioning.
Welcome aboard! What a roller-coaster you've been on! Anyway, things happen to us so we can be equipped to help others who may go through the same things we did. So you never know who you just helped by sharing your unpleasant journey. And look at you now! You got wiser and have healthy hair to show for it. Good onya!
Thanks ladies for all your words of encouragement. It really has been a struggle, but I am up for the challenge.
I'm glad things are looking up and I can see you've made some amazing progress! Congratulations!
I have a similar story to tell (with mistreating my own hair (unknowingly) and stylists messing up my hair :wallbash:) so I'm so glad I found LHCF... *phew*!
Welcome to the board and Happy Hair Growing!
Welcome and congratulations on great progress. Your hair really looks like it is coming along and you story is definitely a testimony to how good hair practices and a little bit of knowledge can transform heads. I would love to see more pics!
Welcome! We all have horror stories. I can't believe the stylist colored your hair 3 times in a span of 2 weeks! Oh da horrah!

Your hair looks gorgeous!
your hair has made progress. keep up the good work and continue to reasearch. if you have any questions never feel afraid to ask. Happy growing and welcome!!!:yep:
Honestly, you ladies deserve all the thanks. I jumped on every bandwagon there was when I started. Surge, MN, MTG, Indian oils, Oct and MT. Plus I became a PJ for real, for real, AUGH!!!! You ladies helped me. I owe it all to you.