PJism: How do I Fight the urge?


New Member
Hey Ladies!

Ok, so I am suffering from PJism (I am a product junkie). Everytime I go shopping, see some hair product that was discussed on LHCF and I can't help put purchase it. It's a disease, and I am so trying to get past it. I know that it is truly a problem because yesterday I was thinking about going to the mall, and I decided against it because all I kept thinking about shampoo :nono:.
So ladies, please please please tell me how you fight the urge.
You don't. I cannot help it I give up. I just bought two bottles of Herbal Essence conditioner today two days ago relaxer Sally's version of Chi Silk infusion, did I mention I own the Real Chi Silk infusion:grin::grin: At this minute I was eyeing a bottle of Neutrogena Triple moisture leave in. I think when I go out later this PJ is getting that.:nono:
Girl, it is tough. Hold on. I stopped myself yesterday from buying coconut oil from a store knowing that I have coconut oil on my bathroom shelf. That made no sense. I walked away. I was actually mad that I didn't spend any money:perplexed

I have decided to from the sidelines use up my products that I have in my bathroom, in my closets. Isn't there a challenge?

Sorry I couldn't help ya:nono:
I started tracking how much money I spent on hair product. That was enough for me. I've been cured for over two years... Every now and then I'd splurge but I wouldn't consider that a relapse.
I DONT KNOW!!! But when u find out please share with me. I have 6 bottles of the cheapie v05 conditioner ( i use for combing/detangling) sitting next to my sink!!! And, to make it worse, they are all different colors. Yes, i bought one in each color :wallbash:

And i dont even want to share what else i have :nono:

Should we start a Product Junkie Challenge?? So we can stop being PJ's?
It's rough, I tell ya! I just went to the grocery store for one thing: Cajun Seasoning. Somehow I ended up on the aisle where the hair products were. Lucky me, they had the Neutrogena Triple Moisture Leave in on sale for $4.01! I couldn't resist....

I feel your pain, sister.
It's rough, I tell ya! I just went to the grocery store for one thing: Cajun Seasoning. Somehow I ended up on the aisle where the hair products were. Lucky me, they had the Neutrogena Triple Moisture Leave in on sale for $4.01! I couldn't resist....

I feel your pain, sister.

Were you in Kroger's cuz I swear they had it on sale for the same price..I made a rule to try to only have 2 of everything before I buy something new..Its bad,though, I dream about that 24 hour CVS down the street from my house...:ohwell:
How do I fight it. I bury my face in my pillow and scream and cry like I'm in a mental ward. Then I'm too tired to go anywhere, but mine is worse. I buy stuff online in BULK(I'm an ingredient junkee). I basically have a lab in my bathroom...
How do I fight it. I bury my face in my pillow and scream and cry like I'm in a mental ward. Then I'm too tired to go anywhere, but mine is worse. I buy stuff online in BULK(I'm an ingredient junkee). I basically have a lab in my bathroom...

a hair lab!!? :blush:

::jealous:: :perplexed

Now i want to make a lab.. but only in my fiances bathroom

O, dont worry, hes deployed :yep: but when he comes back next month :ohwell: dont think he'll like it
a hair lab!!? :blush:

::jealous:: :perplexed

Now i want to make a lab.. but only in my fiances bathroom

O, dont worry, hes deployed :yep: but when he comes back next month :ohwell: dont think he'll like it

Don't do it girl! You accumulate so much so fast and then you watch everyone that goes in there. When your fiance gets back he won't even be able to stand up and do his "business" for lack of room. You will not let your fiance go in there without you either. You'll have a sign posted..."Authorized Personnel Only!"
If you look closely(took this pic this a.m of my twist out), you can see part of my lab on my bathroom cabinet. It's crazy I tell you! The sad part is I'm not done, I have a list of stuff to order when I get my income tax return.:ohwell:

Just don't buy it. If you have to, read the ingredients, smell it, carry it around with you. But don't buy it in the end.

It's easy for me because I don't like the ingredients in most things. But when I go to whole paycheck (whole foods) I always run into problems on the beauty aisle because all the ingredients are so good.

I personally can't justify buying all kinds of things in this economy. If my hair could just survive on water I'd be ok with that.

If I buy 50$ worth of products, I put 100$ in my savings account. That works really well and it's stopped me from buying really expensive things because it's like I'm buying three of them once I put the money in my savings account. And, even if I spend 5$, I'm building my savings at the same time.
You don't! Embrace that inner pj, even if you have to work a couple extra hours of overtime if you need that product. The only caveat is your bills and other obligations must be paid, and you must have money saved. No blowing all of your money on products and then you can't buy lunch for next week lol.

(I know chicks like this at work, will buy that new marc jacobs whatever soon as we get paid, but asking me for a dollar two days later. **** please)
If you look closely(took this pic this a.m of my twist out), you can see part of my lab on my bathroom cabinet. It's crazy I tell you! The sad part is I'm not done, I have a list of stuff to order when I get my income tax return.:ohwell:


:yep: Yes. That is a lab. That is what i want.
Hey Ladies!

Ok, so I am suffering from PJism (I am a product junkie). Everytime I go shopping, see some hair product that was discussed on LHCF and I can't help put purchase it. It's a disease, and I am so trying to get past it. I know that it is truly a problem because yesterday I was thinking about going to the mall, and I decided against it because all I kept thinking about shampoo :nono:.
So ladies, please please please tell me how you fight the urge.

I was a MAJOR PJ when I first joined. What helped to curb my PJism was a thread by a member (sorry can't remember her name) but she had just tried out a product that I had also just purchased in one of my PJ moments.

Unfortunately the product matted up her hair so badly that she had to cut her BSL hair to chin length. :perplexed She went on in the post to talk about how she was a major PJ and would go out and buy whatever people were raving about to try it on her hair. She used her experience as an opportunity to warn others (especially newbees like me at the time) about the dangers of being a PJ.

The scary part is that I was about to use that same product the very next day! It may or may not have done the same thing to my hair but needless to say, I never used the product. It also made me think twice about some of my tendencies.

I am still recovering from my PJ ways (I am on a Joico kick right now so I have to be careful) but I never forgot about that member and what happened as a result of her being a PJ. I really hope that her hair recovered ok.
Its SAD and its a disorder.....sometimes i go home and bang my head on walls because i realize that i just bought TWO not one but TWO...products that i DONT NEED!!! I swear I'll pay up to $500.00 for a cure because i spend much more on products.....
I just had a vision and it's funny but sad. I see something on here...for example the silk amino acid ingredient. I read the thread and was like, wow, if there was some way to distract it somehow and sell it in pure form I'd buy it. Lo and behold, silk amino acid IS the pure form so I run off and buy it right then and there. I'm at the check out running back here asking about coupons and stuff. Finally it's ordered, then I wait for it to arrive. I get the box and dance and skip all the way to the bathroom. Open my spray bottle and and mix with the other stuff I just had to buy. Shake the bottle, spray in hair and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:love: I'm now like this...:babyb:

We're so crazy!
I justify my PJism by the fact that I'm no longer paying to get my hair done so in a way it is a much cheaper addiction. I have also calmed down on shopping which is also way more expensive than a shampoo or two or three(who's counting:blush:). I think as long as I give myself a weekly budget I feel ok about my disease, and if I go over a dollar or two it's still much cheaper than going to get a wash and style at the hair dresser and then adding a cut, especially with my stylists prices!
We're all doomed. I am going to try my hardest to resist the urge. Self challenge: No new products until April (oils and honey not included because I just can't imagine a dc without them).
It's hard to fight the urge! I was making an inventory of all the products I have and realised that some of them haven't even been used! And I was already planning on buying more products (Hairveda&Shescentit) but I decided not to do that. I'm gonna replace each product with a new one, meaning I will only buy a new product if one runs out. I think that helps.
Product PJism isn't as bad as appliance PJism. Last October/November I switched from products to appliances. A Pibbs, FHI Runway, FHI Platform, and FHI Nano blowdryer later I was finally sated. And trust me -- there is NOWHERE you can hide a Pibbs! :lachen:
I have comfort in knowing it's not just me. After my bills are paid, I spend like 40% of what's left on hair products . Someone ought to do a "You know you a product junkie if....." I have like 5 different shampoos, so many conditioners I lost count, 3 different tall can of oil sheen, and so many moisturizers. To make matter worse, I just bought like 4 more products from hairveda, and I still have some more in mind I want to get! Just today, I was thinking about getting the Garnier fructis conditioner because it detangled and left my hair super soft. As a matter of fact......