PJAA May Challenge


Indy Girl Growing Strong
<font color="purple">For all of you who've decided to join in the May PJ withdrawl challenge, I want to say thank you very, very much. It's not too late if you still want to take the challenge throughout the whole month. I wish each and everyone of you girls, the best of luck in not purchasing a single hair care item. We'll see who can succeed the longest by the 5-31. The official start time of the PJAA Challenge is at midnight Eastern Standard Time (11:00 pm Central Time, 9:00 pm Pacific Time). All I can say is Good Luck to you all. Let's do it for our wallets!! </font>
Woo Hoo! I'm really pumped because I really need to do this
(esp. for my check book)
I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so SSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYY. Sorry. This month is my birth month and no no no no no no no no no no non o I am gonna buy something. Sorry I just gotta. Plus I gotta travel for the summer. So I gotta buy those hair products.