PJ Challengers Update


New Member
Well ladies, we've got 3 weeks down and 1 more to go. How's everyone doing? I've surprised myself and been very faithful. I've not even been tempted. I have so much stuff at home, I really don't feel like I'm missing anything. I've actually rediscovered some old products that really deserve a higher spot in my regimen.

Once the challenge is over, I wanna pick up some Lekair Cholesterol (green kind) to try on my daughter's hair. A lot of naturals rave about it, so I wanna see if her hair will like it. For myself I'll be purchasing more Nacidit conditioners and HHIAB. What's on your list to buy for June?
Well, I went out of town and bought a tiny jar of pomade as a token gift thing.

I've also had to buy conditioner for my conditioner washes b/c I run out of those easily.

Otherwise, I've done pretty well.
I just realized that I actually haven't bought nothing since that time I made that thread attentioned to you about my second day cheat.

Wow that's a first for me!

But I didn't buy anything! The main things that I've been looking for that I WILL buy in June are a better gel and a leave in conditioner.

But this has been good for me because I see I need to get disciplined now. So for June I'm only going to buy 3 new products. I'll try Rusk smoother first, if that doesn't work, I'll try Elasta qp H2 or Kenra leave in then I'm getting a new gel.
I plan on buying;

~ Aveda Elixir
~ Aveda Deep Penetrating Hair Revitalizer
~ Motions Silk Protein Conditioner

I can't wait! I'm ready to go shopping!

I've continued to be good though.
Er, well I was doing good until someone posted about Wal-greens having the NTM on sale.
I had no choice but to go out and purchase the shampoo and deep conditioner.
I haven't bought anything. I went to exchange some products that I had bought before the challenge but otherwise im good. But I have all the way until July until IM able to by some thing. Who ELSE is on the JULY challenge?

Well, don't worry about it, you still did very good

Where are all my PJ Challengers? Are y'all avoiding the board to keep from being tempted or have you fallen off the wagon
I am still hanging on. I did see that Joico has a new line, Silk Result. It looks tempting. But, so does the Back to Basics Coconut Mango. I window shopped at 2 BSSs on yesterday and didn't purchase a thing. I am so proud of myself.
I am staying the course, just like before.

I'll be knocked the
out this afternoon when I go have some oral surgery done, so I won't be tempted to buy anything for pretty much the rest of the month until I heal up.

Who ever thought having your teeth pulled could be a postive thing?
I have been good so far, although I was tempted a few times I haven't made any purchases. In June I think I am going to stick to the routine, I have so much stuff at home.