PJ Challenge

Humm....to quote the great poet Whitney Houston "Hell to the Naw" :swearing: Actually I would (and need) to join this challenge but I'll be teturizing my natural hair and it's likely I'll need to experiment with a few new products....oh well only if it wasn't for that one thing :perplexed
The best I can do is say I wont order anything offline until then. See, I still fail! lol Jan 07 just hurt my heart. To long. Who knows, maybe I will come back and join you ladies in Dec.
Have we had a check-in yet??? If not, I'll start.

I'm doing very well. I haven't purchased any hair products. Well, I bought some coconut oil, but TECHNICALLY, it's not a hair care product.:D I really, really, really want to try Elucence though. I am soooooo tempted!!! Even though I have a linen closet FULL of moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. I need help!!! But, I really am proud of myself though.

So, how are you ladies doing??
Ok I'm in. i am still waiting for my Virgin Palm Oil and the Asante oil, but I already purchased them. So, I'm ready for the challenge. I have to admit it will be hard. I think I'm on the right track. Today I actually went into Target and forced myself not to even look at the haircare aisles and get only what I came in there for. So I passed the first test.:D Wish me luck.
I haven't bought anything new at all. I need to order some more Amla and Olive heavy cream since i am getting low. Its a keeper. I have been really good about not buying new things. I have so much in my closet that i need to use up. I think i have enough to last me through about half of 07. But come 1/1/07 i will be ordering a few new things for sure. :lol: I'll just give my stuff away to my mother and younger brothers.:D
Okay, I am checking on you all to see the progress. Are you all hanging in there???? I almost said I was in but I am going to Texas and I always get something while away. Drats. I will join you all in Dec. (Now I am having the shakes just thinking of this!)
How is everyone doing? I must admit, I did buy some Silk elements moisturizing treatment, care free curl and a box of ORS relaxer. It was good of me to see this today. Just 8 weeks until 2007! I am back on the bandwagon. I will admit that I have not bought as much as I used to, so this is a good thing.
Miz Jackson said:
How is everyone doing? I must admit, I did buy some Silk elements moisturizing treatment, care free curl and a box of ORS relaxer. It was good of me to see this today. Just 8 weeks until 2007! I am back on the bandwagon. I will admit that I have not bought as much as I used to, so this is a good thing.

The Silk Elements alone were worth you falling off the bandwagon for quick moment.
Miz Jackson said:
How is everyone doing? I must admit, I did buy some Silk elements moisturizing treatment, care free curl and a box of ORS relaxer. It was good of me to see this today. Just 8 weeks until 2007! I am back on the bandwagon. I will admit that I have not bought as much as I used to, so this is a good thing.

Don't worry Miz Jackson. That's progress!!!!:grin: