Pin Curls


does anyone have a picture of themselves with pin curls? i have seen several people post that they maintain their "down" hairstyles using pin curls. i can't figure it out. HELP!

Try looking for a thread by Wolftrap, titled Wearing Hair Down. There are some links in there I believe that have pictures. I'll try to bump it up for you.

I started pin curling my hair nightly and love it!
Yes, PrettyBrownEyes is correct about the thread with the link, I mentioned that I sometimes use pin curls, and in that thread I discussed how I do it, also someone posted a link with demonstrations. And CarmelHonee and I spoke about pin curls a while back, but I forgot the name of the thread.

I'm glad you like the pin curls, PrettyBrownEyes, and good luck, DSTdiva
Once you try it a couple of times, you will get the hang of it. You can vary the size of your curls by the size of each pin curl. Or, if you want more of a straight style, you will only need to put in a few pin curls. Many times I wear my hair with loose curls, practically a straight style, but with more body. I achieve this look with pin curls.
lunalight7 said:
Great...I wanted to know about this as well...thanx ladies for directing me to this info.

[/ QUOTE ]

Glad I could help!!