Pin curls...Does anyone do them?


Active Member
A friend of mine's hair was so cute today! She said she set it in pincurls. I'm not really sure how to do these. Do you twist each curl around your finger then pin them to your scalp? Or do you roll them up to the scalp and then pin it? Also do you do them fat then seperate them like in a twist or braid out or do you do pin curl seperately? I always thought they would give you to tight curls...but hers were loose and cute! Can someone explain to me(like you are talking to a child) how to do them? Thanks!

When I read the topic of the thread, I was surprised at you. Why? You are the best of "old school" in terms of your hair care methods. And, as Nick Chavez would say, "Everything old school is definitely cool these days."

My grandmother used to put my hair in pincurls for drying when I was a child. Let me say that this I think is a fairly typical description. For visuals, the end result with a pincurl should be a twisted, circle on your head/scalp which is flat. Section your hair, as desired. Then, take a section and twist it. Then, start winding in circular fashion until you have the twisted section flat on your head/scalp. Afterwards, you want to pin it securely. To me, you have to be good with your hands to do it. My grandmother used to use bobby pins.

In terms of the curliness, I think that depends on how tightly you do the actual pincurl. Not the twisting, but the circumference of the circle. Hope you understand what I am saying.

Best advantages of pincurls for drying: little or no frizz.

Some people also do pincurls for sleeping overnight, too.

A friend over at Long Hair Community has adapted this method by doing basically multiple buns. I told her they looked similar to Bantu knots to me. Anyway, it's the same principle. She uses no pins. I've tried her method myself, but have not been able to go without using some pins. Her hair is straight. Depending on the tightness of the buns, the degree of wave to her hair. If I do it, I think my wave is not as pronounced.

Hope you are enjoying the summer!

Much Love,

Thanks Jade! Yea you would think I would know how to do them...but I don't ...Why do you think I didn't ask my friend how to do them...

I'd never hear the end of it..."What! Miss I know it all when it comes to hair doesn't know how to do pin curls!?!"
I'm confused. How are these different from bantu knots and how do bantu knots stay without pins. Also, isn't it uncomfortable sleeping in these pins?
They are flat curls...not knots...I'll see if somehere on the internet I can find a pic....
it may take awhile....don't go any where...
They are flat curls...not knots...I'll see if somehere on the internet I can find a pic....
it may take awhile....don't go any where...

[/ QUOTE ]
Well that didn't take's a link on how to do them... Pincurls
Hey Sweetcocoa,
I sometimes use pin curls for maintaining a roller set. They are great at keeping your curls "curly". I haven't tried it on air drying styles...
I've done one pin curl (just to figure it out). I don't think I could do all of my hair. However, I think it's a great method of curling the hair.