Pin Curl Set Using SouthernGirlz Method


New Member
Hey LHCF ladies,

I've been a lurker for a minute:D and fnally got an active account to post my FIRST question (yay, for me!). As I continue on this hair journey, I need help with non heat styles....I'm NO good at roller sets, but I saw the pincurl set in SouthernGirlz album. It looks easy enough, and the end result looks really good....have any of you tried it, and if so have you had good results...any tips??? Please help a sita out:confused: ...Oh yea, and is the end result different than a braidout...I tried that, and it was a hot mess!!! So, I'm not trying to go done that road!

Very different than a braidout! I can't do mine on wet hair though. I have to have a little heat so I only do it on special occasions.
Welcome Goldenage, you LHCF old-timer you!

I've never tried pincurls, which many do to maintain a rollerset. You are asking if the end result is better than a braidout. What do you mean? What happened with your braidout?:)
thanks for the welcome ladies! I feel the love! :) What I'm referring to is not the pincurls you use to maintain a curl (i.e pincurling instead of wrapping your hair at night). I am referring to the pin curl "set" that southerngirl has in her album....its like a wavy type set, and from her album it looks like she does it on half wet hair and lets it dry overnight using a leave in.

@Isis...thanks for your input. Well, lets just say my braidout was more frizzy than I I wanted more of a wave than I was getting...who knows maybe I did something wrong. Plus my front sides are shorter than the back, from layers I'm trying to grow I think braidout's may look better on hair that is all even...maybe, I'll try again soon!:D

I tried this style after seeing her album and a few others.

To me it looks like SG's is bantu knots. The outcome will be diff. from a braid out, but it will also depend on how large/small the sections are and if done on dry, damp, or wet hair. Plus--the outcome will vary depending on how long your hair is--the longer the wavier and the shorter the curlier.
Hi Goldenage,

It looks like you've gotten a few great responses. I didn't see a specific question for me, but I just wanted to check in to say that I hope the style works for you, but it took me a couple tries to get it exactly the way I want it (like the picture). Ironically enough, I was rushing that day and they still came out nice.

I need to try that style again, although I cut my hair last week and added bangs again. It'll be interesting to see how they look with bangs. I'll let you know when I take them again and post pix.
