Pin curl pics?

does anyone have any before and after pis of there pin curls? I figure its the best way to maintain a rollerset other than wrapping.
Thanks Honey! I try.:blush:

No problem!! Shoot, thank you for sharing! I did your pincurl method on my daughter's hair and it came out so cute!! I have the pics in my camera, I have to post them. It was funny, my daughter was like "Why are you using that clip like that? You're only using one??" LOL I was like "Yup, and it's gonna come out sooo cute" I couldn't get her out of the mirror after I took them out :lachen:
No problem!! Shoot, thank you for sharing! I did your pincurl method on my daughter's hair and it came out so cute!! I have the pics in my camera, I have to post them. It was funny, my daughter was like "Why are you using that clip like that? You're only using one??" LOL I was like "Yup, and it's gonna come out sooo cute" I couldn't get her out of the mirror after I took them out :lachen:

Ohhhh let me know when u post the pics cuz I wana see!:grin: That is too cute!