Pillow Satin Rollers...has anyone else seen these?--pics inside!


Well-Known Member
Just yesterday I was at the BSS trying to satisfy my product junkie habits, when I happened to stumble across these "Pillow Satin Rollers"! They say that they are soft so you can wear them to bed at night! You just roll your hair up in them, and then twist the little tie, and you're set!

They were cheap, and they looked easy enough, so I figured...hey...why not?? :lol: I can see how these would be nice if you wanted to maintain a curly rollerset for a while, but don't like to sleep on hard rollers.

I bought them, and the pictures are down below. I may try these soon! I figure...it's satin so it can't hurt right?

Here's what they look like:



They look like the old school paper bag rollers. Now they have brought it up to the modern times. I'll bet they make great curls!
I boughthese the other day. They are VERY hard to stay on...
Wouldnt buy it again.

lol...oh great. :( I hope I didn't make a bad investment. OH well...they weren't expensive (about 4 bucks), but I figure hey...it could work!

Sometimes I get tired of pin-curling!

I'll try them out the next time I get a roller-set and will post what I thought of them. :)
Actually I use these every night and I love them. I wake up to soft tight curls that fall throughout the day to give me lots of body and swing.

I purposely roll my hair tight, because it generally won't hold a hot curl let alone a roller curl. But these soft pillow rollers do the trick. Try them out on your hair and let us know how it turns out. I love these! I noticed that as my hair grows longer I like the results even more. I would not dare use these on short hair....uh uh.
I have some gold colored ones from WalMart They give me soft curls and as long as I position them correctly, they don't hurt to sleep in them. HTH! :rolleyes: