Pieces of Hair Growing Faster Than the Rest?


New Member
In another thread (that I can't find) a couple of you mentioned having pieces or "tails" of your hair growing faster than the rest of your hair. It's happening to me - I have 2 "tails" growing longer and faster for some reason. They are both in the back of my head and at first I thought it was my imagination
but they are really catching my attention now. Is this happening to you? Any reasons as to why this happens?
I have a wonderful shoulderlength tail in the back of my hair. The rest of my hair is just right at the top of my neck. It looks soo crazy. I just pin the back up when I wear my hair down or curl it really tight. Sometimes, I wear the back down and pull the top up into a bun or twist. Everyone is like your hair is soo long. I'm like totally NOT!! My hairdresser was telling me it depends on where the blood circulates the fastest. You move your neck more so that hair grows a little faster then the rest. My hair grows in an inverted V pattern. If it makes you feel any better, your hair will eventually even out. Just not when you want it to.
I haven't noticed anything like "tails" but I have noticed that some of my new growth is longer than other sections.
Thank you Tigerorange and Hairlove. I'm very happy with my tails - it's a very pleasant surprise! I'm just wondering why it's growing longer and faster. I think if I can find out why, then I can apply it to the rest of my hair!
The blood circulating answer makes sense. That means I need to make sure the blood is circulating all over my head on a regular basis like it is in my neck area...
have you tried scalp massages? some of the ladies here had great success increasing blood circulation to a place that grows slow in their hair.
Hairlove - I've noticed my new growth is longer in some places than others too. And for me it's consistent in these places so that could also be because of blood circulation or a hair growth pattern.
I have one on the left side of my head, sort of right above my ear. I want to know why it grows so much faster too...and mine isn't even in the back so I don't think the circulation thing is it. I guess I'll never know
Bobbie said:
have you tried scalp massages? some of the ladies here had great success increasing blood circulation to a place that grows slow in their hair.

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Yes, I just started that from info on a new thread about using essential oils with a carrier oil like Jojoba. She said her hair grew 2 inches in 2 months from scalp massages twice each day!

I also posted info about doing Yoga shoulderstands and a Yoga scalp exercise to increase circulation. My hair isn't growing slow at all, my "tails" are just growing faster!
BlackCardinal said:
I have one on the left side of my head, sort of right above my ear. I want to know why it grows so much faster too...and mine isn't even in the back so I don't think the circulation thing is it. I guess I'll never know

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That's very interesting. Maybe we'll find out why this happens if not circulation!
also, i've read that it might have to do on what position you sleep on at night. as for me, the side that i usually sleep on (the back), grows slower than the rest. when i switch to the sides, that part will grow the slowest.
I think that it is safe to say that hair does not grow out automatically in a blunt cut. Neither do all the hairs grow at the same rate or all over the hair at once. You will notice things like "my bangs are really getting long!!"...My temple area is really filling in...My sides are catching up to the back...My crown area is as long as my bangs...etc. etc. I get the tails thingies as well and it reminds me of a plant sending out its long shoots. I see that as a sign of "growth spurts and that the growing and resting cycles are functioning, that the hair follicles are
responding to "whatever stimuli" and 'growth' is happening up in here ---and just keep on doing what you are doing because guess what? Without fail....on a day out of the blue, I say, " My hair is all evened out (without trimming! or shaping !... and my layers are gone...then it starts the same thing all over again.
That is why I do not trim just because it looks a little uneven. Now this is my personal experience. Hope this helps. Bonjour and happy hair growing.
Yeah my tail is hovering 3 inches above top of brastrap. Most of my hair is shoulder length and a little beyond. My bang...lets just say it needs to hurry up! This uneven hair makes my pony tail look weird. But I aint trimmin'
I don't think hair grows at the same rate all over your head. Also you may have different hair types and the various products you use for 4a hair might not necessarily have a response on your 3c and 4b sections. I don't know if that makes sense.
I have the same thing w/my nape and my sideburns. I was about to say that maybe thats a good way to tell how the rest of ya hair is growing by looking at the lil pieces but i guess not. :P lol
my bang on my right side grows fast too so any time it would get cut im not too worried about it cause in a month or so im bout an inch or so away from what i had b4.
BlackCardinal said:
I have one on the left side of my head, sort of right above my ear. I want to know why it grows so much faster too...and mine isn't even in the back so I don't think the circulation thing is it. I guess I'll never know

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That's exactly where my hair grows the fastest. There is this PATCH on the left side of my head above my ear that is SO thick like 2 inches of new growth after 2 months where the rest of my head is like 1 inch. It's so thick and can get tangled so easily. It's freakin' me out!
Wow! This is amazing! There has to be a reason for this phenomenon if it's happening in various parts of the head. I'm going to find out why.
Well, I haven't found out why yet but I haven't stopped wondering. Right now, I'm noticing my bangs now have two longer tails - one on each side! It 's like it just happens. Since I'm growing out my bangs (and I have a matching set of tails), I'll just leave these alone. Now I have a pair of tails in the front and a pair in the back! It all must be part of a certain growth pattern.
A part on the right side of my head also grows fast. I always assumed that this was the healthiest part of my head but maybe not
I have one whole section that is two inches going towards the middle of my head behind my ear, funnily enough when i was growing up as a kid it was exactly on the other side of my head.
hairlove said:
I haven't noticed anything like "tails" but I have noticed that some of my new growth is longer than other sections.

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same here
Mahalialee4 said:
I think that it is safe to say that hair does not grow out automatically in a blunt cut. Neither do all the hairs grow at the same rate or all over the hair at once. You will notice things like "my bangs are really getting long!!"...My temple area is really filling in...My sides are catching up to the back...My crown area is as long as my bangs...etc. etc. I get the tails thingies as well and it reminds me of a plant sending out its long shoots. I see that as a sign of "growth spurts and that the growing and resting cycles are functioning, that the hair follicles are
responding to "whatever stimuli" and 'growth' is happening up in here ---and just keep on doing what you are doing because guess what? Without fail....on a day out of the blue, I say, " My hair is all evened out (without trimming! or shaping !... and my layers are gone...then it starts the same thing all over again.
That is why I do not trim just because it looks a little uneven. Now this is my personal experience. Hope this helps. Bonjour and happy hair growing.

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There is something to this analogy of a "plant sending out its long shoots". It gives me a wierd feeling
but it is like that. My "tails" grow ahead of the rest of my hair, then everything seems to catch up, then there are those tails growing longer again. I also notice the new growth being different lengths on various parts of my head. It looks to me that it's a separate growth situation from the tails but maybe not.
The whole front half my my head's hair grows faster than the back half. I try to get the back to grow like the front but it takes alot of effort and babying. I think it has something to do with all the nationalities and races that us black folks have in us.
sugawooga said:
The whole front half my my head's hair grows faster than the back half.

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my hair is just the opposite! It seems like the front half of my hair hardly even grows, and the back grows like a chia pet!
I have one section on the right middle side of my head that grows like a weed. Right now post 4 weeks of my last touch up I have at least an inch of growth in this one area! Everywhere else it's half to 3/4 of an inch.
I have become a firm believer that unless the hair is split or you are going for some particular hair style, do not cut your hair. Have you ever noticed that after a hair dresser cuts your hair supposedly to even it out. The fastest growing hair grows back again faster than the rest. I believe that when we cut our tail as you call them, it kind of sends the scalp into shock and it just puts more energy into the area that was cut to get your back into its natural growing pattern. So once again, your tails still are longer and outgrow the rest of the hair. Leave it alone unless you have split ends of course. If not, let it grow in it's natural pattern.
The mid section of my nape area grows the slowest. The hair close to my forehead on the right side grows slow too. The rest of my hair grows pretty fast.