Pictures & Privacy


New Member
Hi ladies,
With all of the debate on using other peoples pics and respecting others privacy I was wondering if any of you do not show pics of your hair, face, or loved ones? Do you keep your fotkis locked or keep your password in your profile?
I will show pics of my hair but not my face and not pics of my family. I understand that this is the internet and thats my way of keeping my privacy and still be able to post on the web.
What security measures do you ladies take if any?
I think the problem is that people may use your pics in ways you are not okay with

the BHM thread was about someone who used pics to misquote regimens and products used on top of not asking for permission.

I think that is my biggst fear as well
Hi ladies,
With all of the debate on using other peoples pics and respecting others privacy I was wondering if any of you do not show pics of your hair, face, or loved ones? Do you keep your fotkis locked or keep your password in your profile?
I will show pics of my hair but not my face and not pics of my family. I understand that this is the internet and thats my way of keeping my privacy and still be able to post on the web.
What security measures do you ladies take if any?

I only show pics of my hair (back only), not my face or family. For added security, I usually have a camera or some type of watermark in the photo to make it more "useless" to anyone else. The Internet is very public, and I never lose sight of that fact.

I have a fotki, but I keep it locked because I'm still working on it. When I do open it (eventually), the password will be located in my profile.
I think the problem is that people may use your pics in ways you are not okay with

the BHM thread was about someone who used pics to misquote regimens and products used on top of not asking for permission.

I think that is my biggst fear as well

Yes, I agree and that is why I only do backshots. Alot people get pics off the web and use them. If someone used my backshot pics I would not like it but it would not bother me like if they used my face or my loved ones face.
I only show pics of my hair (back only), not my face or family. For added security, I usually have a camera or some type of watermark in the photo to make it more "useless" to anyone else. The Internet is very public, and I never lose sight of that fact.

I have a fotki, but I keep it locked because I'm still working on it. When I do open it (eventually), the password will be located in my profile.

Thats a great idea. Thanks for answering.
I choose to keep my album unlocked b/c hairshots aren't really that big of a deal to me. I mean i'm on myspace and facebook with WAAYYY more private pics. so i'm gonna fret about those sites FRIST b4 i worry about a hair photo in fotki:ohwell:
I think that everything that has happened with people's personal info/images was predictable.Posting my face goes against my better judgment knowing what can happen on the internet. When I first found this site I was looking for information. This was my introduction into the forum /hairboard culture. I had no idea about how crucial it is some feel that a fotki and pictures are posted.:look: I never intended to post pictures of myself, and didn't even know what a fotki was. I am not interested in having a fotki. Just not my style, and I have to do me. Kudos to those who put themselves out there on the net. I do enjoy following people's progress. I love the exchange of info here, and if I can tell someone something that is helpful from my experiences, I am all for it. It has nothing to do with my personal info/image. People are free to take it or let it alone, doesn't matter to me. I have posted a phone pic from the back, and I may in the future post another same or better quality one. That is about as much as I am posting-maybe a deceased relative for the hair inspiration...:yep: My family and friends would curse me out if I posted their picture, because I know better. We are really just private people I guess. I am quick to tell someone to mind their business IRL, so it wouldn't make sense for me to just put myself out there on the net.
I choose to keep my album unlocked b/c hairshots aren't really that big of a deal to me. I mean i'm on myspace and facebook with WAAYYY more private pics. so i'm gonna fret about those sites FRIST b4 i worry about a hair photo in fotki:ohwell:

I feel ya:yep:.
OT: I have never heard of facebook.
LOL me, I'm in a VERY public profession - for god sake you can google me and info about me and what I've done comes up, lol. So I'm just like, eh whatever. Now my only concern comes if I do something job wise that becomes VERY publically known and my fotki pics of me without make-up are open for the world to see! That's when I will start to DELETE that horrible evidence of me looking less than stellar in public, lol.
Security measures I take are not showing face pics, family pics etc... on this or any message board. I try not to post too much private information. There are thousands of lurkers here and you never know who is watching you and reading every word that you type....I lol at some of the negative comments people make about those of us who prefer not to put face photos up. I attended a meeting in my area so at least a few folks can vouch for me that I am a real person. :lachen::lachen::lachen: I also recently changed my user name because I was using parts of the old one on too many different other sites. Now I do have pics up on myspace...but my page is also private, so I can control who is actually looking at my profile and reading my private information. This is the www, so one can never be too careful.
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LOL me,
I'm in a VERY public profession
- for god sake you can google me and info about me and what I've done comes up, lol. So I'm just like, eh whatever. Now my only concern comes if I do something job wise that becomes VERY publically known and my fotki pics of me without make-up are open for the world to see! That's when I will start to DELETE that horrible evidence of me looking less than stellar in public, lol.

You look like a model. Very pretty
LOL me, I'm in a VERY public profession - for god sake you can google me and info about me and what I've done comes up, lol. So I'm just like, eh whatever. Now my only concern comes if I do something job wise that becomes VERY publically known and my fotki pics of me without make-up are open for the world to see! That's when I will start to DELETE that horrible evidence of me looking less than stellar in public, lol.

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: HILARIOUS!

I will not post pics of my family. I also will never take a pic of me in my bra, even from behind. :nono: A spaghetti strap cami is about as far as I will go to reference the length of my hair. I have no expectations of privacy, so I keep that in mind and put much thought into whatever pics I post.

I also make sure my MU is tight!! :grin:
I'm not worried about someone taking pics of my face - I'm more concerned with someone taking my personal information...and I don't worry too much about that either because I take the necessary precautions to make sure it doesn't happen.
I just locked mine...again. I also watermark mine but I do worry about picture "borrowing", theft is such a strong word.
I've shared lots of pictures here. I don't really worry about it. I took two of my fotki albums down for other reasons. But someone taking hair photos doesn't worry me.
I'm not worried about someone taking pics of my face - I'm more concerned with someone taking my personal information...and I don't worry too much about that either because I take the necessary precautions to make sure it doesn't happen.

Pretty much summed up how I feel. Q
My face was posted on BHM and I was the victim of point and laugh...I didn't care then and I don't care now. Apparently Someone liked what they saw to go thru all that trouble. LOL:grin:

People are gonna talk no matter what u may as well give them something to talk about!:lachen:
I try not to put myself out there too much, Im not on myspace,facebook or anything like that for that exact reason, my privacy. I am a photography student so when I have my photography website made my picture will ultimately be on there but with that my pictures will be a bit more secure because of right click being disabled, anyhow. my signature picture is enough for someone to recognize me but other than that I try to be careful.
IMO I really don't care if someone used my pics...I actually won't upload anything that I don't want anyone to see...I dont lock my fotki b/c its just the back of my head. Its not like someone can just spot me and recognized the back of my head while I'm walking down the street. So it's really ridiculous about all the mess that's going on lately btw both forums. So no theres no need to lock it if your just showing the back of your head...if I show my face then I would consider locking it....
OK OT: Thanks so much for the compliments Gradygirl... I get so embarassed!:blush::perplexed:lick:

Ok now throwing it back to the original topic...
My software company specializes in information security, so for me, privacy is really a big deal, but as far as hair fotki pics, I only take back shots, so I don't fret too much about that.

I would be hesitant to put unlocked face pics out there unless you are well-known. I've had several friends get their pics stolen and used for dating web sites without their permission.

Just be careful and know your own comfort zone.
Hi ladies,
With all of the debate on using other peoples pics and respecting others privacy I was wondering if any of you do not show pics of your hair, face, or loved ones? Do you keep your fotkis locked or keep your password in your profile?
I will show pics of my hair but not my face and not pics of my family. I understand that this is the internet and thats my way of keeping my privacy and still be able to post on the web.
What security measures do you ladies take if any?

same as you to the bolded..bad experiences can lead to tighter security, even if you want to give access it is hard to just put it out there.
I was gonna leave my stretchmark progress album with the same pw as my hair album but i changed it because those pics definately are not of my best side!! so i changed it to control who sees those pics, gotta have trust!!
Thats a great idea. Thanks for answering.

Thanks...and you're welcome.
After yesterday, I will start watermarking my pictures. I will also lock my Fotki albums that have pictures showing my face.

I was so nieve, I have learned my lesson!

What scared me after that incident.

I agree that people become unhappy with people using their pictures and giving false information concerning the picture.