Pictures & Privacy

My fotki is not locked and i do show my face in some pics. You can "protect" your pics in your fotki so that noone can copy them. It's in the setting.
LOL me, I'm in a VERY public profession - for god sake you can google me and info about me and what I've done comes up, lol. So I'm just like, eh whatever. Now my only concern comes if I do something job wise that becomes VERY publically known and my fotki pics of me without make-up are open for the world to see! That's when I will start to DELETE that horrible evidence of me looking less than stellar in public, lol.
Wow FoxieRoxie. Girl, you can move and you can act. You're famous girl! Now I can tell people I know a celebrity. :yep:
Wow FoxieRoxie. Girl, you can move and you can act. You're famous girl! Now I can tell people I know a celebrity. :yep:

I bet you she can run down some stairs and not have nothin' jiggling or out of place. I could do that too if my entire body was wrapped in ACE bandages and was running down some stairs on the moon in zero gravity.

If people are gonna take ur pics, they are gonna take them. I have had pics of mines taken before (not from here). It can even be someone you consider an internet friend. They will still stab you in the back. So I don't trust anyone, but I trust everyone. If that makes sense. If it's out's out there.

The only thing I don't like and I think people need to be smack in the head in real life photoshopping someone's pics or using them maliciously to misrepresent the person photographed.
I don't really post pics online (mainly because I have nothing that no one wants to see:lachen:),

The thing that scares me is even when you delete them, sometimes you can still go online and see the 'cached' pics until they're deleted completely.

Friggin' modern technology.
After yesterday, I will start watermarking my pictures. I will also lock my Fotki albums that have pictures showing my face.

I was so nieve, I have learned my lesson!

What scared me after that incident.

I agree that people become unhappy with people using their pictures and giving false information concerning the picture.

I'm sorry, but i can't believe you're actually going to do all of that over a complimentary thread showing the back of your head :drunk:
I don't post pics of my face because i'm unphotogenic(maybe i'm just ugly)

anyway, i can understand why people are scared. A few years back, a white man with an afro fetish stole some pics from a site i'm a member of and used them in his website.
I don't like showing pictures of my face. If I need to do a shot from the front to show a style, I block out my face with text. My fotki pictures are protected, and I recently locked up my album. My greatest fear isn't that some random will use my pics for an ill purpose, but that somebody I know will recognize me from my album pics. I'm just not cool with people knowing that I have an entire photo album about my hair.