Hey gurl!
Thanks for dropping some personal knowledge
First off, I am in no way offended (if something as simple as the truth offends me then I don't need to be here, right??) When I ask a question I am prepared to here ALL the facts, not just what I may want to hear! So thank you...Anyways enough of that.
I hate the descriptions of the 3 or 4 whatever, because to be honest with you none of them seem to fit my hair!!!
I remember wearing my hair in what looked like a long curl, back in da day. I put some sta sof fro in my hair and people thought I had a curl.
I will post some more pictures of close views in different areas of my head, hopefully tonight or tomorrow (I'm going to buy a better digital camera, the other was a $25 one just to see if I really wanted one). I will take them wet and dry. The dry pics are very hard to tell because my hair always straightens when dry...you know like if I dry it in a bun, rollerset or whatever. I would have to airdry with no bun or anything at all...that would mean I would have to wash again
Yes I totally agree that ALL hair is managable and not all people can manage all hair. I know I can manage my hair at any texture and any length. I also know some textures at some lenghts take more work and time to get the look a person might want. Let me explain a little of why I said "managable". I am a single mom with 4 children (17, 14, 10, 8), I work full time and go to school part time. All my kids are in sports (boys) and daughter is in Brownies and dance, and I attend EVERY game/function. I don't believe in a lot of fast food so therefore, I cook hot meals 6 days a week. So when I say manageable, I mean, if I want to wear my hair straight I dont want to spend forever getting it that way (for now). Now if my natural texture is going to take more time than the relaxer is thats fine, I will just wait till, say, next year this time when things SHOULD be a little less hectic. And that is all I really meant.
Again thank you my hair sister, for bringing out those points and helping me to clarify....After all I did say I needed to bounce it off you guys