
Thanks ladies! Bobbie, I haven't had long hair before. In the past, the longest my hair has been was almost shoulder length.
Your hair looks beautiful
Congrats on all the progress.
SweetPea said:
I've created an album to share with you guys. The pics are from 9/02 to 1/04. The link and PW are in my signature, enjoy!

[/ QUOTE ]

Your hair is so beautiful and healthy. The photos are so inspiring.
Your hair looks great! Really inspiring. So you wore the foam donut as your everyday style (before your hair got too long?) Did you have problems w/ your ends getting snagged on it?
Chanteuse said:
Your hair looks great! Really inspiring. So you wore the foam donut as your everyday style (before your hair got too long?) Did you have problems w/ your ends getting snagged on it?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup, I wore my bun every single day before I had to retire the donut. I didn't have problems w/ my ends getting snagged on it. The donut bun was easy, fast, and cute and I'm sad to see it go
SweetPea said:
Thanks ladies! Bobbie, I haven't had long hair before. In the past, the longest my hair has been was almost shoulder length.

[/ QUOTE ]

Really?!? Then I must say, congrats on finally having long hair!!!

You're definitely an inspiration to everyone who hasn't grown their hair past their shoulders.

You grow girl!
I enjoyed your album. That's a lot of growth in a short period of time! Great example of what persistency and consistency can do. Would love to see examples of your current protective style.
ur hair looks wonderful, bun of a whole year
thats amazing, I hope it got easyer with time, learning to leave ur hair alone, I thought a donut and a bun were the same thing
, Thanks for sharing