pics of sew in weave with indian remi hair


back from years of hiatus
hey! i finally got my hair today! (ill mail out everyone else's tomorrow).

i really like it! i was also happy i didnt have to dye it in the end, gel makes my hair darkedr and it blends perfectly! i did the curly perm in the hair but i was in a rush and used bigger sections..the result was wavy hair..i like that too!

i was really shocked that i used a bit less than 1/4 lb! i thought i would need around 1/2 but i guess all the body from the waves kinda took over! it looks full but feels soooo light and fluffy! since i can get away with only 1/4 lb and i have 8 set for a long time! lol

i only put up 3 pics..lemme know if you need more and what of!
Where did you get your hair? Nature girl or Bliss or somewhere else? It's gorgeous. I want some.
I know you said you did a curly perm. Did you get the straight hair or the curly hair?
Great job. How long do you leave it in? What a great way to let your hair rest. It looks very natural.
Which one did you get? The naturally curly hand weave? or machine? You ordered it by the pound? does the hair swell and get tangled? Which lengthe?
i bought straight hair (since its cheaper) and put a curly perm in it. i also like this way b/c i can controll how my curls look =)

i usually leave sew-in's in for like a month..but its b.c the hair starts to matt(using bss hair), but now that i have some good stuff i will try to strech to 2 months!

i got one lb of handtied 12 inch hair, and one lb or handtied 14 inch hair(total $84). i did a big group order with some ladies so we split the companie's shipping of $40 4 ways.

it tangles a bit whe n its wet, but as it dries the tangles relax and its quite easy to comb thru

so all in all i paid $94 for 2 lbs of hair..8 bags
You always do such a nice job on your hair. It looks nice. I missed the other threads about this type of hair...why is it so fabulous. Don't leave a PJ in the cold.
How do you know how much hair you will need to buy for a sew in? I usually buy two bags of hair from the BSS, but how do I know how much to get when they are selling it in ounces?
You put a curly perm in the weave first? Hmmmm now this I never heard of.... sounds interesting. I usually just buy the hair thats textured already. Anyway you did a good job on your hair:0).
The Remi hair is the absolute BOMB. A few months ago I got my first sewn in weave done with this hair and I LOVED it. Can't wait to weave it up again. I keep the weave in for a little over two months and it never tangled. I washed and conditioned once a week. I spent about $250 for the hair (bought in Los Angeles). It's expensive but worth the investment, the hair can be reused. After my stylist took my weave out she washed the hair, conditioned let it, air dry,put some leave-in and then wrapped in up in saran wrap.

By the way, I'm a newbie and working on my ablum. So I'll be posting pics soon.
weave....come on over to France and do my hair for me! I met an African girl in this dorm who said she can take me to some Africans that can do hair....I never had a sew in, but would ot mind trying do you take them thangs out???

Your hair looks absolutely gorgeaous!!! It reminds me of Hallie's look she's sporting now. I so wish I could do my own weaves!!! Great job!

Weave, you make me sick girl. I love it!!! When I'm in Vegas next year, I might have to do a drive by and let you hook me up. :-)