Pics of (My) Type 2C Hair


New Member
I decided to take some pics of my hair type since I know some had questions on what type 2C looks like. (They came out kind of blurry but hopefully they will show enough detail.) I am like 12 weeks post relaxer so luckily I had enough new growth for the demonstration /images/graemlins/smile.gif.

My Album

Chichi /images/graemlins/bdance.gif
I think it's hard to definitively say what type 2 hair is on relaxed heads because you can't tell if the hair curls or not.

Based on the diameter though, I would have originally just pegged that as type 3 hair. But then again, when I posted my 3b/c hair yesterday, someone swore to me that what I thought was 3b was 2c. So I give up. However anybody chooses to classify themselves is a-ok with me /images/graemlins/up.gif
"I think it's hard to definitively say what type 2 hair is on relaxed heads because you can't tell if the hair curls or not."

Ditto to a certain extent. I remember when I was transitioning my new growth looked very coily to me in certain areas, it turns out I was right, lol. But you never really know until your relaxed ends are cut. And sometimes even then you don't know the true texture of your hair until a little while, hence some folks go through a scab hair period. When I was transitioning I drove myself crazy trying to figure out what hair "type" I had. Word to to the aint worth it. lol.

Anyhow your newgrowth looks great, I try not to get caught up in typing because our hair is too unique to be catagorized in to a certain group IMO.
Poohbear said:
it looks like type 3 to me

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That's the thing. This hair typing thing is hard. I always thought I was type 3 too but my hair doesn't spiral (or curl); it just comes out in waves. Anything with waves is in the 2 category.

Chichi /images/graemlins/bdance.gif
Netta1 said:
Anyhow your newgrowth looks great

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Thanks. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Chichi /images/graemlins/bdance.gif
CaramelHonee said:
That's a LOT of newgrowth girl /images/graemlins/smile.gif Very pretty /images/graemlins/weird.gif

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Thanks CH./images/graemlins/smile.gif It will take me until touchup time before I could appreciate all of that growth. Right now, it's feeling kinda thick /images/graemlins/laugh.gif.

Aren't you a 2C too?

Chichi /images/graemlins/bdance.gif
I believe so but my mom begs to differ soooo i've given up on trying to type my hair. actually, i don't even care what my hair type is, as long as it's healthy and grows, it's all good /images/graemlins/rofl.gif
I guess hairtyping confuses me, too b/c my hair is just like that and I consider myself a 3b/c. My hair does not curl/coil at the root. In fact, I'm finding as my natural hair grows longer, most of it only curls at the very tip. The rest is just waves. So, when I say my hairtype, I typically will say 3 b/c WAVY AND CURLY. It seems like a lot of people with curly hair, have curly hair starting at the root and I guess that's what confuses me. Had I not transitioned and cut off some of the relaxed ends, I would have never known my hair curled at all b/c my new growth was always just waves.
hairlove said:
I guess hairtyping confuses me, too b/c my hair is just like that and I consider myself a 3b/c. My hair does not curl/coil at the root. In fact, I'm finding as my natural hair grows longer, most of it only curls at the very tip. The rest is just waves. So, when I say my hairtype, I typically will say 3 b/c WAVY AND CURLY. It seems like a lot of people with curly hair, have curly hair starting at the root and I guess that's what confuses me. Had I not transitioned and cut off some of the relaxed ends, I would have never known my hair curled at all b/c my new growth was always just waves.

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Hmmm, interesting... /images/graemlins/scratchchin.gif I remember looking at your album and thinking that looks my hair. When I was a child and had a fro the waves were like my new growth throughout - but of course I wasn't paying too much attention to my hair back then. It would be interesting to see what my ends do after I cut off my bone straight ends (because my hair is partially relaxed now it still has some texture to it).

Chichi /images/graemlins/bdance.gif
hairlove said:
I guess hairtyping confuses me, too b/c my hair is just like that and I consider myself a 3b/c. My hair does not curl/coil at the root. In fact, I'm finding as my natural hair grows longer, most of it only curls at the very tip. The rest is just waves. So, when I say my hairtype, I typically will say 3 b/c WAVY AND CURLY. It seems like a lot of people with curly hair, have curly hair starting at the root and I guess that's what confuses me. Had I not transitioned and cut off some of the relaxed ends, I would have never known my hair curled at all b/c my new growth was always just waves.

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Hey! My hair is like that! It's not very voluminous but definitely does spiral at the end. However, at least half, if not more of my hair does not spiral at all but just lays there. It's just too hard to tell with relaxed hair.Also, I think a whole lot of 3's hair does not curl or coil at the roots, but at the ends.
Wow! Look at what someone /images/graemlins/nuts.gif just posted in my album (third pic):

Comment from Amuzed
(Tuesday, Nov 9th, 2004 - 11:13:52 AM)

You've got to be joking. This picture does not prove that your hair is a type "2C or 3". Show your entire head next time. Oy

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Yikes! /images/graemlins/lachen70.gif as if I am trying to prove something to them...

I am a webbie and I am trying to track them down (through the Internet) and if I do, I will pass their "info" along to the moderators of this board.

Chichi /images/graemlins/bdance.gif
Yes Chichi I saw that and I think people have nothin better to do but be harsh and rude! But ANYhoo

Like I said in your album...I see a strong wave pattern and you could be 2C or a 3a category, cause you will definitely have waves and curls at some point....I think your hair looks so nice and thick!!!!

I would love to see all that hair but thats your decision!! Happy hair growing!!!! /images/graemlins/clap.gif
Thanks for your comments ccd (both here and in my album) /images/graemlins/smile.gif. All the hair will follow one day, I promise, LOL.

I am (partially) relaxed, so right now my hair type is only found in my new growth. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Chichi /images/graemlins/bdance.gif
My neice has type 2 hair. Look in my album under family, I think she is the first pic. There is also another one of her with her baby brother.

Are you transitioning? My hair has deep waves as well if I still have relaxed ends. But Once I chop then it will do a complete spiral or coil.
lovechic said:

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/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Thanks!

Just trying to use my skills to catch a troll; I know that I am not the only one on this board who has experienced this...

Chichi /images/graemlins/bdance.gif
Thanks for your comments.

Neen said:
My neice has type 2 hair. Look in my album under family, I think she is the first pic. There is also another one of her with her baby brother.

[/ QUOTE ]Cutie pies! /images/graemlins/smile.gif They look like they are 2A (like Ananda Lewis). Mine is 2C (the C is for coarse /images/graemlins/lachen70.gif).

Are you transitioning? My hair has deep waves as well if I still have relaxed ends. But Once I chop then it will do a complete spiral or coil.

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No, I am not transitoning; I just stretch out my relaxers (the last one was in August). When I was younger and natural, my hair didn't spiral but hairlove mentioned the same thing. Once I cut off my bone straight ends, I will be watching my ends carefully to see what they do... /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Chichi /images/graemlins/bdance.gif
You've got some great new growth very nice. I'm of the opinion that you just can't tell hair type unless the relaxed hair is gone and just like Netta said even then it may take some time to get a true texture due to scab hair. I wouldn't worry about trying to type at all you've got a healthy head of great growing hair- that's all that's important /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Chichi said:
Poohbear said:
it looks like type 3 to me

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That's the thing. This hair typing thing is hard. I always thought I was type 3 too but my hair doesn't spiral (or curl); it just comes out in waves. Anything with waves is in the 2 category.

Chichi /images/graemlins/bdance.gif

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well, like dreemssold said, i'm not an expert at hair typing either. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Chichi said:
Wow! Look at what someone /images/graemlins/nuts.gif just posted in my album (third pic):

Comment from Amuzed
(Tuesday, Nov 9th, 2004 - 11:13:52 AM)

You've got to be joking. This picture does not prove that your hair is a type "2C or 3". Show your entire head next time. Oy

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Yikes! /images/graemlins/lachen70.gif as if I am trying to prove something to them...

I am a webbie and I am trying to track them down (through the Internet) and if I do, I will pass their "info" along to the moderators of this board.

Chichi /images/graemlins/bdance.gif

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Ayeshia said:
Your new growth is pretty /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Chichi /images/graemlins/bdance.gif
Divastate said:
You've got some great new growth very nice. I'm of the opinion that you just can't tell hair type unless the relaxed hair is gone and just like Netta said even then it may take some time to get a true texture due to scab hair. I wouldn't worry about trying to type at all you've got a healthy head of great growing hair- that's all that's important /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Thanks for your comment. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I haven't always been relaxed. When I was younger and natural, my entire head of hair was like my new growth (it runs in the family). So, no, this is not scab hair.

Also, I am really not worried about my hair type. Hair type means nothing to me as long as it grows, LOL. I just saw some threads with ladies wanting to see type 2C hair - so here I am. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Chichi /images/graemlins/bdance.gif
Poohbear said:
it looks like type 3 to me

[/ QUOTE ]

ITA. Anything with waves isn't automatically a Type 2. Andre Walker, who came up with this 4 "Type" system, characterized Type 4 hair as "z"-shaped, which can also be seen as wavy. Type 2's are basically European-straight hair with a lot of body. Like Jennifer Aniston's. Or Tatjana Ali's and Mariah Carey's or Neen's neice. Yours looks more tightly curled than that, and it is also pretty.
Nyambura said:
Poohbear said:
it looks like type 3 to me

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ITA. Anything with waves isn't automatically a Type 2. Andre Walker, who came up with this 4 "Type" system, characterized Type 4 hair as "z"-shaped, which can also be seen as wavy. Type 2's are basically European-straight hair with a lot of body. Like Jennifer Aniston's. Or Tatjana Ali's and Mariah Carey's. Yours looks more tightly curled than that, and it is also pretty.

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Thanks. However, I beg to differ... Type 2 is not soley European hair. There are a few of us on this board and none have European hair.

This is a description of type 2 hair:

Type 2
A relatively unusual type, wavy hair tends to be coarse, with a definite "S" pattern to it. There are three Type 2 subtypes:
A – fine /thin, B -medium-textured, and C - thick and coarse. Type 2A is very easy to handle, blowing out into a straighter style or taking on curlier looks with relative ease. Types 2B and 2C are a little more resistant to styling and have a tendency to frizz.

For the record, I am not asking anyone to type my hair. I know what type it is already. /images/graemlins/smile.gif I welcome any and all opinions but I did not post the pics to "type" my hair. /images/graemlins/spinning.gif

Chichi /images/graemlins/bdance.gif
Nope, I didn't mean only Europeans had Type 2 hair, since 3 out of the 4 examples I listed are women/girls who aren't European, nor did I mean to cause offense. Others have voiced the same opinion about your Type yet did not receive the same defensive response. All "Types" are beautiful to me. Regardless of your Type, Chichi, I think your hair is pretty (as I stated in my original post). I attach no value judgment to being Type 'x' or 'y'. People have differed about "Types" before on this Board and I have no problem having differing opinions while still remaining cordial.
Peace and Happy Hair Growing. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Nyambura said:
Nope, I didn't mean only Europeans had Type 2 hair, since 3 out of the 4 examples I listed are women/girls who aren't European, nor did I mean to cause offense. Others have voiced the same opinion about your Type yet did not receive the same defensive response. All "Types" are beautiful to me. Regardless of your Type, Chichi, I think your hair is pretty (as I stated in my original post). I attach no value judgment to being Type 'x' or 'y'. People have differed about "Types" before on this Board and I have no problem having differing opinions while still remaining cordial.
Peace and Happy Hair Growing. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Oopsie, sorry about that. That statement was not directed at you, Nyambura, so please do not take offense /images/graemlins/kiss.gif. It was just a general statement and maybe I should have made that more clear...
I wrote it because some have been typing my hair and I am like /images/graemlins/huh.gif I wasn't asking what type I am, I am just showing my hair type. I really like to hear a difference in opinion though because I do learn from every post.

Chichi /images/graemlins/bdance.gif