Pictures of type 2/C hair????

PrettyBrownEyes said:
What about HairLove? Is her hair a type 2? Maybe you should look at her pics.

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I am pretty sure I am not in the 2s b/c my hair is not like Ananda Lewis or Chili's and they seem like the "standard" definition of a 2 imo, though there definitely has to be some variation. I think I have various 3s throughout my hair.

Edited to add:
I don't focus on hair types anymore. Instead, what I do is find someone who has similar hair as mine and seems to react to products the same as mine. This is great if you find a hair album. I find this a lot more helpful than just comparing hair types.
i think the only reason she has waves an not ringlets is because she uses gel/moisturizer to tame them.. hairlove correct me if im wrong. but if u look at her pics shes gots some cute lil ringlets on the hair thats hanging free.
Hi Lulu ~

According to Andre Walker, who to my knowledge came up with the categories Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, and Type 4, listed Jennifer Aniston, Yasmeen Ghauri, and Isabella Rosselini as Type 2s. If you haven't had the chance to check out Andre Walker's book (they have it listed here on the forum's home page, I think), I'd recommend you pick it up because he has pix for every category and sub-category, e.g., a pic of what Type 2a looks like, Type 2b, and Type 2c.

Here are some pix:
Jennifer Aniston

Yasmeen Ghauri

Isabella Rossellini
LuLu said:
What type is her hair?

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Lulu ~
I think the difference in "S" shapes has to do with the intensity of the curl. I explain more below.

According to Andre Walker, the lady in the picture above would be a 3B or a 4A texturized to have 3B characteristics. If I were you, I wouldn't take everything he says to heart b/c I found that my hair didn't fit neatly into any of his Types or their subcategories! He claims Cree Summer is a 3B, so that's what I'd be, I guess, but I also have some parts that look like 4a - so I do 3c (even though he didn't create a 3"c").

Anyway ~

Mr. Walker says this about <font color="red"> Type 2:</font>
Type 2 falls between Type 1, straight hair, and Type 3, curly hair. Type 2 is a relatively unusual type, is coarse, and is defined by a definite "S" pattern - meaning that the wave forms *throughout* the hair in the shape of a letter "S." In addition, the curves of the "S" shape lay flat against the scalp, instead of standing away from the head the way curly hair does. Type 2s often get confused with Type 3s b/c it's easy to get curly hair to lay flat and look wavy -BUT- the difference is that wavy hair stick close to the head: when you cut it in layers, it won't bounce up.

<font color="green"> Type 2A </font> = fine and thin
<font color="green">Type 2B </font> = medium textured (whatever that means, lol)
<font color="green">Type 2C </font> = thick and coarse.

Type 2A Type 2A is very easy to handle, blowing out into a straighter style with no problem or taking on a curlier style with ease. Types 2B and 2C hair are a little more resistant to styling and have a tendancy to frizz. (Here's where looking at the book helps you because he has photos that correspond to each subtype so you have an idea what he has in mind when describing the Types and subtypes.

<font color="red"> Type 3</font>
Also has a definite "S" pattern because it's loopy and curvy, and when you stretch it out it looks like a Slinky (remember those?) - an elongated spiral or corkscrew. Curly hair is typically baby soft and very fine in texture but there tends to be a lot of it. Since Type 3 hair cuticle layers don't lie as flat as Type 2 cuticle layers, Type 3 isn't as shiny as straight or wavy hair because it lacks a very smooth surface for light to reflect off of. When curly hair is wet, it usually straightens out. As it dries, it absorbs water and contracts to its curliest state (I'm sure most of us are familiar with "shrinkage."
). Type 3 hair can be easily straightened with a blow-dryer into a smoother style. Healthy Type 3 is characterized by soft, smooth curls that are well defined and springy: if you pull a strand of hair and stretch it, it won't snap in two. Damaged Type 3 hair tends to be dull, hard, and dry to the touch, with fuzzy, ill-defined curls.

<font color="green"> Type 3A hair </font>= very loosely curled like Julia Roberts's or Susan Sarandon's (according to Walker); usually very shiny with big curls; the shorter the hair the straighter it gets.
<font color="green"> Type 3B </font>= medium amount of curl, ranging from bouncy ringlets (e.g., Nicole Kidman) to tight corskrews (e.g., Cree Summer or jazz singer Cleo Laine).
It's not unusual to find both subtypes coexisting on the same head. Curly hair usually consists of a combination of textures, with the crown being the curliest part.

<font color="red"> Type 4 </font>
Type 4 is kinky, or very tightly curled. Type 4 hair is very wiry, very tightly coiled, and very, very fragile. Like Type 3, Type 4 hair appears to be coarse but is actually quite fine, with lots and lots of thin strands densely packed together. Healthy Type 4 hair doesn't shine but has sheen. It is soft to the touch and feels more silky than it looks shiny. Oprah, Whoopi Goldberg, and Angela Bassett are all Type 4s. Type 4 hair looks tough and durable but actually it is the most fragile hair of all - because Type 4 hair has fewer cuticle layers than any other hair type, which means it has less natural protection from damage inflicted by curling, blow-drying, and straightening it. Each instance of heat or chemical application robs Type 4 hair of critical moisture.

<font color="green"> Type 4A</font> = tightly coiled hair, that when stretched, has an "S" pattern, much like curly hair; tends to have more moisture than Type 4B.
<font color="green"> Type 4B</font> = "Z" pattern, where, instead of curling or coiling, the hair bends in sharp angles like the letter "Z." Type 4B has a wiry texture and has less moisture than Type 4A.

Phew! That was a lot of work to type out, but I hope it helps clarify!
so what am I? I have waves mostly with a few spot areas of penspring sized coils in the back or kitchen area. my waves do not spiral or coil at all, wet or dry. some waves are big some are small. look at my pic trail to see if you can tell me. this has been an on going quest! I was also told that if you have s-shaped waves it means you're 2c but I can't see how thats possible. can you still be a 2c if you have the same wave pattern but instead of high sheen silky hair its non refracting and thick and coarse?
godzooki the waves in your pictures look like they are up an down waves which would be in the three catagory waves that tend to lay flat and go back and forth from side to side (without any help from gel.oils) tend to belong to the 2 catagory. to me you look like 3c maybe a lil 4a.

the waves on my hair are more define/less frizzy but dont lay super flat against my hair without some oil, i consider myself a 3b.3c.
PrettyBrownEyes said:
What about HairLove? Is her hair a type 2? Maybe you should look at her pics.

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Hairlove looks like 2C for sure.. her hair looks like it hangs easily even when not wet.
godzooki said:
so what am I? I have waves mostly with a few spot areas of penspring sized coils in the back or kitchen area. my waves do not spiral or coil at all, wet or dry. some waves are big some are small. look at my pic trail to see if you can tell me. this has been an on going quest! I was also told that if you have s-shaped waves it means you're 2c but I can't see how thats possible. can you still be a 2c if you have the same wave pattern but instead of high sheen silky hair its non refracting and thick and coarse?

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Hey Godzooki!

Good to see you again.
I think part of the problem is that Andre Walker's system is not comprehensive enough to include all wave and curl patterns. I too have struggled with his definitions. But let's just say, for the sake of ease, that his definitions are spot-on and everyone easily fits into one category or another. I still think part of the problem is that many folks have their own image of what size waves and curls Walker's system is defining - thus, confusion ensues. That's why I thought it would be good to pull the information from his book in my previous post.

If your curls a pen-spring sized, that definitely makes you a Type 4 because of the smallness of the curl. Type 2 hair is not tightly curled - actually is not curly at all. I also posted pix earlier in the thread of the celebrities Walker considered to be his idea of Type 2 hair, Jennifer Aniston is one of them. Truth be told, I haven't seen a lot Black folks, American, African, or otherwise, with this hair type.

If I recall your pix correctly, you do have really pretty waves. And see, this is where Walker's categories become insufficient. According to him, your wavy parts would be a Type 4B. Why? Because he seems to insinuate that you can't cross categories, e.g., Type 1-4, only sub-categories, e.g., A-B or C, where applicable. So because of the tiny diameter of your "S" shaped spirals, which are definitely Type 4A, your waves would be Type 4B, which are "Z" shaped and do not coil or spiral at all.

If you have Type 2C waves, the "S" pattern hugs close to your head and the wave pattern falls throughout the length of the hair. The waves I get turn into coils after a certain length. I am definitely not a Type 2. My hair is definitely curly, not wavy.

If none of this helps clarify it may be because Walker's categories are incomplete or too limiting.
I have always had problems with the hair typing. My hair is very similar to Hairlove...more waves than curls. My hair is very, very wavey and not really curly. I do not think my hair is in the 2 cateog. either. I say that I am a combination 3.

inthestars said:
PrettyBrownEyes said:
What about HairLove? Is her hair a type 2? Maybe you should look at her pics.

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Hairlove looks like 2C for sure.. her hair looks like it hangs easily even when not wet.

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if hairloves a 2c then im a 2b/c an i seriously doubt that im in that catagorie, my natural is ompletly straight when wet, an its still pretty straight with a lil bit of wave about the size of a quater after 5 mins of being out of the shower. and even when dry my hair is pretty much straight (not kink, no frizz, no curl, no bulk,) just straight slighty wavey strands. im still think im a 3b/c though
Based on your description, silvergirl, it sounds like you are a Type 2.
According to Andre Walker, Type 2s and 3s frequently get confused (so I guess they're similar but 2 = waves, 3 = curly).
Nyambura said:
Based on your description, silvergirl, it sounds like you are a Type 2.
According to Andre Walker, Type 2s and 3s frequently get confused (so I guess they're similar but 2 = waves, 3 = curly).

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So what's my hair type then?

godzooki said:
so what am I? I have waves mostly with a few spot areas of penspring sized coils in the back or kitchen area. my waves do not spiral or coil at all, wet or dry. some waves are big some are small. look at my pic trail to see if you can tell me. this has been an on going quest! I was also told that if you have s-shaped waves it means you're 2c but I can't see how thats possible. can you still be a 2c if you have the same wave pattern but instead of high sheen silky hair its non refracting and thick and coarse?

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Hi godzooki

When we were talking of type 2C hair albums, I thought of yours but I couldn't locate your album for the life of me...

Your hair looks like it is a 2C. Your new growth looks alot like mine and I am 2C.

I guess that this is a good hair type formula to remember (LOL):
curly=3 &amp; 4

A lot of folks tend to misunderstand us 2s because when they think that 2, being a lower number, means finer, silkier hair. For 2Cs, not necessarily. Yes, there is a nice sheen to the hair but we could have thick, coarse hair. The silky 2s, are the Ananda Lewis' of this world who probably have like 2A or 2B hair.

My hair when it grows out is coarse and wavy. That is, it doesn't spiral around like a bedspring, it just undulates ocean waves
. 2Cs can grow afros and the hair does not necesarily "hang down." Maybe for 2As and 2Bs but 2Cs are another ball of wax

Chichi said:
I guess that this is a good hair type formula to remember (LOL):
curly=3 &amp; 4

... 2Cs can grow afros and the hair does not necesarily "hang down." ....


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According the scale used by Andre Walker and, I believe,, this is not true. Type 2s, regardless of subcategory, *never* grow afros. If that's the case, assuming these Types are accurate, your hair is a Type 4B, which doesn't hang down, grows in "waves" ("Z" formation as opposed to "S" formation of ringlets) and definitely can make *beautiful*(!) afros.

Also, Type 3 is considered curly. Type 4 is considered kinky. They're not classified as the same. I typed out a pretty exhausting post earlier in this thread that was taken from Andre Walker's book, detailing the supposed differences between Types.

That said, who really cares about "Type" at the end of the day? If someone's hair looks similar to your virgin hair and your hair likes similar products and techniques, I think that matters more, in my humble opinion.
leejure said:
Nyambura said:
Based on your description, silvergirl, it sounds like you are a Type 2.
According to Andre Walker, Type 2s and 3s frequently get confused (so I guess they're similar but 2 = waves, 3 = curly).

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So what's my hair type then?


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... your post is a good example of why I too have struggled to fit my hair into the cut and dried Types category. Like I was saying to Lulu and Godzooki, the Types as Walker defined them, seem too limiting to include all the textures we sport. But, assuming Mr. Walker's Types are perfect and leave nothing to be desired (lol), according to your description, you should be a Type 2, but your hair looks just like the beautiful woman with Type 3B hair on page 83 of Andre Walker's book.
Halle Berry's hair, when she leaves it alone (she occasionally posts pix on her website of her chillin at home) looks just like yours, but shorter. Walker classified her as a Type 3B too. But I understand perfectly where you're coming from, Lee.
After trying to force my hair into one category or another, I gave up and just started taking recs from those people whose hair seemed to like the same thing mine did. Although Walker said you have to know how to Type your hair in order to take care of it, I haven't found that to be the case.
Gahhh!! my brain hurts! thanks for all of your imput on this subject girls. My waves are definately not a z pattern if you mean sharp angles in the waves. definatly s pattern but they do go up and down if you feel them, like bumps. size wise, I just plucked a hair and it has 1and a quarter inch of new growth on it and 2 and a quarter waves. I looked at it from straight on (down the bulb) and it does look like it might have a tiny bit of a beginning spiral to it but no where near completes a spiral pattern. The coils I mentioned are few and far between and not grouped. they are not promenent. If I feel one I have to dig around for another and its only in certain sections of the back, not the nape but higher. My nape doesnt do anything. its not straight, beady, curly or wavy....just frizzy, relaxed or not! I feel like I'm not making sense. I guess I will never know without a doubt. I guess its still safer for me to stick with 3c/4a in fear of someone laughing at me for thinking I'm one hair type when I'm another. (I was told by one member of another hair board that she laughed her A** off when I told her I was a 4a/4b which is what I originally thought)
chichi, sorry, my album is at the bottom of my post.
I took fresh newgrowth pics today trying to compare.
the way i see it is, if your new growth cannot be relaxer striaght without heat, an i mean really straight not kinky striaght, without some sort of help from heat ur either 4a/b, . if your new growth can striaghten by using a brush an some oil/pomade, (like relaxer striaght , with no frizzies) then ur a 3c or 2c. if your new growth can get relaxer straight just by brushin it ur a 3b or 2 b.
I give up! I always thought I'm a 4a/b but from what Chichi is describing, I'm also a 2c?
I doubt! Also based on what Nyambura is describing, I'm a 4a/3c but I also do not think so. So I give up on the hair typing system
silvergirl said:
the way i see it is, if your new growth cannot be relaxer striaght without heat, an i mean really straight not kinky striaght, without some sort of help from heat ur either 4a/b, . if your new growth can striaghten by using a brush an some oil/pomade, (like relaxer striaght , with no frizzies) then ur a 3c or 2c. if your new growth can get relaxer straight just by brushin it ur a 3b or 2 b.

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When I flatiron my hair from root to ends my roots do not straighten out in the least.Only a relaxer or pressing comb can do that.I guess I am 4b.I always figured that anyway.
Does anyone remember "Darlene" from the show Roseanne? The daughter with the long, curly, black hair? Her hair texture is what I consider a 2C
I thought Darlene would be a 3 like the girl who played Felicity and the older daughter on My Wife &amp; Kids?


Andre needs to get bum rushed by hair board members everywhere.
This is crazy... I mean I don't think it's that important, but I see so many thread title "For 4 a's" or "Help me 3 people" and I just want to know where I fit in...I think I'm giving up, I'm in the threes...I'm gonna guess.
do you have a pic of your natural hair i.e no products, no heat? thats how you can really tell whay your hair texture is. its kinda hard to tell when hair has been chemically/heat strighten.
No I don't but I tried to find a pic of what my natural hair looks like, I posted it somewhere on this thread...