I didn't pay much attention to the purpose of this post, ie. the stocking cap method, but I was curious to see why you considered yourself ugly. Girl, what is the deal with you? You are a beautiful young lady, and if you don't start thinking positive about yourself, then who else do you think will think positive of you? Embrace your features and love yourself because if you don't have any love for yourself, how can you truly love anyone else? One wise thing to keep in mind is God did not make any mess, so your lips, nose, eyes, hair and everything else God made...guess what? God said it was good. When you look at the features God has made and think to yourself...how unattractive...how do you think that makes God feel about His work? Think about that for a minute and see if the answer doesn't make you think even more about the damage your thought life is causing you and those who love you.
Plastic surgery, come on now, unless there are some noticeable deformities going on for health reasons, then it is not neccessary. I feel, people who have plastic surgery are saying to the world, "yes, I'm insecure and I just wanted you to know that about me." There isn't anything on you that is broke, so what are you trying to fix baby? Speak life to yourself daily and look in the mirror and say, "thank you Lord, for I am beautifully and wonderfully made. Please help me continue to build myself up with words of love and encouragement and not allow negativity of any kind to get into my spirit to try and tear me down. If I feel at my lowest and don't know what to say or how to say it, I trust You to build me up. Please understand I couldn't see what you saw, but now I know what You see is good and I thank you." I hope this helps you and I don't want to hear those negative comments anymore...ever! Okay love you bye bye!