pics - mini chop 2 and a second Brazilian Keratin Treatment


Well-Known Member
Edited - 1st Wash out - pics - mini chop 2 and a second Brazilian Keratin Treatment

4-27-09 UPDATE - 1st wash after Rejuvenol BKT came out GREAT!!!

After Lasio BKT - washed


today after Rejuvenol BKT -


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It's gorgeous, Naturaltobe! Even prettier than the first. That swang actually made me gasp! hahahaha My bf was like :look:
Thank ladies. Transitioning without a BC is hard. I may do one more mini chop (1st was November) but that should be it.

$99 for the Keratin treatment which included the trim and also includes the first washout in 4 days. I could not resist that deal for a service that is normally $200 - $300+

The stylist may be more anxious than me to see my hair after the first wash out. I know that I will still have my curls though - just looser curls.
Beautiful hair!! I love your natural hair so very much! The stylist did a great job and I love your trim!!! Takes you a bit closer to being 100% natural :grin:!
Thank ladies. Transitioning without a BC is hard. I may do one more mini chop (1st was November) but that should be it.

$99 for the Keratin treatment which included the trim and also includes the first washout in 4 days. I could not resist that deal for a service that is normally $200 - $300+

The stylist may be more anxious than me to see my hair after the first wash out. I know that I will still have my curls though - just looser curls.

Really pretty!!! It is funny to see you going Backwards :giggle: in a good way....

Usually we see other kinds of progress pics.

Looks Great!
Thanks!! I am just not ready for a big chop....but I am getting there. I may be 100% natural by the end of 2009. The curls definitely over took the relaxed hair.

I don't know what made me think that I could keep two totally different textures on my head at once. 4a curls and relaxed ends just do not work, not for me at least. I guess if my hair was in the 2 or 3 range I may have been able to retain more of my relaxed hair?
I think the stylist liked it too. She commented that it was sooo soft & manageable. She also asked if I was mixed....which I am not.

Beautiful hair!! I love your natural hair so very much! The stylist did a great job and I love your trim!!! Takes you a bit closer to being 100% natural :grin:!
Thanks!! I am just not ready for a big chop....but I am getting there. I may be 100% natural by the end of 2009. The curls definitely over took the relaxed hair.

I don't know what made me think that I could keep two totally different textures on my head at once. 4a curls and relaxed ends just do not work, not for me at least. I guess if my hair was in the 2 or 3 range I may have been able to retain more of my relaxed hair?

Maybe you could have if you'd discovered bkt, sooner, also? You could have been like Crazydaze with bsl length bkt'd natural hair with bkt'd relaxed tips. I bet bkt works wonders on that demarcation line and slip. Ah, we live and learn.

I think the stylist liked it too. She commented that it was sooo soft & manageable. She also asked if I was mixed....which I am not.

I think that was that first Lasio bkt treatment at work :yep: Hot dawg!
I liked your curlies. Your hair looks great with the trim. It looks like you have a relaxer, I can't wait to see your wash pics on day 4.
I thought about that too. I knew about BKT since 2007 but was never willing to try it due to the formaldehyde. Now that I have researched it to death, I am comfortable with the treatment - enough to do it twice in the same month:lachen:

Maybe I can save my few relaxed ends for a least until it's time to whack them off.

Maybe you could have if you'd discovered bkt, sooner, also? You could have been like Crazydaze with bsl length bkt'd natural hair with bkt'd relaxed tips. I bet bkt works wonders on that demarcation line and slip. Ah, we live and learn.
I did the first wash out and all I can say is "Who's hair is this??????" I am shocked.

I have not relaxed since 12/30/2007 and was able to get my roots straight with NO FLAT IRON. If I had been rollersetting for the last few months, I'd be much better at it and probably could have gotten my roots even straighter!!! I may be a 3b or 3c right now.....definitely not 4a anymore until it washes out. My curls bounced back easily after the wash. I am pretty tempted to just chop of my last bit of relaxed ends to rock a curly style.

I got off work too late to make it to the salon and I have to be in the office all day Tuesday & Wednesday so I did my 1st wash out myself. I was still in Jersey at 6 p.m. and would not even think of asking the stylist to wait on me until 7:30 p.m. or later.

I think I did an excellent job. I used WEN Fig to wash my hair and I used Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship leave-in & water to rollerset. I am not a big fan of setting lotion but may try diluted lottabody for my next wash.

I am absolutely getting BKT again!!!

Pics are in my fotki
Thank you!!! I am really pleased with the BKT treatment. The fact that I do not have to use a ton of heat to get these results will keep me coming back to BKT.