Phytodefrisant Botanical Hair Relaxing Balm?


New Member
Has anyone every heard of this product and/or used it? If so...what were your results or view of this product.

Information from

Phytodefrisant is a relaxing balm for all hair types, naturally curly or permed hair. Ferula, horseradish, and garlic extracts coat and straighten hair without any chemical action. The non-oily formula won't weaken hair. Imparts shine as hair blow-dried to smooth, straight perfection.
I've tried it twice (I used 2 tubes until they were done). It does NOTHING for my hair. No moisture and no straightening.

Waste of money, IMHO.
I use it all the time. I like it a lot, but my hair is very fine/thin and it works well for me. I can put it in and then pull my hair up and it will dry with very little frizz, soft with a nice shine. Note that it didn't do anything for me when I tried it when my hair was natural. My hair is now texturized and I decided to give it another try since I had the tube still left over. It worked wonders. IMO I think it is more for light frizz control than for tempory relaxing.