Phyto users - salon or self-relax

How do you Phyto?

  • Self relax

    Votes: 26 66.7%
  • Stylist/Salon

    Votes: 13 33.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I live in a town with about 2% black people so I was shocked and pretty darn excited when I learned there was a stylist near me who applied Phyto. She's very, very, expensive, but might be worth it. Just curious about who's self-relaxing and whose going to the shop for Phyto.
My mom does my Phyto retouches. So I guess that doesn't qualify as a self-relax but its a non-salon relax or home relax. Whatever you call it, its a save money relax!! :lol:

Anyway, Its nothing against salons but I just can't afford them with my student budget (I splurge enough on the phytorelaxer :perplexed ). Lucky for me my mom does a fantastic job!
dtachi said:
My mom does my Phyto retouches. So I guess that doesn't qualify as a self-relax but its a non-salon relax or home relax. Whatever you call it, its a save money relax!! :lol:

Lucky for me my mom does a fantastic job!


went to salon for touch ups; now a relative does and it comes out waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better.
I texturized/texlax with Phyto. Since it's not marketed as a texturizer I wasn't sure they would do it in the salon. :ohwell:
I've done both. I'm in NY and the Dominicans let you bring your own products so I've taken my Phyto to them and had them apply it. I've also done it myself.
It's too much of a hassle to make appointments, get thru traffic, etc.

& over here- PLEASE!!!

If you go to a base salon, the Japanese don't really know how to do relaxers, not thst many black stylists. If you go off base, you are taking risks that are worse than stateside. Or if the stylist is good, they are always booked.

It's easier to do it at home. Plus I've self-relaxed off & on for years.

& my hair turns out better anyway.
I self-relax or go to the salon sometimes. I prefer going to the salon because it's much less work for me and it takes away the relaxer over-lapping anxiety I get.
dtachi said:
My mom does my Phyto retouches. So I guess that doesn't qualify as a self-relax but its a non-salon relax or home relax. Whatever you call it, its a save money relax!! :lol:
Same here.
I self-relax. And since I use Index 1, which is very mild and texturizes my hair, I don't have to worry about overprocessing my hair, not even by mistake.:grin: I LOVE PHYTO!
I self-relax with Phyto 2. I first tried index 1 and it didn't do anything. I waited 6 weeks and did a corrective. I cannot tell you how much I love phyto 2. I have been self relaxing (touch-ups) for a long time. Now that I've joined LHCF Im just getting better and better at it.
Thanks ladies!

I need to find somebody to help me with my hair! I'm natural, about BSL and the stylist said the cost for Phyto application STARTS at $150. I'm thinking if she does my whole head it will be $300 to $400. :eek: I hate dropping those kind of duckets on hair, but I'm so worried I'll underprocess, or miss spots, or just do it wrong! I also color (with no peroxide semi perm) so after a relaxer I can't leave the salon without a color touchup...unless I want to look like somebody's tree monkey since all of my gray is in the front of my head! That's gotta add at least another $50.

If I self-relax my BSL length, natural hair...about how many boxes you think I'll need?
I self-relax with Phyto 2. I first tried index 1 and it didn't do anything.

I concur... I self relax w/Index II w/no problems. I use my bare hands and come out w/professional looking relaxer every time....
I started using it 4 weeks ago and I went to the salon to have it done. I had such a bad experience with a hairdresser in the past and had to get so much of my hair cut that I'm afraid to do it myself. I even considered going natural for a minute. For now I'lll use the salon. I just love this product. I'm amazed at how my hair is not breaking and shedding. It seems so much thicker.
Wow, your experiences with phyto make me want to get a relaxer with phyto again. When I used it, it didn't take. So I went back to another product, but I may have to give it another chance.
if you or a friend
relaxes well don't waste time going to a salon. i went to the actual phyto salon in paris twice. the last time the stylist obviously did something wrong--overlapped or didn't rinse properly. my hair started breaking immediately. i wish, i wish, i could just find a friend to apply it here, someone i could pay who would just take the time and help me apply the techniques i've learned on this forum. SALONS ARE NOT ALWAYS BETTER!!!!!
oh, and by the way, the phytosalon woman did texlax my hair at my request. she just did a bad job, i have all different textures. she should have done it in parts
cocoberry10 said:
Wow, your experiences with phyto make me want to get a relaxer with phyto again. When I used it, it didn't take. So I went back to another product, but I may have to give it another chance.

I know! the reviews on this product are amazing! I've been reluctant to mess with my natural hair, but I'm just tired, tired, tired, of it always being pulled back and frizzy.

I'm 3b....would you go with Index 1? ...I'm looking more for texlax then bone straight.
I self-relax with Phyto Index 1 and have had great success doing so. I recently contacted a sytlist about getting my hair done if I bring my products. She said yes, but the charge is significantly higher. Thanks, but I'll pass when I get to that point. I've learned so many good tips for doing an even better relaxer,that I thnk I'll do it myself and then go in for a trim.

Since Phyto was initially designed for the home relaxer, you can call them and they'll give lots of good tips for the DIYer.
Well if you're natural all over then thats probably the easiest application ever. after that is when it will get hard.

I self relax. I put my hair in 12 ponytails, use an acidifying conditioner to protect the already processed hair, put some grease around the parimeter of my head and do the thing.

After I relax I usually do a clear rinse + color with Wella demi charms. (except this last time because I tried cassia instead...but thats another story) I like Wella because it does a great job covering the gray I do have, its not super smelly, leaves my hair very soft and very strong, and dosen't need heat to be activated...oh and its considered semi permanent. Just make sure to do a DC afterwards and you're good to go.

Can be used directly after a relaxer with no problems at all, but, you do have to refresh the color about every 6 weeks. I used the violet once and my hair looked brown in regular light but gave me some lovely highlights!

If you're scared to mess up, do a practice run with a cheap conditioner. There's a few ladies here who have some detailed instructions on how to self relax and they work really well for most people.

A friend of mine just told me this past weekend that she pays $185 (every 10 weeks) for a Phyto touchup here in NJ.

I haven't used Phyto yet, but I am considering it. If I do I will self relax as I do now.
I am kinda confused about PHYTO ?
Is it consider a NO-LYE RELAXER like the ones we buy out the store or is its a special kinda relaxer.My hair hates NO-LYE RELAXER thas the relaxer why i never tried it.:perplexed
loveable37 said:
I am kinda confused about PHYTO ?
Is it consider a NO-LYE RELAXER like the ones we buy out the store or is its a special kinda relaxer.My hair hates NO-LYE RELAXER thas the relaxer why i never tried it.:perplexed

It is not like the ones you buy from the BSS. The ones at the BSS have a base that contains calcium hydroxide and a guanidine carbonate inductor. Phyto has the guanidine carbonate inductor as well, but the base is a bunch of natural organic ingredients and it does not have any calcium hydroxide.
I self-relax. Consequently I can justify the cost since I don't have to pay someone to apply it. Also I feel as though it would take a lot of time, effort, trail and error to find someone who could texlax my hair the way I want it done without any fuss.:perplexed
PatTodd said:
A friend of mine just told me this past weekend that she pays $185 (every 10 weeks) for a Phyto touchup here in NJ.

I haven't used Phyto yet, but I am considering it. If I do I will self relax as I do now.

Damn and I thought $100 was too much but I have spending that for touchups for years. That is pushing it though.

I still want to try this relaxer but afraid to jinx a good thing with what I have.
I have done both and I'm back to self-relaxing. I started with self-relaxing. I then found a salon that would let me bring in the Phyto. She charged me the same price. I thought they should at least drop the price a few dollars, since they weren't supplying the product.

So, I then found an Italian girl, who flat irons like crazy. She has a black clientele. Her salon used Phyto, but she really wasn't very good at smoothing the relaxer. So, I had her apply a 2 instead of a 1. The hair was straight, bone straight.

Now, several months later, I'm back to self-applying Index 1. I like the body and the wave in my hair with Index 1. So, if I ever go back to a salon application, it will have to be with someone who is VERY good at applying relaxers and charges a fair price when they are not supplying the product.