Photos of texlaxed wash and go's?


Well-Known Member
Can you girls who are texlaxed show me photos of your wash and go's?

I decided to do one today, and Im not sure if this is what its supposed to look like.

Ive got three different textures in my hair, 1. 4a/3c growing from my scalp. 2. About 5-7 inches of texlaxed curly stuff, and about 2-4 inches of straighter stuff (its not bone straight, but its a lot straighter than the texlaxed stuff.)

I just want to see photos of other peoples to see if its normal or not. So if you could post your photos, Id appreciate it. :) Thanks!!
Sounds like my hair!


wet ......................................... dry

The wet pic shows the myriad textures the best. It's really straight on the ends, but they usually curl up when it's dry.
If you are lookng for something to soften the curls try a natural hair relaxer:
I have been checking out their site for a year and finally tried it on two of my daughters hair and i have to say that it is the best thing since sliced cheese. My 13 yr old's hair is soooo much softer since i used it and she can wear it blow dried straight or curly. my little one doesn't wear hers straight, but her curls actually fall now(her nickname was Kramer)and her hair is very manageable.