Phony Phony Ponytail


New Member
Hey Peoples,

I am trying, to give my hair a break from all that braiding, and from a suggestion from Caramela, I am going to do that phony tail style. I just want to know some stuff. Can doing this style help aid in growth? I am going to be perming my hair tommorow, so I want it matchin. I all ready got a curly hair piece, and when I perm my hair, it's gonna be lookin slammin. I just want to know anything and everything, about this thang.
Hey Nessa,
I've got proof for you her name is Adrienne0914. Check out her pic's and she also gives a detailed pictured explanation on how to do the phony pony tail.
I just started wearing phonytails (baggie method) about a month or so ago. I love it!! It allows me to wear an easy protective style and still have variety (different colors and textures). I also like how convenient it is, I just wash and then put my hair up.
I have been wearing phony ponytails for over a year now and
my hair has grown a lot I love them.
A plus they are very convenient.
I've been doing the phony pony since November. I sometimes do buns - and when I get really desperate to leave my hair out I do twistouts. I apply no heat to my hair.

My hair is relaxed 4a/b.

After a month - at the beginning of December I got really frustrated - "this is not working!" I thought. So I washed, conditioned and used a blow drier to wear my hair as I had been before lurking these boards. The hair texture and body to my hair was drastically different in a good way. After I saw this, I swear I gasped, moisturzied my ends and put my hair back up.

I am 6 weeks post relaxer - I have 2 inches of new growth which is unheard of. I take vitamins and use Surge as well. I plan on trying to make it to three months before I relax again.

The point I'm trying to make is yes it does work.
Make sure you pay close attention on how to put a phony ponytail on securely. I've read some horror stories about how they have come off in public places. That wouldn't be a good thing to happen to you at school not unless you are the type of person that can handle that type of embarrassment. Some school kids can be so cruel.
Good point.

The only time I've had them come off is when changing so changing for gym would require some care.

I use the drawstring instead of the clip. I have NEVER been able to get the clip-on ones to stay. If I want more security I use some hair pins.

My hair is also 4a/4b relaxed. Ok okay. Wow, that is great. Wow in 6 weeks, whooooo bless you. I wish I could have i inch in six weeks. But I don't take vitamins or surge. So I guess I could get the same results?


I know I will keep close attention. Gurl, don't worry I got my hair in check, I don't want to be embarrased I would die.
I wear a phony ponytail too. i don't have a problem with it coming off even though my hair is not long at all. I use the drawstring ponytail. I do the baggie method too so once I fit the baggie over my hair, I put two scrunches around the baggie. Then, I put the ponytail over that. It fits pretty snug.
I am going to be using the clip one, so I don't know about the drawstring one.Is the drawstring one better?

I don't know what to attribute the growth to specifically. My hair has always grown fast which is why it was so frustrating that I couldn't get it to grow past shoulder length. The final straw was when I was in a BSS and a woman yelled at me for getting a no-lye perm and told me I needed to be "educated" and do my own research.

The only thing I appreciated that she said was to do my own research. My hair was damaged and I knew I had to do something.

So I did a lot of research. I spent a day at Barnes and Noble and realized that most of the black hair care books had the same message - moisturize, protect your ends,eat right. I learned about the controversy surrounding lye and no-lye perms. I found this board and I started doing conditioner washes everynight. A week later I started taking vitamins and doing the surge. I've been training myself to LEAVE MY HAIR ALONE.

But I digress and I don't want to hijack this thread, I just wanted to say the baggie method is very effective. Your ends will thank you.
If your scalp can handle Surge (for some it makes their scalp itch or makes the scalp flakey) it may be a good idea and a good alternative to an arsenal of vitamins. Try it once a night for 1 month and take before and after photos and decide whether or not you wish to continue using it.

In the meantime, select a phony pony in the proper texture (straight, wavy, curly, synthetic, human hair) and color, and go on about your protective styles and sit back and reap the benefits.

I don't know. But Everyone says S curl itches their scalp, and I put it on my scalp all the time. So you know. But I think the surge will be good everyone is all raving over it. I am going to geta plack, straight, full phonytail. It;s gonna look great. I can 't take vitamins though, so you know.
I can't choke back any vitamins anymore either so I just put the surge on my scalp. I've found it easier, though a little messier, to put the top of an applicator bottle on the bottle of surge.

If my scalp begins to itch, I just put a tiny bit of oil on it.
Re: Phony Phony Ponytail

It's adding a moisturizing oil (i.e. meadowfoam, olive oil, monoi oil, etc.) to a sandwich baggie and then putting your hair in the baggie and securing it thereby moisturizing your hair (that's in the baggie) until you decide to take it off. It's very effective.

If you look up DontSpeakDefeat's journal, she has picture instructions on how to do it.
Re: Phony Phony Ponytail

It is. The ones to use are made of plastic. I say "sandwich bag" and not "ziploc bag" because the latter is harder to keep the oils from spilling out of because of the "zipper" although Ziploc does make regular sandwich bags without it.