Suggestion Phew, I was on the outside lookin' in...


Well-Known Member
For 5 days! For some odd reason my recurring payment was due on the 22nd, it was paid, per my Paypal and my Bank account, but I was still downgraded to a "UnPaid Subscriber". :blush::nono: And because I don't know anyone personally here, all I could do is email, email, email and email. As a "USer" you cannot so much as "PM" anyone, not even a "Moderator". So all I could do was wait, and wait and wait for a response. I suggest that if you were once a "Paid Subsciber" you should at least have an option to contact someone on the "Upper Floor" to help in a situation like this. At least a "PM" or something. I seriously felt like I was on the outside looking in. I felt as tho I had no voice. :nono: Definately not a good feeling after being in a community for a few years and you've gotten comfortable.
But in any case, I really think you all should look into a better means of contact when things like this happen. Just food for thought! :rolleyes:
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I agree with you. I was shut out for a few days too and it felt pretty bad. However, It just so happened someone emailed me pretty fast; but the wait felt like forever. You are definitely on the outside. I get nervous thinking about subscription renewal time; thinking something may go wrong with the transaction again
I agree. There should be some contact for technical support. I did put in the ticket as recommended but it took days to have my log in re-instated. With the number of paying members on the board, it seems as if basic technical support would be provided every day.
@virtuenow & @faithVA, Ok, So I'm not crazy! I thought maybe I was overreacting. It felt really weird, like your were all of a sudden shut out and the folks on the inside could no longer hear you. I think it was mainly because you can't reach anyone once your out. All you can do is wait for a reply. So your actually just wondering if someone is working on it. It wouldn't be so bad if you were still able to contact a "Higher Up", at least a Mod.
I tell you, they should really rethink how they handle these situations. :perplexed
@virtuenow & @faithVA, Ok, So I'm not crazy! I thought maybe I was overreacting. It felt really weird, like your were all of a sudden shut out and the folks on the inside could no longer hear you. I think it was mainly because you can't reach anyone once your out. All you can do is wait for a reply. So your actually just wondering if someone is working on it. It wouldn't be so bad if you were still able to contact a "Higher Up", at least a Mod.
I tell you, they should really rethink how they handle these situations. :perplexed

No you aren't crazy. I was irritated. It was the weekend, and I had just started new threads. I could see them and people asking me questions but I couldn't say anything. The only thing that helped take my mind off of it was the hurricane. The power went out so I didn't have any access at all. That was a good thing because I otherwise would have been much more upset.
@faithVA, Ok! Thank You for lettin' me know I ain't some kinda crazed stalker. :lol:
It's sorta like you've grown accustomed to being ina certain place with certain people, some you can say are associates, that you converse with daily. And all of a sudden it's snatched away! And not only that, but it's like you can't be heard, like you've become invisible. It's really a weird feeling. I'd much rather take breaks on my own accord. It being an option is a whole nother thing.
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